Minutes – 20th September 2018
Present: Councillors: Ian Griffiths (Chair), Briony Davies, Tony Berrow, Roger Davies, Cheryl Green, Dan Woolridge, Charles Smith, Ian Spiller and Jon-Paul Blundell
In Attendance: Clerk – Amanda Parsons
The Council held a period of silent reflection.
18/109 Apologies: Cllrs Colin Davies, Pam Davies and Tom Turner
18/110 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, [15 minutes maximum].
Mr Bob Sayce attended the meeting regarding a copy of an e-mail he had received from Cllr Colin Davies in relation to a meeting that took place with Councillors and Officers at V2C. He stated that the items discussed regarding the state of garage sites had still not been resolved. The Chair proposed he meet with Mr Sayce on Saturday 29th September at 11.00 to review his concerns.
RESOLVED: That the Chair will meet Mr Sayce on Saturday 29th September to view the sites concerned.
A resident from Laleston attended the meeting to enquire in respect of works going on with the adjacent fields. Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she had received several requests in which she confirmed that the existing it is not allocated for housing due to it being a conservation village. Highways have stated that the owner of the farm had been advised to add an alternative access due to safety issues.
Michael Placaert attended the meeting on behalf of the Allotment Committee and asked if they would be able consider the Allotment Committee to self manageable in the future. Cllr Briony Davies declared an interest. It was agreed that this would be discussed in the future.
RESOLVED: That Council consider the request for the Allotment Committee to be self manageable in the future.
18/111 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Briony Davies as an allotment holder, Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell – Planning Committee BCBC, Cllr Ian Spiller – Chair of Broadlands Community Hub.
18/112 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th July, 2018 be approved as an accurate record with an amendment on 18/93 from to replace 17th May to 19th June, 2018.
The Chair signed the minutes.
18 – 114 Matters arising from the Minutes
Proposed Shared Services with Community Councils
Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell confirmed that this item will be on
the agenda for the next Town & Community Council Forum
meeting in November
Overgrowth of trees obstructing ‘Right of Way’ signage
Cllr Ian Spiller agreed to carry out an investigation.
Inspection of trees at Blandy Hall
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted a contractor to
carry out a full safety inspection of the trees at Blandy Hall at an estimated cost of £250.00.
Item 6 on the Agenda – Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre and Financial Report Update
Cllr Roger Davies referred to the reports carried out recently at the Community Centre in terms of the Improvements Work Plan, Fire Risk Assessment have been circulated to all members and Asbestos Reports submitted to LCC.
Cllr Roger Davies asked for any responses for the proposed report of the work plan circulated to members. Cllr Charles Smith proposed to move forward in respect of the asbestos meeting and report, Cllr Cheryl Green seconded the proposal.
Cllr Ian Spiller asked what budget would be considered for the works to be carried out in the kitchen and shower room which Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that estimates were given on the report submitted to all members. Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that there are asbestos reports currently available at the Centre.
Cllr Briony Davies asked that a full feasibility study take place in respect of emergency checks taking place on a regular basis. Cllr Charles Smith stated that monthly checks take place as with the Westward Community Centre.
Cllr Cheryl Green stated that Council recommend that internet/wifi access be provided to encourage training courses to take place at the Community Centre.
Cllr Roger Davies also confirmed that all the works agreed to be carried out by BCBC in respect of water etc have been carried out within August, 2018. The Clerk issued the financial report on the
Community Centre’s income and expenditure until
31stAugust, 2018.
Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell
Cllr Ian Spiller
Cllr Roger Davies
All Councillors
To be noted by Council
18 – 115
18 – 116
18 – 117
18 – 118
18 – 119
18 – 120 Item 7 on the Agenda – Independent Remuneration Panel’s Report The Clerk asked that this item be deferred to next month’s meeting.
Item 8 on the Agenda – Community Council Newsletter
The Clerk asked that this item be deferred to next month’s meeting.
Item 9 on the Agenda – Proposal for consideration of a Skateboard Park
The Clerk advised that this item be discussed when setting the precept for 2019/20.
