Agenda – 29 September 2022

Agenda – 29 September 2022

September 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of LALESTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL will be held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre, on Thursday 29 September 2022 at 7.00pm. The agenda for the meeting is set out below:

This is a public meeting and members of the public and press are welcome to attend to observe proceedings. An invitation and documents referenced on the agenda may be obtained from the Clerk prior to the meeting using the contact details below.

1. Council to undertake a period of silent reflection.

2. Apologies for absence.

To receive apologies for absence from Members.

3. Representation from members of the public.

To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents (15 minutes maximum).

4. Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.

To list any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

5. Declarations of Interest.

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.

6. Approval of Minutes.

To receive Minutes of previous meetings held on 21 July 2022 and consider matters arising from the Minutes but not included in the agenda.

7. Finance update:

· To note bank reconciliation summary as at the end of July 2022 and ii. at the end of August 2022

iii. To approve a list of payments made up to the end of July 2022, and iv. August 2022.

v. To approve a list of receipts received up to the end of July 2022 and vi. August 2022.

vii. To approve a list of salary payments for July 2022 and viii. August 2022.

8. To receive any recommendations and resolutions from Committees.

9. To receive quotations, if any.

10. To receive correspondence, if any.

11. To discuss arrangements for the OAP Annual Christmas Luncheon.

12. To receive a report on the Broadlands Fun Day.

13. To discuss allocation of budget for Broadlands Fun Day 2023.

14. To agree the additional placement for Christmas lighting for the Rogers Lane roundabout to match the Broadlands roundabouts, additional lights along the main road in Laleston, along with additional small features around Bryntirion and the Broadlands shops.

15. To consider a joint motion with Bridgend Town Council and Merthyr Mawr community councils in requesting that BCBC prioritise safe crossings and urgently provide active travel route INM-BR-48 from Broadlands to Brynteg school.

16. To consider writing to BCBC to request a boundary review of Laleston Community Council due to the disparity of representation for the electorates of Broadlands, Bryntirion, Laleston & Cefn Glas 1 & 2 in preparation for the 2027 local elections.

17. To consider getting quotations for additional grass cutting of green spaces where needed throughout the area for future budget setting.

18. To discuss hire charges for Blandy Hall and eligibility for potential free use.

19. To discuss arrangements for the Chair’s Civic Service.

20. To note the nominated Chairs Charity for any fundraising efforts undertaken by Laleston Community Council.

21. To consider entering into formal discussions with Persimmon regarding CAT transfer of parks and green spaces in Broadlands.

22. To consider Planning Applications.

Gail Jewell

Clerk to Laleston Community Council

Email – clerk Mobile – 07375918803

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