Minutes – 19 November 2020

Minutes – 19 November 2020

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely on 19 November 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, M Fouracre, C Green, T Green, C Smith, I Spiller and D Wooldridge

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1 19.297 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.298 Apologies for Absence: None

3. 19.299 Declarations of Interest

Cllr J P Blundell – Item 13 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.

Cllr M Fouracre – Item 5 – Personal Interest as a Governor of Llangewydd Junior School

4. 19.300 Approval of Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 8 October 2020 and 15 October 2020 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr J P Blundell.

5. 19.301 Fit for Future Budget Consultation

A representative from BCBC Consultation Department was in attendance to provide an update on the current Fit for Future Budget Consultation. The representative explained the difficulties with promoting the consultation face to face due to the ongoing pandemic and clarified that other means of increasing engagement with members of the public were being explored. The representative provided a brief overview of the responses received so far.

Resolved: Members requested that the outcome from the consultation be presented to Council for discussion.

6. 19.302 List of actions carried out since the last meeting.

The Clerk presented a list of actions, which were as follows:

Loss of earning claim £1,323.00 for Qtr 1 has been received. Noted
VAT repayment received from HMRC for 01 July – 30 September 2020 – totaling £6,867.03. Noted
New pvc door has been installed in allotment shed and work is scheduled to start on the rainwater goods. Noted
Repainting the outside of Blandy Hall has commenced. Noted
The boules area at Blandy Hall has been cleared and weeded as requested. Noted
As part of the Local Places for Nature fund, Keep Wales Tidy has been to site to assist with the creation and planting of a flower bed at Bryntirion Centre. Noted
The floodlights on the MUGA and electric for the defibrillator has been installed by Centregreat at Llangewydd Junior School. Issues had been presented to Centregreat by the Head of Llangewydd School relating to the end result of the works undertaken.


Clerk to contact Head of Llangewydd to outline that if Centregreat are not prepared to rectify the damage caused, LCC would cover the costs and invoice Centregreat.

7. 19.303 Quotations

Quotations Received Comment
CCTV for Bryntirion Community Centre and surrounding area – Quote A

5 cameras and recording unit. £769.00 + VAT


Due to excessive anti-social behaviour on the grounds of the centre, members agreed to progress with this quotation using the Council’s power to spend money on crime prevention measures.

3 replacement speed cushions at Banc Yr Allt. Est £15,000 to £20,000 Members questioned when the work would be carried out and highlighted the outstanding works for traffic calming on Llangewydd Road.


Clerk to compile correspondence details regarding the speed cushions along with information on the traffic calming measures on Llangewydd Road and send to Cllr C Smith who will make a joint referral on behalf of LCC .

8. 19.304 Bryntirion Community Centre

The Clerk advised Members that contact had been made by the Corporate Landlord explaining that the licence for the alterations that have been carried out at the centre will be included in the lease documentation. This document is currently being dealt with by the legal department.

The Project Group confirmed that the ongoing work at the centre will be completed week commencing 23 November 2020.

Discussion took place regarding the exterior of the community centre and Members agreed to investigate cladding being added to the side of the building facing the car park.

The Clerk confirmed that to date a response to the letter sent to Mudiad Meithrin regarding the facilities at the centre had not been received.


1) Following official completion of the works at the centre, Members suggested undertaking a socially distanced viewing in groups of 2 or 3. Arrangements to be made by the Clerk.

2) Clerk to make contact with Rockwool to investigate the possibility of receiving a donation of cladding materials for the side of the centre as discussed.

2) Members agreed that the current hire contract be circulated for accuracy prior to being presented to Cylch Meithrin for the term commencing in January 2021.

9. 19.305 Blandy Hall

The Clerk advised Members that contact had been made with a Bridgend County Borough Conservation Officer, who suggested a site meeting to enable her to provide appropriate and thorough advice on the materials required for the repairs at Blandy Hall.


Members agreed to await the outcome of the meeting with the Conservation Officer before discussing how to proceed.

10. 19.306 Laleston Allotments

A site meeting was held with the allotment Co-ordinator, Chair and Clerk of LCC where the Co-ordinator confirmed that Plot 32 would be available from the end of the month as notice had been received to end the tenancy agreement. The Co-ordinator requested that the strip of land adjacent to Plot 32 be allocated to the allotment holders as plans are currently being discussed to make the entrance to the allotment site more visually presentable .

During the meeting, the group viewed the current pedestrian access onto site which is currently over a stile. All agreed that the current entrance was not suitable for use in its current form.


1) To progress the plans as agreed at a previous meeting, to adapt plot 32 to make it DDA compliant, Members agreed that the Clerk make enquiries with National Association of Allotments and other groups regarding the requirements for making such adaptions.

2) Members agreed to provide the requested strip of land to the allotment holders to enable them to progress with making the site entrance more presentable.

3) In addition, Members agreed that support be provided by LCC to clear the car park area of debris.

4) Clerk to provide a written report on options for pedestrian access to site for deliberation at the next meeting of Council meeting.

11. 19. 307 Finance Update:

The Clerk presented the documentation as itemised on the agenda. The Clerk then advised Council that the next meeting of Council scheduled for December would be to set the budget/precept and asked that thought be given to any potential projects that need to be undertaken in the next financial year.


· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for October and November 2020.

· Members noted the list of uncashed payments as of 1 November 2020.

· Council approved payments for 1 September 2020 – 1 November 2020 as presented with the agenda, that can be viewed here.

