Minutes of Council, 20 June 2024
Laleston Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 20 June 2024 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present:. Cllr’s Z Blundell, C Davies, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, I Spiller and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
1. 19.1470 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.1471 Apologies for absence. Cllr A Berrow, J Cook, S Richmond and C Smith.
3. 19.1472 Representation from members of the public. None
4. 19.1473 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent. None.
5. 19.1474 Declarations of Interest.
Cllr D Harrison – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr C Davies – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member a Scrutiny Committee of Bridgend County Borough Council, who has a statutory duty to review all aspects of Social Services.
Cllr I Spiller – Item 20 – Personal Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council, who has a statutory duty to review all aspects of Social Services.
6. 19.1475 Approval of Minutes.
Resolved: The minutes of the annual meeting of Council that took place on 16 May 2024 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr P King.
Matters Arising from 16 May 2024 Annual Meeting:
Item 7 – 19.1246 Review inventory of land and other assets including buildings
and office equipment
Resolved: A Member queried if we should be taking depreciation into account and
Council agreed to task the Clerk to investigate and implement as necessary.
Resolved: The minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 16 May 2024 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr P King.
Matters Arising from 16 May 2024 Ordinary meeting:
Item 11 – 19.1357 To discuss the purchase and installation of benches in commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings.
A Member provided an update stating that both D Day Landing benches had been installed on Heol Blandy, Broadlands and outside St Davids Church in Laleston.
Resolved: Council noted the update and thanked Cllr P King for providing the laminated write ups on both benches.
Item 4 – 19.1255 To review work carried out to date by Phil Cope on the Laleston Well Project.
The Clerk confirmed that the newspaper had been delivered to all addresses in Laleston with the exception of Rogers Lane, Church View and Tyddyn Gwaun.
Resolved: Cllr P King, I Spiller and C Webster agreed to circulate newspapers to the remainder of residents as outlined above.
7. 19.1476 To receive quotations, if any.
Quotations Received | Comment | |
Health and safety – The clearing of pathway 3 in Broadlands – £475 plus VAT | Resolved: Council noted the payment made |
8. 19.1477 To discuss proposals for replacing the bin removed by Bridgend County Borough Council on Gypsy Lane.
Resolved: Following discussions, Council agreed to approach Persimmon in the first instance to ascertain permission for placement of a bin in two separate locations, prior to consulting with the community on preference of placement.
9. 19.1478 To agree to obtain quotations for clearing and planting of the central reserve areas at top and bottom roundabouts in Broadlands in preparation for setting the precept for 2025/2026.
Resolved: Council agreed to obtain quotations for clearing and planting of the central reserve areas at the top and bottom roundabouts in Broadlands.
10. 19.1479 To appoint representatives to the Town & Community Council Forum.
Resolved: Council agreed to defer this item until the next meeting of Council.
11. 19.1480 To agree on a date to hold the annual Firework Event.
Resolved: Council agreed to provide the annual Firework Event on Saturday 2 November 2024.
12. 19.1481 To consider committing to uphold the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces Community – template to follow.
Resolved: Members agreed to defer this item to the next meeting of Council.
13. 19.1482 To discuss possible resolutions for the escalating anti-social behaviour being carried out in the car park of Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre.
The Clerk outlined an email received from a resident of Mount Pleasant who highlighted the increasing incidents of anti-social behaviour occurring in Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre car park whereby young adults were engaging in disruptive and illegal activities. The resident had reported the incidents to the police and local PCSO and provided video evidence of one incident along with a number plate. The resident has proposed that the car park be closed and locked from 8pm to 8am which would significantly reduce the occurrences and restore peace and order to the neighbourhood.
Resolved: In the first instance, Council agreed to install a sign outlining that the car park is private and is for users of Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre only.
14. 19.1483 The agree to install a picnic bench on the green just off the cycle track near Tai Arfryn, Broadlands.
Resolved: Council agreed to investigate preference of colour for the benches via
Facebook in the first instance, prior to consultation with nearby residents on the installation.
15. 19.1484 To investigate obtaining the green space near Tai Arfryn, Broadlands as mentioned above.
Resolved: Council agreed to defer this item.
16. 19.1485 To receive documentation for Year End 2023/2024
- To review Internal Audit Report and comment as necessary
Resolved: Council reviewed the Internal Audit Report and made the following comments to the recommendations made:
- The Clerk will update the Financial Regulations document on the website to detail the review date.
- The Clerk will publish both documents to the website.
- The Clerk will provide a standardised document to record hours worked, annual leave and sickness for all staff for completion and signing by the staff member, prior to the Clerk’s final approval and submission to payroll.
- The Clerk will devise a mileage claim form. The form will include the date, details of each journey undertaken, and the mileage incurred. The form will be signed and dated by the claimant and countersigned by the Clerk.
- If the Clerk is unable to obtain a Council Meeting date where the Training Plan was ratified, the Clerk will present the plan to the next Council meeting in July 2024.
- Once the Annual Report for 2023/24 is presented to Council for ratification, this will be recorded in the Council’s minutes and the Clerk will publicise the report on the Council’s website.
- To review and approve the Annual Return 2023/2024
Resolved: Council reviewed and approved the Annual Return presented for 2023/2024.
- To complete the Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024 prior to submissions to External Audit
Resolved: Council completed the Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024 prior to its submission to External Audit.
- To review and approve the explanations of variances 2023/2024.
Resolved: Council reviewed and approved the explanations of variances provided for 2023/2024.
17. 19.1486 To receive any recommendations and or comments from Committees –
a) Finance Committee – None.
b) HR & Personnel Committee
The Chair explained that an Extraordinary meeting of the HR & Personnel Committee had taken place on 18 June 2024 as the current Facilities Officer had given in his resignation.
Resolved: Council noted the update from the HR & Personnel Committee and thanked Jason for his time and for all his work carried out whilst undertaking his role.
c) Biodiversity & Allotment Committee – None.
18. 19.1487 To receive the draft minutes of any Committee meetings held since the last meeting of Council and note any delegated decisions made –
a) Finance Committee – 28 May 2024.
b) HR & Personnel Committee – None.
c) Biodiversity & Allotment Committee – 07 May 2024.
19. 19.1488 To receive correspondence received, if any – None.
20. 19.1489 To consider Planning Applications.
Planning Application | Comment |
Planning Application No.: P/24/249/FUL Applicant: A & R James Assets Ltd Location: 19 Nant Ffornwg, Cefn Glas, Bridgend, CF31 4TJ Proposal: Retention of change of use from dwelling house (use class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (use class C4) Date: 4 June 2024 | Resolved: Council objected to this proposal on every level. Members were advised to submit individual objections, whilst providing details to the Clerk for a formal, collated response. |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.27pm.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18 July 2024 and will commence at 7.00pm.