Item 10 on the Agenda – Allotments Update
The Clerk confirmed that following complaints from residents and also the attendance of Cllr’s Ian Griffiths and Dave Harrison at the site, it was agreed that letters be issued to plot holders who were not maintaining their plots. The Clerk confirmed that the outcome was that 2 plots were now available to be allocated to the next names on the waiting list.
The Clerk confirmed that she had also received a request that a tree at the entrance to the site be cut back due to the branches overhanging. The Clerk confirmed that permission had been granted by the resident of the property for the works to go ahead and stated that a quote of £85 had been sought to carry out the works. Cllr Cheryl Green and Tony Berrow volunteered to act as sub-committee members for the Allotments. Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that he will consult with other members who are absence.
Item 11 on the Agenda – Request for 30mph speed sign into Laleston
Cllr Charles Smith stated that he had received a request from a resident regarding the implementation of a 30mph speed sign to be installed on the entrance into Laleston and confirmed that he had spoken to Keith Power from BCBC.
Item 12 on the Agenda – Vandalism at the Inclusive Play Park, Bryntirion Playing Fields.
The Clerk stated that the Xylophone had been damaged beyond repair and had been removed by BCBC. She confirmed that she had obtained a quote for a replacement at a cost of 1700.00 however, this would not be covered by the Council’s insurance as it had not been reported to the Police and also no photographic evidence was taken at the time before the item was removed.
Cllr Tony Berrow proposed that consideration be given for a see- saw to be installed as a replacement in which Cllr Charles Smith seconded the proposal. Council seek a quotation for a see-saw to be installed. 18 – 121
18 – 122 Item 13 on the Agenda – Blandy Hall
Heating Installation update
Cllr Roger Davies reported that the installation of the heating system within Blandy Hall had been carried out. Following the installation of a radiator in the men’s toilet instead of the disabled toilet it was proposed that a further radiator be installed in the disabled toilet. All members agreed to an extra radiator to be installed.
Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that consideration still be given for a lockable room to be available in the future for storage, in which Council agreed to consider at a further meeting.
RESOLVED: That the contractor be contacted to install the additional radiator in the disabled toilet and consideration be given to a storage facility at the building.
Cleaning Requirements
Cllr Roger Davies stated that a regular cleaner should be employed to clean the hall on a weekly basis, he therefore proposed that Council consider appointing Sarah Fancett be employed to clean both the Community Centre and Blandy Hall equating to 2 and a half hours per week for both facilities. All Council members unanimously agreed for these cleaning proposals to take place on a weekly basis.
Cllr Roger Davies
Cllr Ian Griffiths/Roger Davies
18 – 122 Item 14 Finance update
Accounts for Payment July/August 2018
Date Details Balance
3.7.18 Nest – Pension Contribution for Clerk 60.23
6.7.18 Jeff Steinz Electrical Contractors Ltd 48.00
10.7.18 Bridgend District Scout Council – Annual Donation 1000.00 11.7.18 Cllr Ian Griffiths – additional chairs allowance agreed 21.6.18 50 19.7.18 Rowan Garden Designs – Watering charges 4/6 – 12/7/2018 540 20.7.18 TSO Host – Microsoft Exchange Email 19.7.18 18..7.19 118.8 25.7.18 Cllr Daniel Woolridge – Members Expenses 2018-19 150 25.7.18 ACL Garden Services – Grass Cutting at Community Centre 20.00 31.7.18 Amanda Parsons – Salary for July 2018 1179.86
25.7.18 HMRC – Tax & NI for Clerk 6.4.- 5.7.18 442.00
25.7.18 SSE – Electric for Community Centre 59.39
25.7.18 SSE – Gas for Community Centre 105.27
25.7.18 Cllr Cheryl Green – members Expenses 2018-2019 150.00 27.7.18 Companies House – fee for submitting B & L Comm. Assoc 10.00 31.7.18 Sutcliffe Play SW Ltd – painting of equip. play parks 1560.00 31.7.18 MJS Catering – BBQ for fun day 683.99
Date Details Balance
2.8.18 Nest – Pension Contribution for Clerk 60.23
27.8.18 Argos – Set of 3 plastic storage boxes 10.49
28.8.18 ACL Gardening Service – Grass cutting at Bryntirion Com Centre 20 28.8.18 Colossal Events – Hire of equipment for Fun Day 1800.00 31.8.18 Amanda Parsons – Salary for August 2018 1179.86
Current Budget and Financial Report 2018-2019
The Clerk circulated the current Expenditure Report as of 31st August, 2018, which was approved by Council.
