Minutes of Meeting of Council – 20 July 2023
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 20 July 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, D Harrison, I Spiller, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, and C Smith and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
1. 19.1283 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.1284 Apologies for absence. Cllr C Davies.
3. 19.1285 Representation from members of the public. None.
4. 19.1286 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.
Resolved: Due to the fact that Council will not be meeting again until September, Members agreed that plenary powers be provided to the Clerk and Chair, and that any decisions made during recess, be reported at the earliest opportunity to full Council.
5. 19.1287 Declarations of Interest.
Cllr D Harrison – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr A Berrow – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Gail Jewell – Item 21 – Prejudicial Interest as a staff member to whom the report relates.
6. 19.1288 Approval of Minutes.
Resolved: The minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 15 June 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr A Berrow and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.
Matters arising:
Item 9. 19.1273 To consider a request from Cylch Meithrin to replace the current container with a new container, which the group will purchase themselves through external funding – an update was provided outlining that the application is on hold for the moment.
Item 13. 19.1277 To discuss the outdoor exercise equipment adjacent to the Teenage Playpark in Broadlands – an update was provided, explaining that contact had been made with the current park maintenance provider, but as yet, no costings have been received.
7. 19.1289 To receive quotations, if any.
Quotations Received | · Comment | |
1 | Supplier A – £900 to plant up all four planters and £75 all four planters per visit. | Resolved: Council agreed to progress with the quotation received. |
2 | To rectify Health and Safety issue with roller shutter doors by lowering all 5 remote units – £495 plus VAT. | Resolved: Council agreed to progress with the quotation received. |
3 | To rectify Health and Safety issue of damaged slats to 2 benches in Laleston and 1 bench in Wordsworth Avenue. £740.00 plus VAT – supply only. | Resolved: Council agreed to progress with the quotation received. |
4 | £1,800 for Hurley & Davies to provide a project proposal/design for Bryntirion Masterplan. | Resolved: As Council has already resolved to progress with obtaining a proposal/design for Bryntirion Masterplan, Members noted the costings received.
In addition, Members asked that the turn around timings be queried whilst progressing with order. |
5 | Laleston Well – Structural survey
Supplier A – usual cost is £750 + VAT, however will reduce this to £640 + VAT as it is a community project. 5 other companies, if not more were contacted, this was the only contractor to reply. |
Resolved: Council noted the issues with obtaining 3 quotations and agreed to progress with the costing received of £640 + VAT. |
6 | Laleston well – Water testing
Supplier A – £400 plus VAT Supplier B – £442 plus VAT Again, at least 5 other companies were contacted and this was the only contractor to reply. |
Members queried if there was in any significant difference between both suppliers, to which the Clerk outlined that Laleston Community Council were currently in an annual contract Supplier B for Legionnaire testing.
Resolved: Due to the fact that Council has had prior dealings with Supplier B, Members agreed to progress with the quotation received by the contractor. |
8. 19.1290 To consider the Electoral Arrangement review of all Town and Community councils within Bridgend and collate any proposals or changes.
Resolved: Following discussions and several proposals, Council agreed to submit the following proposals to Bridgend County Borough Council regarding the electoral arrangements for Laleston Community Council:
Cefn Glas – one ward
Bryntirion – one ward
Broadlands – one ward
Laleston – one ward
Merge with Merthyr Mawr – one ward.
9. 19.1291 To discuss the boules court at Blandy Hall.
Resolved: Council agreed to task the Community Development Officer with undertaking a feasibility study to increase the rental potential of Blandy Hall, by publicising the boules courts in the grounds of Blandy Hall.
10. 19.1292 To review and consider findings of a feasibility report on Parish Online.
Resolved: Members reviewed the report and following discussions, Council agreed to progress with the annual subscription for Parish Online and requested that the map be populated with all footpaths in our ward area.
11. 19.1293 To agree to make the Biodiversity & Allotments working group into a formal committee.
Resolved: Council agreed to formalise the Biodiversity & Allotments working group into a committee. The Membership will include the following Members – Cllr C Smith, Cllr D Harrison, Cllr C Webster, Cllr J Cook with Cllr P King as Chair of the committee. All allotment holders will be contacted to outline three vacancies to allow plot holders to join the Membership of the committee. The Community Development Officer will service the meetings of the Committee whilst providing advice and direction to the committee.
12. 19.1294 To agree to purchase promotional roll-ups for use at Broadlands Fun Day and Firework event.
