Minutes of Meeting of Council – 21 July 2022

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 21 July 2022

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 21 July 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, V James P King, S Richmond, C Smith and C Webster.

In attendance:  Gail Jewell

  1. 19.1070  To gain approval from Council to record meetings to assist with the accuracy of minutes.

Resolved:  Council provided their approval to record all meetings for the reason outlined above.

  • 19.1071  Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
  • 19.1072  Apologies for absence. Cllr’s I Spiller and S Philpin

4.   19.1073   Representation from members of the public. None

  • 19.1074   Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.  None
  • 19.1075   Declarations of Interest. 

Cllr A Berrow – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr D Harrison – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as a member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr JP Blundell – Item 18 – as a LEA School Governor of Bryntirion Comprehensive School

  • 19.1076  Approval of Minutes.

ResolvedThat the minutes of the meeting of Council that took place on 16 June 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by Cllr C Davies and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.

  • 19.1077  Finance update:


  • Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as at the end of June 2022.
  • Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda which included vouchers numbers 46 – 87.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr P King.
  • Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 30 – 48.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr C Webster.
  • Council approved a list of salary payments for June 2022 which were presented with the agenda and can be viewed here.  Proposed by Cllr C Davies and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell.
  • The Clerk sought and received approval to amend the allotment budget allocation from a compost toilet to site security.  Council agreed that in the first instance the Clerk contact planning and any relevant officer, to enquire whether there would be restrictions on what fencing, and gate could be used at the allotment site prior to obtaining quotations.  In addition, Council asked that suitable funding streams be sought for a compost toilet.
  • Following a query from a Council Member, the Clerk and all bank signatories reassured Council and members of the public that under no circumstances are blank cheques ever signed.
  • The Clerk explained that an application to amend the signatory mandate had been made online and questioned if all signatories had received an email from HSBC.  Clerk to check with HSBC and resubmit if necessary.
  • 19. 1078   To gain approval for populating all Community Council noticeboards with the Broadlands Fun Day Magazine Poster.

Resolved:  Council agreed to populate all Community Council noticeboards with the Broadlands Fund Day Magazine Poster,although did request that the Council logo be added to the poster and that the poster be removed following the event.

  1. 19.1079   To obtain approval to undertake a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of Trelales Play Park

The Clerk explained that a meeting was held with the CAT Officer to discuss the possibility of obtaining Trelales Play Park as a CAT.  At the meeting it was clarified that BCBC had obtained grant funding to improve certain play parks throughout the Borough and suggested that LCC question whether the Trelales Play Park is included in the improvement plans prior to progressing a CAT of the site.

Resolved:  Council noted the suggestion made by the Community Asset Transfer Officer and agreed in principle that if BCBC confirm that there are no plans for any funding to be spent to improve Trelales Play Park, that proposals are collated for LCC to obtain the park as a CAT.

  1.  19.1080  To discuss arrangements for the OAP Annual Christmas Luncheon.

Resolved:  Council agreed that attendee numbers be limited to 40 people to allow for the Luncheon to the held at Bryntirion Community Centre.  In addition, the Clerk was asked that a record be collated of the attendees name and address and to hold a reserves list if there are people who are not able to attend nearer the time.

  1.   19.1081 To discuss and nominate for any vacancies for School Governor.

Resolved:  Cllr S Richmond was duly nominated as the School Governor for Trelales Primary School.

  1.  19.1082 To obtain approval for Laleston Gardening Club to utilise the grounds of Blandy Hall for their annual show on 10 September 2022.

Resolved:  Approval granted.

  1.  19.1083 To discuss and agree on a course of action for the speed bumps at Banc Yr Allt.

Resolved:  Following discussions, Council agreed that the best course of action would be to arrange a site meeting with Highways and the Chair, Vice Chair and Cllr C Davies to negotiate options for the remaining 2 speed bumps at Banc Yr Allt.

  1.  19.1084  To receive an update from the Clerk

The Clerk explained that since the Plot 32 Poster had been produced and circulated via social media, but there had unfortunately been no further uptake from any veterans.  Cllr P King stated that she had met the veteran on site to offer an informal approach and further suggested actions but wanted to obtain Council approval prior to carrying out any of the activities.

Resolved:  Council agreed for Cllr P King to take over the initiative by having emails sent directly to her and to organise an open day on site.

16. 19.1085  To receive an update from the Community Development Officer.

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented her report to Council and the following discussions and decisions were made.

Laleston Well

The CDO explained that she had met with a Mr Phil Cope, a Historian and Author of the Living Wells in Wales who has vast experience in funding of community projects and has offered to support us in our endeavours to renovate the well.

Resolved:  Council agreed to fund a session on 23 September 2022 at 7.00pm with Mr Phil Cope to be held in either Trelales Primary School or the Gardening Club with the view to obtain advice on progression of the renovation of Laleston Well, with further opportunities to include the history department in local schools.