Report from FSG Meeting held on 11th September, 2018
FSG/18/11 Applications for Grant Funding
The Clerk confirmed that since the last meeting that took place on 13th June, 2018 the following grant applications had been received and granted by the Council:-
Bobath – £500.00
Cefn Glas Infants School -£15,000 paid for outdoor equipment.
The Clerk confirmed that a further request had been received from the following:-
A request for support be considered from Cllr Ian Spiller of £7,500 in which he declared an interest on this agenda item and would be excluded from any discussions taken to full Council.
Broadlands Community Hub – Grant request for £7,500 to support Broadlands Fun Day in 2019 on the 4th May, 2019.
RECOMMENDED: To present this request at the Council meeting of the 20th September, 2018 and propose that this item be considered for the budget for 2019. respRESOLVEDect that any deposits for the fun day be paid by the Broadlands Association before the issue of the Council’s precept or that Council consider reserves to be taken into account for the year of 2019 for this purpose.
RESOLVED: Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell proposed to Council that they put forward £7,500 for next year’s fun day and Cllr Cheryl Green seconded the proposal.
FSG/18/12 Budget and Financial Report Update 2018/19
reports be issued to Council to illustrating the financial reports of the Community Centre. Members therefore recommended that a separate bank account be set up for the Community Centre. Members also discussed the additional responsibly and workload that this would incur on the Clerk and proposed that consideration be given by Council to appoint a book keeper or an additional person to support. Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that further consideration will need to be given regarding the ongoing cleaning of the centre as well as a ‘backup’ caretaker in case of emergencies.
RECOMMENDED: That a separate account be advised to the Community Council to set up a separate bank account for the Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre. That members further asked if Council would consider the appointment of a book keeper/additional person to support the clerk with the extra financial duties that will incur in the future. Members further requested that consideration be given to the appointment of an ongoing cleaning service which has been provided by Sarah Fancett at a cost of 20.00 per hour as well as a ‘backup’ caretaker be sought for the community centre in case of emergencies.
FSG/18/13 Community Asset Transfer – Bryntirion Community Centre – Next Steps.
Cllr Roger Davies stated that progression has been made with the Community Asset Transfer of the Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre with BCBC, but stated that further progression would be required in submitting further documentation to BCBC in respect of an ongoing business plan and therefore proposed that a further meeting take place with Guy Smith from BCBC to advise on guidance to achieve this and moving forward. Members therefore proposed that the Clerk arrange a suitable meeting date with Guy Smith and the Sub-Committee members to discuss on a way to move forward with the Community Asset Transfer. RECOMMENDED: That this be noted by Council.
FSG/18/14 Fireworks Display November 2018 – Update
The Clerk confirmed that the payment for the Laser display at a cost of £2,670.00 has been paid and that a further budget of £3,000.00 has been confirmed with Crackerjacks. The Clerk confirmed that St Johns Ambulance service has been booked and that the event is scheduled to start at 7.00pm with the gates opening from 6.00pm.
Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that he carry out a risk assessment for the evening. He stated that a similar risk assessment had been carried out by the Broadlands Community Hub’s Fun Day and that BCBC would need to be consulted to such an event taking place. Cllr Roger Davies enquired if there was an event plan in place and if not recommended that a sample be requested from other Community Councils. Members therefore asked the Clerk to contact Brackla Community Council and Porthcawl Town Council to seek if they had such plans in place and could provide us with their copies for information. Cllr Ian Spiller stated that he will also contact Stephen Sloan to ask for the support for the Scouts as volunteers as well as relying on members of the Council to support on the night. Cllr Ian Spiller also advised that any additional stalls provide the Council with the all documentation to include Adips certification, public liability insurance and copies of risk assessments. Cllr Ian Spiller further clarified that any such requests should be registered to BCBC no later than the 2nd week of October.
Members also gave concern regarding the wear and tear on the newly cleaned carpet in the community centre. Cllr Ian Griffiths confirmed that he will look into costs to provide complete floor coverage for the night.
The Clerk asked if Bridge FM should advertise the event as last year, Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that he will liaise with Elite signs to see if they can provide banners to be displayed in a visible location at no extra cost. RECOMMENDED: That these issues be noted by Council.
FSG/18/15 Fire Risk Assessment Report 2018 – Bryntirion Community Centre
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that a Fire Risk Assessment had taken place in August 2018 in which the Clerk confirmed she had submitted the report via e-mail to Councillors.
FSG/18/16 Building Condition Survey Report – Bryntirion Community Centre
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that a Building Condition Survey had taken place in August 2018 in which the Clerk confirmed she had submitted the report via e-mail to Councillors.
Members discussed both reports and recommended that all Council members be sent the reports and read prior to full Council meeting on the 20th September, 2018 for discussion.
RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk distribute the report to all Councillors advising them to read the report prior to the full Council meeting to be held on 20th September, 2018.
FSG/18/17 Heating system at Blandy Hall
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that the installation of the heating system had taken place on Saturday 8th September and completed on Monday 10th September, 2018. The total cost of the installation was £3,975.36 which included VAT. He stated that unfortunately the contractors had installed a radiator in the Men’s toilets instead of the Disabled toilets as initially agreed. However he further commented that there should be an alternative toilet facility within the hall in case of emergencies as well as the need for additional heating within this room due to damp appearing on the walls. It was therefore proposed that an additional radiator be installed within the disabled toilet as originally agreed and the men’s existing toilet remain as an additional facility. Cllr Tony Berrow stated that the money spent to convert the men’s toilet into storage therefore be used to accommodate additional heating within the disabled toilet and that the existing female toilet be converted only into storage facilities which was deemed adequate for the hall.
RECOMMENDED: That Council accept that the men’s toilet remain as a toilet as a second alternative toilet facility and install a further radiator as recommended in the disabled toilet.
Councillor Cheryl Green proposed that £7,500 be granted to the Broadlands Fun Day in which Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That Council agreed to give £7,500 towards the Broadlands Fun Day next year.
FSG/18/12 Budget and Financial Report Update 2018/19
The Clerk circulated the financial reports for the year up until 31st August, 2018.
Members discussed the financial reports issued by the Clerk and recommended that separate reports be issued to Council to illustrating the financial reports of the Community Centre. Members therefore recommended that a separate bank account be set up for the Community Centre. Members also discussed the additional responsibly and workload that this would incur on the Clerk and proposed that consideration be given by Council to appoint a book keeper or an additional person to support. Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that further consideration will need to be given regarding the ongoing cleaning of the centre as well as a ‘backup’ caretaker in case of emergencies.
RECOMMENDED: That a separate account be advised to the Community Council to set up a separate bank account for the Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre. That members further asked if Council would consider the appointment of a book keeper/additional person to support the clerk with the extra financial duties that will incur in the future. Members further requested that consideration be given to the appointment of an ongoing cleaning service which has been provided by Sarah Fancett at a cost of 20.00 per hour as well as a ‘backup’ caretaker be sought for the community centre in case of emergencies.
FSG/18/13 Community Asset Transfer – Bryntirion Community Centre – Next Steps.
