Minutes of meeting of council – 16 March 2023
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 16 March 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, I Spiller and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
1. 19.1199 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.1200 Apologies for absence. Cllr C Smith.
3. 19.1201 Representation from members of the public. None.
4. 19.1202 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent. None.
5. 19.1203 Declarations of Interest.
Cllr C Webster – Item 8 – Personal Interest as a friend of one of the companies that provided a quotation.
Cllr D Harrison – Item 14 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr A Berrow – Item 14 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr P King – Item 14 – Personal Interest as a friend of one of the Planning Applicants.
6. 19.1204 Approval of Minutes.
Resolved: Council agreed to amend the minute of the last meeting, reference: 16. 19.1193 – To discuss the Masterplan for Bryntirion Playing Fields – Resolution point 2 – to read ‘All Members agreed that the plan should be widely consulted upon and that the design should look to include provisions for all members of the public and for all ages’.
With the addition outlined above, the minutes of the meeting of Council that took place on 16 February 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Webster and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.
In addition, the Chair requested that a Teams link be sent to all Councillors, along with the draft minutes for every Council meeting, to allow Members the opportunity to join remotely if they are unable to attend in person.
7. 19.1205 To discuss use of Mobile Phones during meetings for illegitimate reasons.
Resolved: Following discussions, Members agreed that an addition will be made to the Council’s Standing Orders at the Annual Meeting to outline that mobile phones and devices are only to be used during a meeting of Council in an emergency, or for Council business.
8. 19.1206 To receive quotations, if any.
Quotations Received | Comment | |
1a | Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre Cleaning. | |
1b | Supplier A: 2 hours cleaning Monday – Friday. 12-month contract. Use own cleaning materials. Annual cost £8840 (plus VAT) | |
1c | Supplier B: 2 hours cleaning, Monday – Friday. No mention of contract. Use own cleaning materials. Annual cost £10,436.40 (no VAT) | Resolved: Council agreed to progress with Supplier B on a temporary basis to ascertain the staffing situation in a few months’ time, prior to making a final decision and like for like quotations, which could include contracts. In addition, Members requested that the Finance Committee look to review the hire charges for the hall. |
Supplier C: To receive a verbal quotation at meeting. |
9. 19.1207 To receive any updates relating to the Warm Café.
Resolved: Council agreed that following the successful grant application with BAVO and Bridgend County Borough Council, that requests are circulated on social media for volunteers to assist in the progression with the Warm Café.
10. 19.1208 To discuss the feasibility of a community book swap.
Resolved: All Members agreed that Council should progress with providing a ‘book swap’ provision alongside the Warm Café and to explore utilising the grant money to purchase a bookcase.
11. 19.1209 To discuss and agree on introducing recognition of members of the community who reach 100 years of age.
Resolved: Council agreed that that all members of the public should be asked to ‘design a card’ to mark to occasion and that the Clerk makes contact with Bridgend County Borough Council to ask to be notified of anyone reaching 100 in the ward area, and to be presented with the opportunity to visit the individual with the Mayor as a representativeof Laleston Community Council.
12. 19.1210 To receive an update on a meeting held with Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) officers regarding the tree management works in Broadlands.
The Chair provided an update on a meeting held with the Highways and Parks Department of BCBC in relation to the overgrown trees in Broadlands. At the meeting it was highlighted that there was a health and safety issue with most lampposts as they were only lighting the top of the trees. The Chair confirmed that the outcome of the meeting was that BCBC agreed to clear the foliage around the reported problematic trees.
Resolved: Council noted the update.
13. 19.1212 To receive correspondence, if any.
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Email received from Mike Lewis regarding Blandy Trust regarding the current lease of Blandy Hall. Email circulated prior to meeting and attached to the agenda. | Resolved: Members agreed to add this item to the agenda for the next meeting of Council for formal deliberation. |
19. 19.1213 To consider Planning Applications.
Cllr’s A Berrow and D Harrison left the meeting for discussion on this item.
Planning Application | Comment |
Planning Application No.: P/23/57/FUL Applicant: Penybont AFC Location: Bryntirion Athletic Football Club Llangewydd Road Bryntirion CF31 4JU Proposal: Construction of 3G training area over currently grassed facility, including access and reinstatement and drainage runs. Date: 24 February 2023 | Resolved: Whilst Members welcome the addition of an extra 3G training area, or any improvements to sport provisions in the near vicinity, Council agreed that there were already serious traffic and highway issues on match and training days. Therefore, Members requested that a formal objection be reported to BCBC, highlighting the need to investigate any increased impact to residents that may arise following completion of this proposal. |
Planning Application No.: P/22/835/RLX Applicant: Mr D Perry Location: Land at Broadlands House Broadlands CF32 0NS Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of P/20/328/FUL to amend private driveway layout. Date: 3 March 2023 | No objection. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/111/FUL Applicant: D Bailey Location: 9 Cwrt Newydd Broadlands CF31 5EL Proposal: Change of use of part of garage to nail bar (temporary consent for 18 months). Date: 6 March 2023 | No objection. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/73/FUL Applicant: Mr P Ward Location: 4 Llys Coed Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5DS Proposal: Proposed front access to converted ground floor garage; single storey rear extension to extend existing living room to ground floor bedroom with en-suite; works include removal of existing rear conservatory and bay window, and removal of existing garage door and porch area. Date: 6 March 2023 | No objection. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/75/FUL Applicant: Mr J Morgan Location: 99 High Street Laleston Bridgend CF32 0HL Proposal: Garden room extension to rear of existing dwelling. Date: 9 March 2023 | No objection. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/131/FUL Applicant: Mr S Chatman Location: 38 Wood Green Cefn Glas CF31 4AT Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable room; new hardstanding to front to accommodate off street parking. Date: 9 March 2023 | No objection. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/78/FUL Applicant: Valleys to Coast Housing Location: 6 Ael y Bryn Bryntirion Bridgend CF31 4DG Proposal: Single storey rear extension; alter ground levels at rear to provide accessible patio terrace. Date: 9 March 2023 | No objection. |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8. pm.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20 April 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.