Minutes – 21 May 2020
Laleston Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 21 May 2020 commencing at 7.00pm remotely.
Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, D Wooldridge, I Spiller, J P Blundell, C Green, T Green and C Smith
In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell
1. 19.225 Apologies: Cllrs T Turner, M Fouracre and P Davies
2. 19.226 Declarations of Interest: Cllr J P Blundell Item 6 – Personal Interest as a Governor of Cefn Glas Infants School and Item 7 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC)
3. 19.227 Council received the Minutes from the previous meetings held on 30 January 2020 and 20 February 2020 and Approved them as a true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr C Green and seconded by Cllr B Davies.
i. A query was raised in relation to whether quotations presented to Council for approval should contain the company name and quoted amounts. Similarly, should the information be excluded from the minutes. Clerk to investigate.
ii. With reference to the quotation received at the previous meeting to carry out the required works to repair the wall surrounding Blandy Hall, the Clerk provided an additional verbal quotation. Following deliberation, Council Agreed to progress with the Kinsalestone’s quotation for the value of £9862.40.
4. 19.228 Covid-19 Update
Following discussions regarding the Council providing support to members of the public during the pandemic, Council Agreed to donate and additional £1,000 to Bridgend Foodbank.
5. 19.229 The Clerk provided a Finance Update
- Council reviewed the Risk Assessment presented and Approved in principle – following amendments being implemented which were raised at the meeting.
- Members noted the Bank Reconciliation Summary for both February and March 2020.
- Council Approved payment for vouchers 258 – 338 as presented with the agenda. Details of payments can be found here
- Council noted the S137 payments as 31 March 2020.
- Council noted the summary of receipts and payments as 31 March 2020.
- Council noted the year end Statement of Accounts for 2019/2020.
- Members reviewed the Internal Audit report and accepted the recommendation made in relation to detailing the supplier/payee within the minutes rather than just the Voucher number to allow for a clear audit trail. Council Approved the recommendation and instructed the Clerk to administer.
- Following presentation of the Annual Return 2019/2020, Members Approved the completed Accounting Statement and duly answered all questions outlined in the Annual Governance Statement.
6. 19.230 Correspondence Received
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Received an email from Gardening Club thanking LCC for the car park signs and the work carried out on the walls. In return the Gardening Club have cleared and planted bulbs under the tree by the car park and ask for Councils permission to continue their work around the perimeter wall.
They have also asked permission to use the grounds of Blandy Hall for a marquee to display vegetables and flowers at their Annual Show in September. |
Council thanked the Gardening Club for the work carried out in the grounds of Blandy Hall. Council provided its permission to continue their work around the perimeter wall and for use of the grounds for the Annual Show. |
Received a thank you letter from the Foodbank for donation made by LCC. | Noted. |
Received a request for a grant from Cefn Glas Infants School totaling £15,000 for:
£1,200 for a defibrillator £13,800 for developing their outdoor play provision for their children. |
Council Approved the request for a defibrillator and requested that the Clerk investigate grants and donations provided to other schools within the ward area in the first instance. |
Received an email from Bridgend Town Council regarding a woodland area in Newbridge Fields which historically they have been leasing from BCBC but it now transpires that the land is within the boundary of LCC. The lease has now expired and Bridgend TC are asking for views on how to proceed. | Council Agreed to discuss options further with Bridgend Town Council. Council confirmed that sharing the lease costs with Bridgend Town Council could be an option. |
Received an email regarding use of the grounds of Bryntirion Community Centre to hold a fundraising event to raise money for a non-profit organization called Save Our Seized Dogs. The event will be a family fun day which is also dog friendly. | Approved. |
Received an email from Prestige stating that following the Council’s donation for the group attend the Dance World Cup, unfortunately it had to be cancelled due to coronavirus. They are offering a refund but have also outlined that it would be appreciated if they were able to keep the money to partially recompensate parents who have made payments for uniform/costumes which are not able to be refunded. | Approved. |
Received an email from Broadlands Athletic Football club who are struggling financially due to the coronavirus, whereby their sponsorship money is not guaranteed but they still need to pay for use of Newbridge Fields although they are not using it at the moment. Essentially, they are looking for a new place to play and financial assistance to progress their team. | Members were open to assisting the club.
Council instructed the Clerk to explore details on the club – age/sex of players etc. Members concluded by suggesting a meeting with Broadlands Athletic Football Club, LCC and Bryntirion Junior Athletic Football Club to discuss further, when it is safe to do so. |
Received an email from BCBC formally confirming that the funding application for the Town & Community Council Fund had been successful. | Noted. |
7. 19.231 To consider Planning Applications received:
Applicant: Mr G Hayes Location: 59 Shakespeare Avenue Cefn Glas CF31 4RY Proposal: Raise ridge of roof to provide accommodation in roof space (rear dormer and two dormer windows to front elevation) and side extension (Amended plan and description received) Date: 21 April 2020 |
No objection |
Applicant: Mr D R Thomas Location: 36 Westward Place Bridgend CF31 4XA Proposal: Remove 1 ash tree Date: 21 April 2020 |
No objection |
Applicant: Mr R Thomas Location: 6 Bro Dirion Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AB Proposal: Inclusion of land into curtilage and increase the height of a small portion of the land adjoining the rear garden by approximately 70cms Date: 4 May 2020 |
No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 7.55pm.
The next meeting will be to hold the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council, which will take place remotely on Thursday 18 June 2020.