Cllr Roger Davies stated that progression has been made with the Community Asset Transfer of the Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre with BCBC, but stated that further progression would be required in submitting further documentation to BCBC in respect of an ongoing business plan and therefore proposed that a further meeting take place with Guy Smith from BCBC to advise on guidance to achieve this and moving forward. Members therefore proposed that the Clerk arrange a suitable meeting date with Guy Smith and the Sub-Committee members to discuss on a way to move forward with the Community Asset Transfer. RECOMMENDED: That this be noted by Council.
FSG/18/14 Fireworks Display November 2018 – Update
The Clerk confirmed that the payment for the Laser display at a cost of £2,670.00 has been paid and that a further budget of £3,000.00 has been confirmed with Crackerjacks. The Clerk confirmed that St Johns Ambulance service has been booked and that the event is scheduled to start at 7.00pm with the gates opening from 6.00pm.
Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that he carry out a risk assessment for the evening. He stated that a similar risk assessment had been carried out by the Broadlands Community Hub’s Fun Day and that BCBC would need to be consulted to such an event taking place. Cllr Roger Davies enquired if there was an event plan in place and if not recommended that a sample be requested from other Community Councils. Members therefore asked the Clerk to contact Brackla Community Council and Porthcawl Town Council to seek if they had such plans in place and could provide us with their copies for information. Cllr Ian Spiller stated that he will also contact Stephen Sloan to ask for the support for the Scouts as volunteers as well as relying on members of the Council to support on the night. Cllr Ian Spiller also advised that any additional stalls provide the Council with the all documentation to include Adips certification, public liability insurance and copies of risk assessments. Cllr Ian Spiller further clarified that any such requests should be registered to BCBC no later than the 2nd week of October.
Members also gave concern regarding the wear and tear on the newly cleaned carpet in the community centre. Cllr Ian Griffiths confirmed that he will look into costs to provide complete floor coverage for the night.
The Clerk asked if Bridge FM should advertise the event as last year, Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that he will liaise with Elite signs to see if they can provide banners to be displayed in a visible location at no extra cost. RECOMMENDED: That these issues be noted by Council.
FSG/18/15 Fire Risk Assessment Report 2018 – Bryntirion Community Centre
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that a Fire Risk Assessment had taken place in August 2018 in which the Clerk confirmed she had submitted the report via e-mail to Councillors.
FSG/18/16 Building Condition Survey Report – Bryntirion Community Centre
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that a Building Condition Survey had taken place in August 2018 in which the Clerk confirmed she had submitted the report via e-mail to Councillors.
Members discussed both reports and recommended that all Council members be sent the reports and read prior to full Council meeting on the 20th September, 2018 for discussion.
RECOMMENDED: That the Clerk distribute the report to all Councillors advising them to read the report prior to the full Council meeting to be held on 20th September, 2018.
FSG/18/17 Heating system at Blandy Hall
Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that the installation of the heating system had taken place on Saturday 8th September and completed on Monday 10th September, 2018. The total cost of the installation was £3,975.36 which included VAT. He stated that unfortunately the contractors had installed a radiator in the Men’s toilets instead of the Disabled toilets as initially agreed. However he further commented that there should be an alternative toilet facility within the hall in case of emergencies as well as the need for additional heating within this room due to damp appearing on the walls. It was therefore proposed that an additional radiator be installed within the disabled toilet as originally agreed and the men’s existing toilet remain as an additional facility. Cllr Tony Berrow stated that the money spent to convert the men’s toilet into storage therefore be used to accommodate additional heating within the disabled toilet and that the existing female toilet be converted only into storage facilities which was deemed adequate for the hall.
RECOMMENDED: That Council accept that the men’s toilet remain as a toilet as a second alternative toilet facility and install a further radiator as recommended in the disabled toilet.
Minute Number Detail Action/Responsibility
18 – 123 End of Year Accounts 2018-2019
The Clerk confirmed that all further queries and additional information requested from BDO have been submitted and she advised that she is still waiting for the document to be returned. Clerk
18-124 Clerks Report
• The Clerk reported that the new bench had been installed at The Pound in Laleston.