Resolved: Council agreed to purchase 2 promotional roll-ups, but requested that a draft design is circulated for comments/and or approval via email prior to any purchase.
13. 19.1295 To discuss preparations for annual Firework event.
1) To alleviate some of the health and safety concerns raised regarding parking at previous events on Mount Pleasant, Members agreed:
a) to ask local PCSO’s that attend the event, to provide a visual presence to deter any gridlock parking.
b) to contact Highways Department to question whether cones could be placed on pavement edges.
2) Members confirmed that no laser show will be provided at this year’s firework event, although contact will be made with an entertainer to investigate compering of the evening.
3) Council agreed to discuss setting a percentage for donations from entertainment and food companies who attend the event.
4) Members confirmed that a central place needs to be confirmed for donation buckets to be held.
5) Council requested that this item be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting for further consideration.
14. 19.1296 To recognise Pen-y-bont FC’s Europe entry.
Resolved: Council agreed to purchase a plaque that will be presented to Pen-y-bont Football Club to recognise its Europe entry.
15. 19.1297 To agree to advertise and promote the Laleston.com website.
Resolved: Council agreed to defer the advertising of Laleston.com and ask that the Community Development Officer includes an update the website in the scheduled ‘work carried out’ report for Council in September, prior to any decisions being made.
16. 19.1298 To discuss playparks in Cefn Glas.
A Member outlined suggested improvements for the park in Wordsworth Avenue, which were provided by a member of the public.
Resolved: Council agreed that the Clerk and Cllr J P Blundell ascertain with Bridgend Borough Council where the parks sited in Laleston Village, Barnes Avenue and Wordsworth Avenue are in the refurbishment schedule and when the site meetings will be arranged. In addition, concerns were raised regarding the current state of the park in Wood Green, which is currently owned by V2C. As such, Members requested that contact be made with V2C to determine whether they would be happy for LCC to make upgrades to the park, which would been to be maintained by V2C and to be budgeted for in 2024/2024. A Member also referred to the new development at the top of Barnes Avenue, whereby the developers have agreed that an open space will be provided, but highlighted that Council need to assure that the area is provided prior to completion of the development.
17. 19.1299 To receive any recommendations and/or information for noting from Finance.
The Clerk explained that monthly meetings of the finance committee were now being held, whereby receipts and payments were being approved on a monthly basis, along with making any decisions on grant/donation applications.
Resolved:Council noted the update.
18. 19.1300 Additional bin and benches.
The Chair explained that out of the 4 Kings Coronation benches ordered, only two sites had been agreed and therefore asked Members to nominate another two sites.
1 Members agreed that a Kings Coronation bench will be sited at the top of Shakespeare Avenue and the other on Barnes Avenue.
2 During discussions, it was highlighted that there was a need for community involvement on all Council projects, and therefore agreed to task the Community Development Officer with consulting with residents via social media and other platforms on future proposed developments.
3 It was outlined that Council had previously agreed to place a bench at the bottom of the A48 between the two roundabouts, therefore, Members agreed to seek permission from BCBC prior to the purchase and installation from the 2023/24 budget.
4 Council agreed that permission be sought from BCBC for a bench to be placed at Barnes Park footpath prior to purchase and installation.
5 Council agreed for a bench to be placed next to the recently installed bin on the green by Gallt Y Ddrudwen and Rhodfa Cnocell Y Coed.
6 Council agreed to the purchase and installation of a bin by the pylon on Heol Blandy in Broadlands.
7Members instructed the Clerk to ask for permission to add a bin between Filco and Premier shop and bring back the response to Council in September.
19. 19.1301 To receive correspondence, if any.
20. 19.1302 To consider Planning Applications.
Planning Application | Comment |
Planning Application No.: P/23/298/FUL
Applicant: Valleys to Coast Housing Location: 3 Park View Bryntirion Bridgend CF31 4EL Proposal: Rear extension to provide en-suite bedroom, front porch and new hard standing and ramped Access Date: 25 May 2023 |
Resolved: No comments made. |
Planning Application No.: P/23/190/FUL
Applicant: Mr R Thomas-Oxenham Location: 4 Maes y Rhedyn Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4FB Proposal: Garage conversion Date: 31 May 2023 |
Resolved: No comments made. |
21. 19.302 To receive any recommendations and/or information for noting from HR Committee.
This item is of a confidential nature and therefore not open to the public. The minute for this item can be found in the confidential minutes.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.45pm.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 21 September 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.