Minutes of Meeting of Council – 15 June 2023

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 15 June 2023

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 15 June 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, and C Webster.

In attendance: Gail Jewell

1. 19.1265 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.1266 Apologies for absence. Cllr’sJ Cook, C Davies, C Smith and I Spiller

3. 19.1267 Representation from members of the public. None.

4. 19.1268 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent. None.

5. 19.1269 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr D Harrison – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr A Berrow – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

6. 19.1270 Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: The minutes of the annual meeting of Council that took place on 18 May 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr A Berrow and seconded by Cllr D Harrison. The minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 18 May 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr D Harrison.

7. 19.1271 To receive quotations, if any.

Quotations Received Comment
3m x 1.8m galvanised gate for the allotment site –

Supplier A – £2200 plus VAT

Resolved: Due to the fact that Supplier A was the only contractor to visit site, Council agreed to progress with the quotation provided.
3m x 1.8m galvanised gate for the allotment site –

Supplier B – £1760

3m x 1.8m galvanised gate for the allotment site –

Supplier C – £1708.10 plus VAT

8. 19.1272 To receive an update on queries raised at the annual meeting regarding Laleston Community Council asset register.

Due to the fact that at the Annual meeting it was questioned whether the asset register should include Blandy Hall or Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre, the Clerk provided an update explaining that where an authority receives an asset at zero cost, for example as a community asset transfer, it should be recorded in the register as a nominal £1

The Clerk further explained that questions were raised regarding The Pound and Laleston Well, although when investigated further on the CADW website and Bridgend County Borough Council, neither building was registered, and ownership will possibly never been known.

Resolved: Council agreed to include Blandy Hall and Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre as a nominal £1 on the Council’s asset register. Members further agreed that the Clerk investigate whether Laleston Community Council could claim the buildings if evidence can be produced for maintenance.

9. 19.1273 To consider a request from Cylch Meithrin to replace the current container with a new container, which the group will purchase themselves through external funding.

Resolved: Following consideration of the request from Cylch Meithrin, Members agreed that prior to any decision being made by Council, details on the specification of the new container would be required.

10. 19.1274 To consider a request from the Allotment Committee relating to allowing the next available allotment plot to be allocated to volunteers, to grow and supply food for the Community Pantry.

The Clerk outlined that a mistake had been made with the wording of the agenda item, where it stated, ‘Allotment Committee’, it should read ‘Allotment Site Contact’.

Resolved: Due to the extensive waiting list for an allotment plot and the implications of creating a Community/Council project, Council agreed that the effects of progressing the project be explained to the Site Contact in the first instance, and if they still wanted to advance, the waiting list would be reviewed in a years’ time before a decision is made.

11. 19.1275 To consider changing the date for the Council meeting scheduled to take place on 21 December 2023.

Resolved: Council agreed to change the date for the Council meeting scheduled for December to 14 December 2023.

12. 19.1276 To discuss Laleston Village Playground.

Resolved: As the playpark is due to undergo improvements by Bridgend County Borough Council, Members agreed that the Clerk forward on the email from the member of public that included suggested improvements to Laleston Playground to the Parks Department. In addition, it was highlighted that Council previously agreed to install 2 benches outside of the playpark and further requested they are purchased and installed at the earliest opportunity.

13. 19.1277 To discuss the outdoor exercise equipment adjacent to the Teenage Playpark in Broadlands.

The Chair explained that in recent weeks the outdoor exercise equipment and flooring near Broadlands Teenage Park had sustained fire damage and unfortunately, since then, another piece of equipment has also been subject to an arson attack.

Resolved: Members agreed to investigate the following:

1 Costings to replace the damaged items to enable Council to claim on the insurance;

2 To relocate the exercise equipment throughout Broadlands, whilst taking advice from the Police on areas to situate and to offer inclusion of any decision to children attending Bryntirion Comprehensive prior to seeking approval from Persimmon Homes;

3 Installing CCTV at the site.

14. 19.1278 To receive an update on the Community Pantry

The Clerk provided an update on the Community Pantry which included costings for purchasing the food, the amount of sales made over the previous 4-week period and that any profit is utilised by adding to the stock to ensure quality bags are provided.

Resolved: The update was noted by Members.

15. 19.1279 To receive documentation for Year End 2022/23:


i. Council reviewed the Internal Audit Report and no comments were made.

ii. Council reviewed and approved the Annual Return 2022/2023.

iii. Council completed the Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023 prior to its submission to External Audit.

iv. Council reviewed and approved the explanations of variances 2022/2023.

16. 19.1280 To consider S106 proposals relating to any allocation of land from Persimmon Homes to Laleston Community Council.

Resolved: No further updates had been received, therefore Council agreed to defer the item to the next meeting of Council.

17. 19.1281 To receive correspondence received, if any.

Correspondence Received Comment
Thank you cards were received from Young at Heart, and Bryntirion & Laleston OAP group for the donation made by Laleston Community Council to assist with their celebration of the King’s Coronation. Resolved: Council noted the update.
The Chair asked the Clerk to investigate costs for watering the newly planted trees around Bryntirion Playing Fields. A quotation of £65 every other day was obtained, but as the Council were unable to absorb the costs, the Clerk had emailed the Biodiversity Officers from BCBC, to outline our concerns and provide them with the costings received. A response was received explaining that all trees in Bryntirion were watered on 14 June 2023 and that they are currently exploring other options for watering the trees throughout the dry period. Resolved: Council noted the update.
Contact was made by the Local PSCO to outline that any anti-social behaviour needed to be reported and supplied QR codes and leaflets to explain how this can be carried out. Resolved: Council agreed to circulate the QR code cards and leaflets provided via the noticeboards and local businesses.
An update was provided on the ongoing court proceedings to reclaim money from a previous Councillor. Resolved: Council noted the update.

18. 19.1282 To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application

Planning Application No.: P/23/298/FUL

Applicant: Valleys to Coast Housing

Location: 3 Park View Bryntirion Bridgend CF31 4EL

Proposal: Rear extension to provide en-suite bedroom, front porch and new hard standing and ramped


Date: 25 May 2023

Resolved: No comments made.
Planning Application No.: P/23/190/FUL

Applicant: Mr R Thomas-Oxenham

Location: 4 Maes y Rhedyn Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4FB

Proposal: Garage conversion

Date: 31 May 2023

Resolved: No comments made.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.03pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20 July 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.

Comments are closed.
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