Agenda – 18th October 2018
Laleston Community Council
Cyngor Cymunedol Trelales
“working with the Community”
Amanda Parsons
12, Kingfisher Close.
CF31 2NY
11th October, 2018
Dear Councillor,
Please accept notice of a meeting of Laleston Community Council to be held at Blandy Hall on Thursday 18th October, 2018 at 7.00pm.
1. To undertake a short period of silent reflection
2. To receive apologies
3. To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, [15 minutes maximum] 4. Tim Hughes – Veridian UK
5. Declarations of Interest.
6. To receive Minutes of previous ordinary meeting and consider matters arising from the Minutes but not included in the agenda. 7. Clerk’s duties and running of LCC business – interim period. 8. Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre Update.
9. Independent Remuneration Panel’s Report- Member’s Allowances – Remuneration Panel – members allowance 2 10. Laleston Allotments update.
11. Proposal for Bat Boxes in Bryntirion.
12. Finance Update 2018 – 2019.
– Report from FSG meeting held on 11th September, 2018
13. End of Year Accounts Report 2017-2018
14. Clerks Report.
– Planting of daffodil bulbs in Broadlands
15. To Receive Correspondence
16. Reports and Observations
17. To consider Planning Applications
Amanda Parsons
Clerk to the Community Council