Minutes of Meeting of Council – 15 July 2021

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 15 July 2021

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus)(Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020 on 15 July 2021 commencing at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr’s, A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, G Richard-Hemmings C Smith, I Spiller and D Wooldridge.

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1 19.433 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.434 Apologies for Absence: Cllr’s N Adams and M Fouracre

3. 19.435 Representation from members of the public: No representations made

4. 19.436 Declarations of Interest

Cllr J P Blundell – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.

5. 19.437 Approval of Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council on 17 June 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Davies and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell.

6. 19.438 Finance Update


· Members noted the budget monitoring statement, ear marked reserves statement and bank balance as at the end of the first quarter and made the following comments and amendments:

a) Council agreed that benches in Laleston on green next to the Church require urgent repairs – Clerk/Project Group to investigate.

b) Council agreed that the Clerk should undertake a review of the Community Pantry for submission to Council in September 2021.

c) Defibrillation Units – Council agreed that maintenance/service/replacement needs to be reviewed for all three units – Clerk to investigate.

d) Council agreed to reallocate £15,000 budgeted for Broadlands Fun Day due to not taking place this year.

e) If the OAP Luncheon does not take place during 2021, Council agreed to consider providing a hamper of treats in its place.

f) Council agreed to reallocate £4,000 budgeted for grit bins.

g) Members reported that the Pound is currently very overgrown and requires urgent attention – Council agreed for the Clerk to approach contractor to rectify.

h) With reference to the large amounts being held under ear marked reserves for Road Traffic Controls year on year, Council agreed to invite the Corporate Director and Chief Executive of Bridgend County Borough Council to the next Council meeting in September 2021 to discuss the probability of works being carried out to gauge whether the money can be re-allocated elsewhere.

i) Due to the assistance provided by the Scouts throughout the year, Council agreed that in addition to the Scout Hall Rent being covered by Council, a donation of £1,000 be allocated to the Explorers.

· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 30 June 2021.

· Council approved payments 44 – 96 which were presented with the agenda.

· Council approved receipts 17 – 22 which were presented with the agenda.

7. 19.439 To note a list of actions since the last meeting

Clerk has completed CiLCA Resolved: Council noted the update and congratulated the Clerk
Year-end accounts have been submitted to external auditor Resolved: Duly noted by Members.
In preparation for undertaking a CAT of the playing field, a condition survey has been arranged for the field and the surrounding boundaries. Resolved: Duly noted by Members
Light sensors have been installed in Bryntirion Community Centre in the kitchen and all toilets. Resolved: Duly noted by Members.
R J Chumley has completed the works to secure the play park in Bryntirion playing fields Resolved: Duly noted by Members.
The Biodiversity Group met on 7 July 2021 – update An update was provided by Cllr C Smith, outlining that the first meeting had taken place and in addition to Councillors there were also four members of the public in attendance. The group agreed to progress with Projects 1 and 2, both of which were plots in Bryntirion and owned by V2C. Both sites will create a wildflower meadow and will include grass cutting management by V2C contractors. The groups next steps were to consult with local residents and the community.

Resolved: Council noted the update provided.

8. 19.440To receive quotations, if any

No quotations received.


10. 19.441To receive updates regarding Bryntirion Community Centre

The Chair presented a report to Council which identified design issues with the building whereby the kitchen could not be used when the larger hall was in use. The Chair further explained that they had observed a hall hirer struggle to stack furniture onto a trolley to bring into the building and therefore proposed that council purchase stackable child-size chairs and tables as well as soft play shapes to be left in the hall for use by any hall hirer.

Resolved: Council agreed to:

  1. Install a lockable ‘Kitchen in a cupboard’ for the small hall
  2. Provide a table-top fridge and kettle for the office area
  3. Purchase 4 child-size stackable tables and 12-16 chairs for the small hall
  4. Purchase vinyl soft play shapes/cushions/mats for children
  5. Invite Hurley and Davies to provide plans for extension possibilities for the centre.

11. 19.442 To receive updates regarding Blandy Hall

With reference to a neigbouring property that had contacted LCC to outline that they were experiencing water flooding into their garden from the driveway in Blandy Hall. A Member confirmed that from further investigation at the site, there was no drainage in the vicinity.

Resolved: Cllr C Green confirmed that she would produce a member referral for the Highways Department to outline the issues for correction.

12. 19.443 To receive updates regarding Laleston Allotments.

The Clerk confirmed that plot 32 had now been cleared and is ready for use and explained that a meeting had not yet taken place with CAIS regarding the allocation of the plot for veterans suffering with PTSD. The Clerk questioned Council how to undertake.

Resolved: Council confirmed that the veterans would be allocated a plot in the same manner as existing plot holders and would be accountable to the same tenancy agreement terms and conditions.

12. 19.444 To receive verbal update regarding Laleston Stone Trail

The Community Development Officer (CDO) provided a written update relating to Members request to create a website detailing information regarding the Laleston Stone Trail. The CDO proposed that the website could be broadened to also include historic attributes of Laleston and its surrounding area. Work would include promoting history and heritage of the area as well as using QR codes to highlight particular sites of interest; to be listed as a Visit Wales tourist destination; launch website by organising a village medieval fayre.

Resolved: Council thanked the CDO for the work undertaken and agreed to progress with the broader website of the history of Laleston and surrounding areas.

13. 19.445 To receive Personnel Issues, if any.

The Chair of the HR Committee provided an update to deliver the conclusions from meetings held with all three members of staff.

Resolved: Council thanked the HR Committee for the work undertaken and agreed to:

a)Purchase a new laptop for the Community Development Officer (CDO).

b) Provide the CDO with an identity badge and stand when communicating and meeting with members of the public.

c) Receive a written update on work undertaken by the CDO.

c) To instruct One Voice Wales to undertake an assessment of working hours for the Clerk role.

d) Create a job description for a Community Centre Assistant/Caretaker

e) To hold a social evening in August to allow members of staff to meet all Councillors

f) Create a ‘What’s on’ guide for current classes taking place in the community centre.

14. 19.446 To receive Correspondence.

No correspondence received

15. 19.447 To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application No.: T/21/41/TPO

Applicant: Miss E Hop

Location: 112 Wood Green Cefn Glas CF31 4DY

Proposal: Trim up to 30% off branches of oak tree located in rear garden

Date: 22 June 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/21/523/FUL

Applicant: A Dance

Location: 8 Willesden Road Cefn Glas CF31 4RE

Proposal: Retention of fence

Date: 23 June 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: T/21/43/TPO

Applicant: Mr R Lock

Location: 44 Dol Nant Dderwen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AA

Proposal: Late-mature turkey oak: crown reduction to mitigate for the loss of roots and minimise the likelihood of failure at the root plate (50% reduction to stock (8-10m height) removing all deadwood branches)

Date: 24 June 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/21/537/FUL

Applicant: Mr J Saunders

Location: 4 Clos y Golomen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FQ Proposal: Single storey rear/side extension with terrace over (rear); glass balustrade around terrace; fixed pane windows to existing lounge

Date: 30 June 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/21/536/FUL Applicant: Mr G Starr Location: 45 St Winifreds Road Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4PN Proposal: Construct dormer extension to provide bedroom to rear elevation

Date: 5 July 2021

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 08.20 pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 16 September 2021 and will commence at 7.00pm

Comments are closed.
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