Agenda – 18th April 2019

Agenda – 18th April 2019

“working with the community”

Clerk to the Council : Jackie Griffin
41 The Verlands, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7BY
E Mail:
Mobile: 07895 811141

12th April 2019

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Laleston Community Council to be held in the Blandy Hall, Laleston on Thursday, 18th April 2019 at 7.00pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Yours sincerely

Jackie Griffin
Clerk to the Community Council.

A short period of silent reflection will be held prior to the start of the meeting.

1. To note apologies for absence.

2. To note any declaration of members interest in the business to be discussed.

3. To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from residents, if in attendance at the meeting (15 minutes maximum).

4. To receive the minutes of the meeting held 21st March 2019.

5. Matters arising from the minutes, which are not included on this agenda.

6. Finance Report to include payment of accounts.

7. To adopt Financial Regulations (previously e-mailed to Members).

8. To consider the formation of Finance Committee and Personnel Committee with terms of reference.

9. To adopt the Council’s Code of Conduct (forwarded by e-mail).

10. Bryntirion Community Centre – Cllr R Davies (paper to follow by e-mail).

11. Service Level Agreement regarding maintenance/inspections of play areas.

12. Independent Remuneration Panel Wales Report 2019/2020 (chapter 13 circulated with summary).

13. Bryntirion Fireworks Event – Cllr I Spiller.

14. To consider quotations received for work at Blandy Hall Hedge – Cllr R Davies.

15. To consider request from Llangewydd Primary School re installation of Defibrillator.

16. Chair of the Council’s Report.

17. Clerk’s Report – to be presented at the meeting.

18. Correspondence and Publications.

18.1 Notice from BCBC of Emergency Closure of Cefn Glas Road Lane to Pen-y-Fai – sent by e-mail.

18.2 E-mail from the National Assembly for Wales advising of a Consultation on proposals to amend the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013 – sent by e-mail.

18.3 E-mail from NHS Wales – sent by e-mail.

18.4 E-mail from One Voice Wales giving details of Bridgend and Vale Committee meeting – previously sent by e-mail.

18.5 E-mail from Macmillan in Bridgend & District – – previously sent by e-mail.

19. Reports and Observations.

20. Planning Matters including Planning applications to be considered – (see attached schedule).

21. Date, Time and Place of next Meeting, preceded by the Annual Meeting – 7.00 pm on 16th May 2019 at Blandy Hall, Laleston.

Agenda Correspondence Planning Mtg 180419.pdf

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