· Council approved receipts for 1 September 2020 – 1 November 2020 as presented with the agenda, that can be viewed here.

· Council noted the summary of receipts and payments as of 1 November 2020.

· Members suggested potential projects to be undertaken in the next financial year and request that the Clerk compile for presentation to the next Council meeting. Projects include holding a summer fayre, increasing the hanging baskets by 10, increasing the Christmas lighting and holding a silent firework display in November 2021.

12. 19.308 Personnel Issues

Prior to the meeting, the Clerk circulated a letter received from LCC Facilities Officer which described his dismay at how he had been treated by hirers of LCC facilities and their associates.


Following discussions, Members wanted the Clerk to reiterate to the Facilities Officer that he was a valued member of the team. Council further requested that the Clerk write to the hirers concerned to make clear that the Facilities Officer must be able to carry out his duties interrupted and that any appeals made should be adhered to.

13. 19.309 Correspondence

Correspondence Received Comment
Offer of Town and Community Council Funding for between £5,000 to £20,000 but needs to be match funded by LCC. Do we want to make an application this year? Any thoughts on how the money could be utilised? Outside exercise equipment? Upgrading existing play equipment? Resolved:

Members agreed that the funding should be applied for to replace play equipment that required upgrading/replacing and to install outside exercise equipment. More detail to be provided at next Council.

The Clerk, a magazine provided by SLCC to provide examples of what other councils are doing and how they are benefitting from them.

It described a digital mapping service provided by Parish Online, that use ordnance survey mastermaps that we are able to overlay to detail play parks, notice boards, defibrillators, benches, listed buildings – anything of interest in our area. £400 plus VAT for annual subscription.

The Clerk stated that Parish Online were currently offering a 30-day free trial of this software.


Council agreed for the Clerk to sign up to the 30-day trial in the first instance.

A guide to our Services from One Voice Wales that was requested by Members before a decision is made on representation to sit on Area Committee and larger Council Committee. Circulated prior to meeting. Further information was requested regarding the commitment involved.


Clerk to enquire further and present findings to next Council

Email from BCBC Rights of Way Manager enquiring whether LCC would be willing to contribute to the cost of resurfacing the remaining section of Footpath 1 in Broadlands. Circulated prior to meeting. Resolved:

Council agreed to the proposal in principle but the final decision would be dependent on costings.

Confirmation from BCBC Elections department that LCC are now able to co-opt a member. A draft procedure and vacancy notice provided with agenda for comment and approval. Resolved:

Members agreed for the Clerk post the vacancy on website and Facebook, with a closing date of 11 January 2021 and applications will be considered at council meeting scheduled for 21 January 2021.

Email from Ramblers regarding the offer of match funding for kissing gates around our ward area – they are now asking that proposals are put forward to enable them to choose a project to support. Resolved:

Several suggestions were put forward which require further ratification prior to a proposal being made.

Information was provided at the meeting relating to ‘Community Pantries’ – a project that is being piloted in Aberkenfig, Nantymoel, Lewistown, Maesteg and Bryncethin. The project is in conjunction with FareShare charity whereby the venue pays a quarterly fee to receive food that could be supplied to members of the community for a minimal amount of money (or for free if the Community Council so wish). This project assists members of the community that are currently experiencing food poverty due to the ongoing pandemic. Resolved:

Council unanimously agreed to progress with the Community Pantries project. Clerk to make contact with Eclipse.

14. 19.310 To consider Planning Applications received:

Planning Application No.: P/20/702/FUL

Applicant: Kathryn Jones

Location: 42 Church View Laleston Bridgend CF32 0HF Proposal: Conversion of garage & single storey extension to form granny annexe; Ramped access to front and rear; Pitched roof in lieu of flat roof on newly formed granny annexe; First floor side extension

Date: 15 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/678/FUL

Applicant: Hannah Lewis

Location: 24 Parc Glyn Broadlands CF31 5EA

Proposal: Convert attached garage to habitable room and construct a first floor side extension

Date: 20 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/659/FUL

Applicant: Mr S Davies

Location: 10 Trem y Dyffryn Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AP

Proposal: Single storey side extension

Date: 23 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/766/TPN

Applicant: Cornerstone and Telefonica UK Limited

Location: Land south of M4 Motorway East of A48 Stormy Down CF33 4RS

Proposal: Prior notification for the installation of a 20 metre high lattice tower supporting 3no. antennas and a 300mm microwave dish, the installation of 2no. equipment cabinets, a 1.3 metre high stockproof fence and development works ancillary thereto

Date: 28 October 2020

Council queried whether this proposal should have been sent to Merthyr Mawr Community Council.


Clerk to respond to Planning to outline the above response.

Planning Application No.: P/20/782/FUL

Applicant: Mr K Bywater

Location: 43 Ffordd Candleston Broadlands CF31 5DU Proposal: Demolish conservatory and construct single storey rear extension

Date: 30 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/749/FUL

Applicant: A Thorington

Location: 42 Longfellow Drive Cefn Glas CF31 4PP Proposal: Demolish existing garage, construct two storey side extension to provide front and extended rear dormers (resubmission of P/20/68/FUL)

Date: 2 November 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/802/FUL

Applicant: Mrs Thelma Dennis

Location: 2 Willesden Road Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4RE

Proposal: Proposed works to provide platform lift, external access steps & level threshold entrance.

Date: 3 November 2020

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.53pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 17 December 2020.

Comments are closed.
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