Minutes – 15 October 2020

Minutes – 15 October 2020

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely on 15 October 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, M Fouracre, J P Blundell, C Green, T Green, C Smith and D Wooldridge

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1 19.284 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.285 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs I Spiller and D Wooldridge

3. 19.286 Declarations of Interest: Cllr J P Blundell – Item 13 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC).

4. 19.287 Council received the Minutes from the previous Council meeting held on 17 September 2020 and Approved them as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr T Green and seconded by Cllr B Davies.

5. 19.288 The Clerk presented a list of actions carried out since the last meeting, which were as follows:

  • The HSBC Safeguarding banking review had now been completed;
  • VAT return had been submitted to HMRC for 01 July – 30 September 2020 totalling £6,867.03.

6. 19.289 No quotations were received or presented.

7. 19.290 Bryntirion Community Centre

Letter to Meithrin

A draft letter was presented to Members responding to Mudiad Meithrin for comment and/or approval. Council Agreed to return the draft letter, with minor alterations to the content.

With reference to the connecting door between the main entrance hall and the room used for childcare facilities, Council Agreed to obtain a quotation for a magnetic door lock that would hold the door closed until a fire alarm signal is sounded, when the lock would be released automatically.

8. 19.291 Blandy Hall

With reference to the reported issues with the roof of Blandy Hall, Members Agreed that contact should be made with the Conservation Officer for advice on how to undertake the repairs utilising the correct processes.

9. 19.292 Laleston Allotments

Members discussed the reported issues relating to pedestrian access onto the allotment site and Agreed to investigate the possibility of installing a kissing gate.

10. 19. 293 Finance Update:

As the bank statements had not been received in time for the meeting, Council Agreed to defer this item until the next meeting scheduled for 19 October 2020.

11. 19.294 Personnel Issues

· Chair confirmed that the Clerk appraisal would take place on 28 October 2020.

Members thanked the Community Development Officer on the update of works completed over the last few months and noted the content of the report presented. With reference to the recent contact with the local PSCO’s regarding the anti-social behaviour on the grounds surrounding Bryntirion Community Centre, Members Agreed to instigate communication with BCBC and the Police for advice on the potential positioning of CCTV cameras and seek quotations for their installation.

  • CiLCA Learning Agreement

The Clerk confirmed that they had enrolled onto the CiLCA training course and that a Learning Agreement had been provided to ensure the student and Council were aware of the commitment of everyone involved. Council Agreed that the Chairperson would sign the agreement on behalf of the Council.

To assist with reducing the Clerks current workload to enable time to be allocated to the training course, it was suggested that software packages be explored to assist with administration processes. Cllr T Green and Clerk to investigate further and report back to Council.

  • Staff driver licence and insurance policies.

Council requested that all staff produce a copy of their driving licence and business car insurance policy, which will be held on file and be reviewed annually during the appraisal process.

  • Training Opportunities

The Clerk provided a list of essential training courses that staff will need to undertake to ensure health and safety regulations are being adhered to, which were as follows:

Health and safety in the workplace;

Manual Handling;

Emergency First Aid;

Covid 19;

Lone Working;

Fire Marshall;

Safe use of ladders and step ladders;

Working at Height Awareness.

Council Agreed to progress with the courses as outlined above.

  • Transport

With reference to previous discussions regarding obtaining a van for the Facility Officer to transport building materials from site to site. Members confirmed that initially ad hoc rental from hire company. Options to be presented at next Council.

  • Events

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the annual firework event has been cancelled this year which has been publicised through the LCC Facebook page. For the next firework event, Members suggested looking into providing a silent display.

  • Scam Emails

The Chairperson highlighted the amount of phishing emails that are being circulated and recommended that Members and Staff be extra vigilant when receiving unexpected emails and to report any suspicious email to report@phishing.gov.uk

  • Laleston Cemetery

Members voiced their concerns regarding a property near to Laleston Cemetery, as on several occasions the access onto the cemetery site has been blocked due to vehicles attending the property in question to purchase ad-hoc items. Cllr C Green confirmed that Trading Standards had been approached and confirmed that an update will be requested.

12. 19.295

Correspondence Received Comment
Interest in the community centre from a community group called ‘With Music in Mind’ who provide singing and social groups for people aged 50+ Council agreed that this project would be very beneficial to members in the local community and welcomed any further discussions regarding the provision of the community centre to support the group.
Clerk submitted a claim for loss of earnings for Qtr 1 which has been approved by Welsh Government. Claim total £1322.97. Council noted the successful claim.
Email from BCBC – vacancy for TCC representative for the Authority’s Standard Committee. Circulated prior to meeting. Any interest? No interest from Members.
Email received from One Voice Wales looking for up to 2 nominations for an area representative and another representative for larger council committee Members requested that further information is provided explaining what being a representative would entail.

13. 19.296 To consider Planning Applications received:

Planning Application No.: P/20/586/FUL

Applicant: Mrs L Powell

Location: 16 Meini Tirion Cefn Glas CF31 4TL

Proposal: Front porch and ground floor extension

Date: 17 September 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/605/FUL

Applicant: Mr S Hemsley

Location: 2 Shelley Drive Cefn Glas CF31 4QA

Proposal: Loft conversion Including front and rear dormers over ridge

Date: 23 September 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/648/FUL

Applicant: Mr C McCarthy

Location: 17 Esgair Y Maes Broadlands CF31 5BL

Proposal: Convert garage to dining room

Date: 5 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/665/FUL

Applicant: K Wright

Location: 3 Austin Avenue Laleston CF32 0LG

Proposal: Single storey extension to side/front of property

Date: 6 October 2020

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/654/FUL

Applicant: Mr C McCarthy

Location: 17 Esgair Y Maes Broadlands CF31 5BL Proposal: Lean to shed and canopy to side of house

Date: 6 October 2020

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.20pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 19 November 2020.

Comments are closed.
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