Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council, 16 May 2024

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council, 16 May 2024

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on Thursday 16 May 2024 commencing at 6.30pm.

Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, Z Blundell, J Cook, D Harrison, Cllr V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, I Spiller and C Webster.

In attendance:  Gail Jewell

1.  19.1440   Election of Chair 2024/2025

Cllr I Spiller thanked all Members of Council for their support over the past two years during his time as Chair of Laleston Community Council.

Cllr A Berrow proposed Cllr C Webster as Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr P King seconded the proposal.

Resolved:    Cllr C Webster was duly elected as Chair for 2024/2025.  Cllr C Webster extended her thanks to Cllr I Spiller during his time as Chair for Laleston Community Council, where he has been a fantastic Chair and provided helpful guidance to all.

2.  19.1441   Election of Vice Chair 2024/2025

Cllr A Berrow proposed Cllr S Philpin as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr P King seconded the proposal.

Resolved:    Cllr S Philpin was duly elected as Vice Chair for 2024/2025.

3.  19.1442   Apologies for absence. Cllr’sJP Blundell, C Davies and C Smith.

4.  19.1443   Committees and Working Groups

a) Review / Dissolve current Committees

Resolved:  Cllr I Spiller proposed to continue with the Committees and Working Groups currently in place – HR & Personnel Committee, Finance Committee and Biodiversity & Allotment Committee-, Cllr S Philpin seconded the proposal.

b) Review Terms of Reference for Committees

The Clerk proposed to change the order of the agenda to review the Terms of Reference prior to appointing Members.

Resolved:  Council agreed to adopt the Terms of Reference in place the previous year, following the amendment to increase the Membership of each Committee to 5 Members and to include the Chair and Vice Chair as ex-officio Members.

c)   Appointment of any New Committees and Working Groups

Resolved:  Cllr I Spiller proposed that a working group be created to oversee the works on Bryntirion Fields Masterplan.  Cllr S Richmond seconded the proposal.

d)   Appointment of Members to Committees and Working Groups

HR & Personnel Committee

    Resolved:  Council agreed that the membership of the HR & Personnel Committee would consist of Cllr A Berrow, Z Blundell, C Davies, V James, I Spiller, as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.

    Finance Committee

    Resolved:  Council agreed that the membership of the Finance Committee would consist of Cllr C Davies, D Harrison, S Philpin, S Richmond, I Spiller, as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.

    Biodiversity and Allotment Committee

    Resolved:  Council agreed that the membership of the Biodiversity and Allotment Committee would consist of Cllr J Cook, D Harrison, P King, I Spiller, C Smith, as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.

    Bryntirion Masterplan Working Group

    Resolved:  Council agreed that the membership of the Bryntirion Masterplan Working Group consist of Cllr A Berrow, Z Blundell, C Davies, D Harrison and I Spiller, as well as the Chair/Vice Chair of Council.

    e)   Appointment of Chairs to Committees

    HR & Personnel Committee

    Resolved:  It was agreed that Cllr I Spiller would Chair the HR & Personnel Committee for the forthcoming year.

    Finance Committee

    Resolved:  It was agreed that Cllr S Philpin would Chair the Finance Committee for the forthcoming year.

    Biodiversity & Allotment Committee

    Resolved:  It was agreed that Cllr P King would Chair the Biodiversity and Allotment Committee

    5.  19.1444   Appointment of Representative to External Bodies

    Town & Community Council Forum

    Resolved:  Council agreed to defer the item until the next meeting of Council.

    Blandy Trust Management Committee

    Resolved:  Council agreed that Cllr C Webster and Cllr A Berrow be representatives on the Blandy Trust Management Committee.

    6.  19.1445   Review and adopt:

    a)   Standing Orders

    The Clerk explained that the Standing Orders were reviewed and amended in November 2023.

    Resolved:  Council formally adopted the current version of Standing Orders and requested that the Clerk present any updates that may be required to be added to the document, for Council to review.

    b)   Financial Regulations

    The Clerk explained that the Financial Regulations were reviewed and amended in November 2023.

    Resolved:  Council formally adopted the current version of the Financial Regulations.

    7.  19.1446   Review inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment

    Resolved:  Members duly reviewed the inventory of land and other assets and agreed that the brick building on the allotments be detailed on the asset register and that the Clerk ensures that our insurance policy provides appropriate cover.

    8.  19.1447   To receive resolutions from the Finance Committee relating to insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks and the councils and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.

    The Clerk explained that the Finance Committee had not yet met to review insurance cover as outlined above but outlined that the item will be presented at the next Finance Committee meeting and the resolutions of which will be presented to Council.

    Resolved:  Members noted the update and further requested that all staff provide evidence of a business car insurance policy, along with a valid MOT certificate, to be monitored as part of the review of insurance cover by the Finance Committee.

    9.   19.1448  To review resolutions from the HR & Personnel Committee relating to the Council’s complaints procedure; Council’s policies and practices in respect of its obligations under Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation; Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media; and Council’s employment policies and procedures.

    The Clerk explained that the HR & Personnel Committee had not yet met to review the Council’s complaints procedure; Councils policies and practices in respect of its obligations under Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation; Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media; and Council’s employment policies and procedures but outlined that the item will be presented to the next HR & Personnel Committee meeting and the resolutions of which will be presented to Council.

    Resolved:  Members noted the update.

    10.  19.1449  Review the Council’s expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972.

    Resolved: Members reviewed the Council’s expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972.

    11.  19.1450  Determination of Time and Place of Ordinary Meetings of Council up to and including the Next Annual Meeting.

    Resolved:  Council determined that each meeting of Council will continue to take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.00pm apart from the meeting scheduled for December, which will take place on 12 December 2024 at 7.00pm and the Annual Meeting which will be scheduled to commence at 6.30pm. 

    12.  19.1451 To review the deliberations and determinations outlined in the Independent Renumeration Panel for Wales Annual Report for Town and Community Councils during 2024/2025.

    Resolved:  Council reviewed the deliberations and determinations as outlined in the Independent Renumeration Panel for Wales Annual report and agreed that as Cllr S Philpin would be covering Vice Chair and Chair of the Finance Committee, that a payment of £500 be allocated to Cllr A Berrow, due to him overseeing works at Bryntirion Community Centre and the time allocated for purchasing food for the Community Pantry.

    There being no further business, the meeting ended at 6.51pm.

    The next meeting will be held on Thursday 16 May 2024 and will commence at 7.00pm.

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