Minutes of Meeting of Council – 18 May 2023

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 18 May 2023

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 18 May 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, C Smith, I Spiller and C Webster.

In attendance: Gail Jewell

1. 19.1248 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.1249 Apologies for absence. None

3. 19.1250 Representation from members of the public. None.

4. 19.1251 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent. None.

5. 19.1252 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr D Harrison – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr A Berrow – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

6. 19.1253 Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting of Council that took place on 20 April 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.

Matters Arising:

Item 6. 19.1219 To agree to purchase and installation of a gate for the Allotment site and consider utilising Cardiff Conservation Volunteers to cut back hedges along the access road to the allotment hut – A Member queried if the site visit had taken place. The Clerk explained that due to sickness absence, this had not yet been arranged, but clarified that the Assistant Clerk will be circulating an appointment to all Members of Council shortly.

Item 17. 19.1230 To discuss the MUGA facility sited at Llangewydd Junior School – A Member queried if any progress had been made to mitigate both the concerns of the Headteacher and Council. The Clerk outlined that Cllr JP Blundell had made contact with the Education and Family Support Services at Bridgend County Borough Council who confirmed that they were happy to meet to discuss further, but unfortunately a meeting had yet to be agreed.

7. 19.1254 To receive quotations, if any.

Quotations Received Comment
Sealed bids were received for the installation of benches, planters and bins throughout the ward areas as outlined in a schedule of works document. The Chair of Finance and Chair of Council opened the bids at 6.50pm on 18 May 2023.

Supplier A: £5,500 plus VAT

Supplier B: £10,420 plus VAT

Supplier C: £5,640 plus VAT

Resolved: Due to the fact that all bids were received from reputable companies, and all met the criteria provided, Council agreed to progress with Supplier A.

1 50 inch Samsung TV – Screen for Blandy Hall

AO £379 £10 delivery

Currys £379 free delivery 3-5 working days or book a slot for £4.99

BT £379 £5.29 delivery

Resolved: Due to the fact that all prices were the same, Members agreed to allow the Clerk the powers to order from any company.
2 Avtex – Mobile WiFi for Blandy Hall

Primaleisure – £349.99 Est Delivery £6.80

Towsure £349.99. £0.00 delivery

Caravan and Motorhome Club. £349. Est. Delivery £6.80.

Resolved: Due to the fact that all prices were the same, Members agreed to allow the Clerk the powers to order from any company. In addition, it was agreed that the Community Development Officer explore any future funding opportunities for the maintenance and improvement at Blandy Hall.

8. 19.1255 To agree purchase of a Kings Coronation Bench for Broadlands, Laleston, Bryntirion and Cefn Glas.

Resolved: Council agreed to purchase 4 Kings Coronation Benches to be sited in Broadlands, Laleston, Bryntirion and Cefn Glas.

9. 19.1256 To receive any recommendations and/or information for noting from Committees

i) HR & Personnel Committee have recommended that Council nominate Cllr A Berrow to be on the interview panel for the Facilities Officer role, which is scheduled to take place Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 3.30pm.

Resolved: Council agreed to accept the recommendation from the HR & Personnel Committee to nominate Cllr A Berrow onto the interview panel for the Facilities Officers role.

ii) Finance Committee have recommended that the bank mandate is amended to replace Cllr J Cook with the assistant Clerk.

Resolved: Council agreed to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee to amend the bank mandate to replace Cllr J Cook with the assistant Clerk. Therefore the bank mandate will include: Miss G Jewell, Mrs H Coburn, Cllr A Berrow, Cllr D Harrison, Cllr S Philpin and Cllr P King.

10. 19.1257 To receive an update on work undertaken by Phil Cope in relation to Laleston Well and consider any matters arising.

The Clerk presented the report supplied by Mr P Cope and highlighted that although professional fees were included in the project plan, when risk assessments were sought from a company, it was pointed out that a hole was visible from the top of the well and it was recommended that a structural survey be carried out in the first instance.

Resolved: Council agreed to seek 3 quotations to undertake a structural report on Laleston Well. In addition, it was requested that any school or site visit date is provided to Council to ascertain whether any Members could also join the session.

11. 19.1258 To consider S106 proposals relating to any allocation of land from Persimmon Homes to Laleston Community Council.

Due to the fact that Council had expressed an interest in transferring land from Persimmon, a current situation report was provided at the meeting, although it was highlighted that no decisions were required at this meeting.

Resolved: Council noted the update provided.

12. 19.1259 To agree to investigating Blandy Hall Electrics.

Resolved: Following discussions, due to the high electricity costs at Blandy Hall it was agreed that a test device be attached by a registered electrician to explore electric usage at Blandy Hall.

13. 19.1260 To discuss progressing the Community Pantry with the installation of a freezer.

Resolved: Following the recent agreement of progressing with refrigerated food from Fareshare, Council agreed to defer this item and review in 6 months’ time.

14. 19.1261 To discuss the Masterplan for Bryntirion Playing Fields.

The Clerk explained that Hurley & Davies had been contacted as agreed by Council regarding detailing a design for the initial ideas for the Bryntirion Playing Field Masterplan.

Resolved: Members agreed to instruct Hurley & Davies to provide a basic plan to allow Council to obtain advice from Bridgend County Borough Council’s Planning department regarding feasibility and any requirement regarding consultation for the plans.

15. 19.1262 Conduct at meetings and Standing Orders.

The Chair explained the requirements as outlined in the Council’s Standing Orders and reminded Members that the Chair has the right to ask a Councillor to maintain their order and if order is not maintained, the Chair has an ability to remove the said Councillor.

Resolved: The requirement as noted by all Members.

16. 19.1263 To receive correspondence received, if any.

Correspondence Received Comment
Email from a member of the public, outlining recommendations for refurbishment for Laleston Village Playground. Circulated at the meeting. Resolved: Council agreed to add the item of Laleston Play Park to the agenda for the next meeting of Council.

17. 19.1264 To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application

Planning Application No.: P/23/265/TPN

Applicant: CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd

Location: Land off Careg Llwyd (Greystone) between junction of Coed Derw & Maes Y Fedwen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5HA

Proposal: Prior notification for proposed 5G telecoms installation: 15m high ‘slim line’ H3G street pole with cabinets and ancillary works

Date: 10 May 2023

Resolved: Since the planning application was withdrawn prior to the Council meeting, no further comment was made.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.03pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 15 June 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.

Comments are closed.
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