• Planting of daffodil bulbs in Broadlands – The Clerk confirmed that a request had been received from a resident to plant daffodil bulbs along the grass verges at Clos Castell Coity and Bryn Dryslwyn or Thornbush Hill in Broadlands. Cllr Ian Spiller stated that he had received a request from a resident for someone else that was willing to donate bulbs and plant as well.
• The Clerk confirmed that a request had been made by the Labour Group to use the Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre to hold future meetings at a charge of 10 pounds.
18-125 To Receive Correspondence
• Clerks Resignation – Letter received by Chair on the 14th September, 2018 from the Clerk informing the Chair of her resignation with effect of the 14th October, 2018. The Chair proposed therefore that a recruitment sub-committee be formed in the meantime.
• E-mail received from Cllr David Harrison submitting his resignation as from immediate effect. The Clerk confirmed that she has requested his resignation in writing.
• Invitation received from The Mayor’s Office at BCBC inviting the Chair to his Civic Service on 30th September, 2018.
• E-mail received from One Voice Wales offering training sessions within the Bridgend area for Councillors.
• Letter received from Mrs Lesley Hobbs of the Stitchers Club – requesting that Council consider a reduction in their rental fee as from January 2019 due to the classes not taking place in May 2018 as works were taking place at Blandy Hall. – a month’s free.
• RESOLVED: That Council agreed to one month’s rent free for next year.
Cllr Ian Griffiths
The Clerk
The Clerk
The Clerk/Councillors
The Clerk
The Clerk
18-126 Reports and Observations
• Request received from Cllr Charles Smith regarding consideration of the painting of ‘H’ lines at drop kerb as he had received a complaint regarding a neighbour parking over the drop kerb. He confirmed that a quote of £300 had been received from Glamorgan White Lining and will need to be considered by Council.
• Cllr Ian Spiller stated the roads have been tarmacked within Broadlands and that the white lines be replaced, Cllr Cheryl Green agreed to submit this request to BCBC as a referral.
All Council
Cllr Cheryl Green
18- 127 Planning Applications – July/August/September 2018
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 3 months:-
P/18/564/OUT Residential development for 3 new build dwellings (outline application) Garden of Broadlands House Heol Blandy Broadlands Bridgend CF32 0NS P/18/581/FUL
Single storey infill extension and partial garage conversion 16 Llys Y Bryn Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BX P/18/583/OUT
Residential development for 4 new build detached dwellings with associated new access (outline application) Land at Broadlands Cottage Broadlands Bridgend CF32 0NS
Demolition of existing conservatory and construct a single storey extension comprising kitchen breakfast area and living area 1 Gelli Wen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AL
P/18/548/FUL Erection of wooden boundary fence between 72 & 73 Cae Gwyllt, Broadlands 72 Cae Gwyllt Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FF
P/18/621/FUL Single storey side and rear extension 174 Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4QJ P/18/653/FUL
Single storey rear extension
10 Pant y Dryw Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BP
P/18/648/FUL Single storey extension (and associated alteration works) plus the conversion and extension of the woodshed into habitable annexe accommodation (for ancillary use with the main dwelling 1 The Long House Heol Blandy Broadlands Bridgend CF32 0NS P/18/703/LIS
Listed building consent to change use of public house to 2 dwellings, alterations including demolition of eastern annexe & alteration to rear annexe The Oystercatcher 47 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL
Demolish existing garage and erect a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension 23 Austin Avenue Laleston CF32 0LG T/18/42/TPO
Works to protected trees: T1 – Ash – fell and grind stump; T2 – Oak – Fell and grind stump & T3 – Oak – Fell and grind stump Land adjacent to 17 Nant Ffornwg Cefn Glas CF31 4TJ
P/18/702/RLX Vary condition 2 of P/15/312/FUL to extend the period of consent from 25 years to 30 years Stormy West Landfill Site Stormy Down Bridgend
T/18/43/TPO 40% crown reduction of Oak Tree and removal of dead and dangerous limbs. Fell Ash tree Rear of 8 Wood Green Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4AT
Meeting Closed at