AGM Minutes – 18 June 2020

AGM Minutes – 18 June 2020

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held remotely on 18 June 2020 commencing at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, M Fouracre, P Davies, I Spiller, J P Blundell, C Green, T Green and C Smith

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1. 19.232 Council undertook a period of silent reflection

2. 19.233 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs T Turner and D Wooldridge

3. 19.234 Election of Chairperson 2020/21

Cllr C Green proposed Cllr C Davies as Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr JP Blundell seconded the proposal.

Cllr C Davies was duly elected as Chair for 2020/21

4. 19.235 Election of Vice Chairperson 2020/21

Cllr C Green proposed Cllr B Davies as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr P Davies seconded the proposal.

Cllr B Davies was duly elected as Vice Chair for 2020/21

5. 19.236 To approve Members allowances for the 2020/21 financial year

Due to the fact that the Clerk was unable to present the current Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales report. This item was deferred to the next meeting.

6. 19.237 Review Terms of Reference (TOR) for Committees

The current TOR for the HR Committee were presented to Council. Council agreed that the TOR be reviewed and amended as necessary at the next meeting of the HR Committee.

7. 19.238 Appointment of any New Committees

Following previous discussions, Council formally approved the formation of a Project Group to oversee any project and ensure consistent communication and progress is maintained throughout each Project. Proposed by Cllr Tom Green and seconded by Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell.

8. 19.239 Appointment of Members to Committees

Following discussions, the following Members were appointed to each Committee:

HR Committee

Cllr Pam Davies

Cllr Cheryl Green

Cllr Briony Davies

Project Group

Cllr Tony Berrow

Cllr Tom Green

Cllr Mark Fouracre

9. 19.240 Appointment of Chairs to Committees

Following discussions, the following Members were appointed at Chair of each Committee:

HR Committee

Cllr Pam Davies

Project Group

Cllr Tony Berrow

10. 19.241 Determination of Time and Place of Ordinary Meetings of Council up to and including the Next Annual Meeting

Council determined that each meeting of Council will continue to take place on the 3rd Thursday of the Month at 7.00pm at Blandy Hall

11. 19.242 Appointment of Representatives to External Bodies

Town and Community Forum

Cllr Jon Paul Blundell

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 7.25pm.

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