Minutes of the Biodiversity & Allotment Committee extraordinary meeting held at Blandy Hall on 5 June 2024 commencing at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr P King, J Hughes, P Rabone, S Snelling

In attendance:  H Coburn & K Thomas

1. To receive apologies for absence.  Cllr C Webster

    2. Representation from members of the public. 

    A plot holder who received a letter from the Biodiversity & Allotment Committee via the Clerk, which provided notice to terminate their allotment agreement was in attendance. The plot holder provided some background information, including that the maintenance of the plot is usually managed by a friend residing outside of the local area. The chair and members reminded the plot holder that this arrangement does not meet the allotment terms and conditions and therefore all members agreed that the tenancy could not be renewed.

    Resolved: Plot holder to check the plot for any items/equipment that are to be retained and to then email the clerk. Plot to be fully vacated within 7 days.

    3.   To receive Declarations of Interest (if any) of Members in respect of the business to be transacted.  


    4.    To receive minutes of previous meeting held on 7/05/2024 and to consider matters arising from the minutes but not included in the agenda

    Resolved:  That the minutes of the Biodiversity and Allotments Committee meeting that took place on 7 May 2024 be approved as a true and accurate record.

    Matters arising:

    Item 5, Tenancy Agreementsthe chair notified members that the following plots have now been vacated, 28a, 28b and the whole of 29. 28b – due to the tenancy agreement being signed by a person who was not the original plot holder, the plot holder has now been notified that she is to surrender the plot in line with the allotment terms and conditions policy.

    Item 8, To discuss clearance of plot protocolthe chair notified members that the plot in question has now been cleared and reimbursement of clearance cost is to be sought from the ex-tenant.

    5.  To agree terms and process for plot inspections

    Members approved the proposed inspection procedure document and agreed to the following –

    • Inspections to be carried out by one councilor and two plot holders.
    • Copy of inspection letter to be displayed on noticeboard in shed, emailed to tenants and posted to tenants not reachable by email.
    • Chair to draft any improvement letters required following inspections and clerk / assistant clerk to arrange postage of letters.

    6.  To discuss assistance with maintenance of plot 30

    Resolved: Plot to be inspected during forthcoming inspections and maintenance requirement plans to be considered then, as per new inspections protocol

    7.    To discuss damage to plot 2 by trespassing bull and subsequent action to recover costs

    Resolved: K Thomas to speak to insurers prior to speaking to farmer regarding reimbursement of costs incurredby plot holder to repair damage

    8.   To discuss correspondence received regarding plot 29 and agree on appropriate resolution

    See resolution under item 2.

    9.   To review the Committee’s Meeting dates and consider any matters relevant to the Committee for discussion at the next meeting

    • Discuss insurance to cover possible clearance of plot costs incurred by LCC in the event of unforeseen abdication of plot by tenant, for example the death of the tenant.
    • Hedge Cutting

    Next meeting to take place on Tuesday, 16 July 2024.

    There being no further business, the meeting ended at 20:04pm.

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