Annual Meeting Minutes of Meeting of Council – 18 May 2023
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on Thursday 18 May 2023 commencing at 6.00pm.
Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, C Smith, I Spiller and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
1. 19.1236 Election of Chair 2022/2024
Cllr A Berrow proposed Cllr I Spiller as Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr D Harrison seconded the proposal.
Resolved: Cllr I Spiller was duly elected as Chair for 2023/2024.
2. 19.1237 Election of Vice Chair 2023/2024
Cllr A Berrow proposed Cllr P King as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr S Richmond seconded the proposal.
Resolved: Cllr P King was duly elected as Vice Chair for 2023/2024.
3. 19.1238 Apologies for absence. Cllr V James
4. 19.1239 Committees and Working Groups
a) Review / dissolve current Committees
Resolved: Following discussions, Council agreed to dissolve the Project Management, Community Wellbeing and Biodiversity Committee.
b) Appointment of any New Committees and Working Groups
Resolved: Council agreed to create a:
i) Grievance Panel
ii) Appeals Panel
iii) Biodiversity and Allotment working group, to be led by Cllr P King as Vice Chair and supported by the Community Development Officer.
iv) Buildings and Community Assets working group, to be led by Cllr A Berrow and in recognition of the specific responsibilities that will be undertaken by Cllr A Berrow, he will receive the additional annual payment of £500.
c) Review Terms of Reference for Committees
Resolved: Council agreed to increase the membership of each Committee to 4 Members of Council and to include the Chair and Vice Chair.
d) Appointment of Chairs to Committees
i) Finance Committee
Resolved: It was agreed that Cllr S Philpin would Chair the Finance Committee for the forthcoming year.
ii) HR & Personnel Committee
Resolved:It was agreed that Cllr C Webster would Chair the HR & Personnel Committee for the forthcoming year.
e) Appointment of Members to Committees and Working Groups
i) Finance Committee
Resolved: Council agreed that the membership of the Finance Committee would consist of Cllr S Philpin as Chair, Cllr S Richmond, D Harrison and C Davies as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.
ii) HR & Personnel Committee
Resolved: Council agreed that the membership of the HR & Personnel Committee would consist of Cllr C Webster as Committee Chair, Cllr A Berrow, Cllr C Davies, Cllr V James, as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.
iii) Allotment & Biodiversity working group
Resolved: Council agreed that the membership of the Allotment & Biodiversity working group be led by Cllr P King, and include Cllr A Berrow, Cllr J Cook and Cllr C Smith.
iv) Buildings and Community Assets working group
Resolved: Council agreed that the membership of the Buildings and Community Assets working group be led by Cllr A Berrow and include Cllr D Harrison, Cllr C Smith and Cllr C Webster.
v) Grievance Panel
Resolved:Council agreed that the membership of the Grievance Panel consist of the HR & Personnel Committee.
5. 19.1240 Appointment of Representative to External Bodies
a) Town & Community Council Forum
Resolved:Council agreed that Cllr J Cook be the representative on the Town & Community Council Forum.
b) Blandy Trust Management Committee
Resolved: Council agreed that Cllr P King and Cllr A Berrow be representatives on the Blandy Trust Management Committee.
6. 19.1241 Review and adopt:
a) Standing Orders
Resolved:Members reviewed the Standing Orders and the Clerk outlined changes made which were formally adopted by Council. In addition, a Member proposed that a QR code be added to the noticeboards to allow members of the public to view minutes of meetings easily. The proposal was agreed and the fact that it would be undertaken by the Chair was noted.
b) Financial Regulations
Resolved:Members reviewed the Financial Regulations which were formally adopted by Council.
7. 19.1242 Review inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment
Resolved: Members duly reviewed the inventory of land and other assets and agreed that the recently renewed noticeboards be included in the inventory. In addition, Members queried whether Blandy Hall, Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre as well as the Old Pound and Laleston Well should be recorded on our register. Council tasked the Clerk to investigate and to report findings back to Council. To conclude, Members requested the positioning of the noticeboards, defibrillators, bus shelters and benches be detailed on the register for ease of reference.
8. 19.1243 To receive resolutions from the Finance Committee relating to insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks and the councils and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.
Resolution 1) The finance Committee reviewed arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks and agreed that all potential risks to the Council were covered by insurance.
Resolution 2) The Finance Committee approved the Councils and/or staff subscription to other bodies and confirmed that all subscriptions were required, and no changes were to be made.
Resolved: Council noted the resolutions made.
9. 19.1244 To review resolutions from the HR & Personnel Committee relating to the Council’s complaints procedure; Council’s policies and practices in respect of its obligations under Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation; Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media; and Council’s employment policies and procedures.
Resolution 1) The HR & Personnel Committee reviewed and adopted the Council’s complaints procedure.
Resolution 2) The HR & Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the Information and Data Protection Policy and GDPR Privacy Notice and made small adjustments to the Publication Scheme, to update the staffing structure to include Assistant Clerk and Facilities Assistant and amend the street name where one of our noticeboards is sited.
Resolution 3) The HR & Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the Press and Media Policy.
Resolution 4) The HR & Personnel Committee reviewed employment policies and procedures and stated that any relevant legislation should be reference in all the policies and procedures, that special leave should be included in the annual leave policy. In addition, the HR & Personnel Committee recommended that Council creates a Grievance Committee/Panel as outlined in the Grievance Policy.
Resolved: Council noted the resolutions made.
10. 19.1245 Review the Council’s expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Resolved: Members reviewed the Council’s expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972.
11. 19.1246 Determination of Time and Place of Ordinary Meetings of Council up to and including the Next Annual Meeting.
Resolved: Council determined that each meeting of Council will continue to take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.00pm apart from the Annual Meeting which will be scheduled at 6.00pm. Meetings are to take place during November, December, January and February at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre and all other months, meetings will take place at Blandy Hall.
12. 19.1247 To approve Council’s Members Allowances Policy for the 2023/24 financial year in accordance with the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) for Wales recommendations.
Resolved: Council agreed to the content of the policy at the previous meeting of Council and was noted at this meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 6.50pm.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18 May 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.