Wildfire Wales

The CDO outlined the activities provided by Wildfire Wales and the costings for such. 

Resolved:  Council agreed to subsidise and offer forestry activity sessions during the summer holidays in 2023 either through Wildfire Wales or via another local business.


The CDO confirmed that A K Environmental Services had now visited each site listed in the Biodiversity Plan and produced a report relating to the processes and procedures relating to the implementation of the recommendations within the plan.    

Resolved:  Council agreed that Cllr C Smith resend an email to the CDO in relation to incorporating a woodland in Nant Cefn Glas into the Council’s Biodiversity Plan and that a Biodiversity meeting be arranged as soon as possible.

Community Mapping

Resolved:  Council agreed that it would be beneficial to link what is going on in the area to the Bridgend Public Service Board’s 4 Wellbeing Objectives – Best Start in Life; Support Communities in Bridgend to be Safe and Cohesive; Reduce Social and Economic Inequalities; Healthy Choices in a Healthy Environment.  This will enable Council to signpost members of the public to existing organisations and on-going projects and to arrange free talks to groups to assist with achieving the Boroughs Wellbeing Goals.

Laleston Website

Resolved:  Following confirmation that the Laleston Website was now ready to launch, Council agreed that the site content be proof-read in the first instance and launched after the project on Laleston Well has been established.


Christmas Fayre

The CDO outlined plans in place to hold a Christmas Fayre at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre, with craft tables in the large hall and the nursery hall to be utilised as a Santa’s Grotto. 

Resolved:  Council agreed that any money made should be allocated to the Chairperson’s Charity.

Summer Fayre

During discussions regarding holding a Summer Fayre on Bryntirion Playing Fields, it was suggested that ‘the slope’ would lend itself well to a festival style event, to include street food, rides and live music. 

Resolved:  Council agreed to investigate costing for holding a Summer Fayre/Festival in 2023 during the budget setting process.

16. 19.1086 To receive quotations, if any.

 Quotations ReceivedComment
1Mobile Phone   EE SIM only deal 12-month contract Unlimited texts and minutes 10GB Data £10.00 per month   Giffgaff Sim only deal No contract Unlimited texts and minutes 15GB Data £10.00 per monthResolved:  Due to the fact that the costings were the same for both deals, Council agreed that the Clerk choose the most suitable deal.
2Safety barrier along roadside of Bryntirion Playpark   Supplier A: Supply and install powder coated metal fencing.   £20,450 plus VAT   Supplier B: Supply and install green PPC Bow Topped Railing.   £9126.86   Supplier C:  Supply and install plain green metal fence sheets with flat caps   £5637.81 plus VAT  Resolved:  Following discussion, Council resolved that the Clerk contact BCBC Planning Department to enquire whether planning permission is required and for advice on the safer option between the metal fence sheets or the bow topped railing.

17. 19.1087  To receive Personnel Issues, if any.


18. 19.1088  To receive Correspondence, if any

 Correspondence ReceivedComment
1Grant application received from Bryntirion Comprehensive School for financial assistance with their curriculum development for Computer Aided Design. A response has been provided to the school to explain that we are not able to fund activities that are the responsibility of the principal authority.  i.e., Education.Resolved:  Council noted the update.
 Email received from member of the public suggesting that a dog park is installed on the playing fields at Bryntirion.  Squared fenced area, bench or 2 and some poop bins. Resolved:  Council noted the suggestion.

19. 19.1089 A notice has been received from Cllr I Spiller for a motion that this council resolves that the clerk is to engage legal enforcement proceedings for the recovery of monies owed by former chairman, to Laleston community council.

Resolved:  Council accepted the motion with the amendment that a letter of intent is sent to the former chairman with the allowance of a two-week period for payment to be made, prior to any legal recovery of money being initiated.  

20.  19.1090  To consider Planning Applications

Planning Application  Comment
Planning Application No.: P/22/426/FUL Applicant: Mr M Edwards Location: 9 Willesden Road Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4RE Proposal: Demolish existing conservatory; construct single/two storey side extension & single storey rear extension; tie side extension into porch Date: 27 June 2022No objection
Planning Application No.: T/22/7/TPO Applicant: H Garratt Location: 24 Cae Gwyllt Broadlands CF31 5FF Proposal: Sycamore (T1) reduce by 3m; Oak (T2) reduce by 3-4m Date:  12 July 2022No objection
Planning Application No.: P/22/442/FUL Applicant: Ms M Choy Location: 1a Bryn Golau Bryntirion CF31 4DD Proposal: Change use of ground floor of dwelling to commercial kitchen and takeaway Date:  15 July 2022Resolved: Objection due to the increase in traffic and parking related issues. 

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.30 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 15 September 2022 and will commence at 7.00pm.

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