Minutes of meeting – Thursday 20th April, 2017
Minutes of a meeting of Laleston Community Council
Held at the Blandy Hall – Thursday 20th April, 2017
Present: Councillors Briony Davies,
Ian Spiller, Cheryl Green, Tom Green,
Mark Fouracre, Pam Davies,
Kathy Lewis, Hazel Kendall, Steve Sloan,
Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair.
17/49 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
17/50 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Dave Harrison, Dan Woolridge and Thomas Turner.
17/51 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting.
A resident attended the meeting to complain about the changes with the refuse collection and lack of responses at contacting BCBC. He further complained about the state of the streets due to refuse not being collected at regular intervals. Cllr Pam Davies explained in detail the recycling changes that are to take place as from June 2017 regarding the collection of waste and about the various colour bags, caddy for waste and black caddie for glass and that the sacks would be larger than the existing ones. Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she had put in a referral regarding his concerns. Council agreed that the Clerk to write to BCBC.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to write to BCBC regarding these issues.
The resident also requested that a sign be placed by the post office with directions to Blandy Hall, in which Council requested that this be noted and put forward as an agenda item for the next meeting.
RESOLVED: Council agreed that this item be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
17/52 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Cheryl Green Agenda Item: 12? BCBC Member
Cllr Pam Davies Agenda Item: 12 BCBC Member
17/53 Minutes of previous meeting
Following a motion by Cllr Cheryl Green and seconded by Cllr Ian Spiller it was:-
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th March, 2017 be accepted as a true record. The Chair then signed the minutes.
17/54 Matters arising from Minutes
17/43 Proposed Boules Match
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted Mark Steer of the Pencoed Town and Twinning Association and confirmed that the proposed date is Friday 23rd June, 2017 and not the 29thJune, 2017. Council agreed that the boules pitch to be cleared prior to the match and the Laleston Fete.
RESOLVED: That this information be noted by the Council and the Clerk to instruct clearance of the Boules Pitch.
17/55 Inclusive Playground – Bryntirion Community Centre
The Clerk confirmed that the playground has been completed and the official opening will take place on Saturday 22nd April at 11.00am. The Clerk confirmed that Bridge FM have been advertising on the radio all week and will be attending the event and Paul Davies a Welsh Paralympic table tennis player who won Bronze in Rio last year will be opening the playground. Council agreed that an official opening sign be erected.
RESOLVED: That this information be noted by the Council and the Clerk to instruct for a sign to be erected.
17/56 Public Access Defibrillators
Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the defibrillators purchased by the Broadlands Hub were bought from Cariad and that they will provide a maintenance plan with the cost of cabinets being for a cost of £400.
The Clerk confirmed that she had sent letters to Tesco Express in Broadlands and Laleston Post Office to ask if a defibrillator could be located at each of the premises, she confirmed she has received a response from Laleston Post Office that would consider having one installed. Council agreed that the defibrillator would need to be located outside of the Post Office and Cllr Pam Davies confirmed that power would be needed for the installation of the Public Assess Defibrillators.
The Clerk stated that the Headteacher of Llangewydd School would like to host defibrillator located on the school premises and would like to ask the Community Council to help fund with the purchase of one at a cost of £400 and apply for the British Heart Foundation for the remainder. Council stated that funding from the British Heart Foundation would not be applicable for schools.
Cllr Tom Green confirmed that he has sought clarification and the wooden boxes would not be suitable to store defibrillators.
17/57 Parking at Trelales School, Laleston
Cllr Cheryl Green stated that the safe route to Trelales school has changed due to the car park at the Oystercatcher no longer being available for parking. She confirmed that the Highways Officer would be willing to remove the lines but the cost of approximately £4000 for legal fees would need to be funded by the Community Council. Cllr Steve Sloan proposed that Council fund for the legal fees to have the yellow lines removed and Cllr Briony Davies seconded the proposal. Cllr Cheryl Green moved that the Clerk to write to Tony Godsall at BCBC to state that Council have agreed to fund the legal fees and Cllr Mark Fouracre seconded the movement.
RESOLVED: Council agreed the Clerk to inform BCBC that the Community Council would agree to pay for the legal fees to allow the yellow lines to be removed.
17/58 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment February 2017
Description | Amount inc VAT |
Bridgend District Scouts Unit – Annual Donation | £1000 |
Tesco – 2 Black Ink Cartridges | £20 |
BCBC – Christmas Lights 2016 | £11088.24 |
Shoecare – Key cut for Blandy Hall | £7.25 |
McColls – 12 x 1st Class Stamps | £7.68 |
Bobath – Donation | £500 |
St David’s Church Social Committee – Donation for Laleston Fete | £500 |
Welsh Water – Allotments | £56.12 |
H M Revenue & Customs – yearly payment of PAYE/National Insurance contributions | £1610.19 |
£14,789.48 |
Budget update as at 31st March, 2017
The Clerk produced a spreadsheet of the budget and expenditure as at 31st March, 2017.
RESOLVED: That the report be accepted by Council.
17/59 Correspondence March/April 2017
– Letter received from Bridgend Samaritans thanking the Council for the donation granted last year and appealing for the Council for a financial contribution for this year. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that a further donation of £500 be granted and Cllr Ian Spiller seconded the proposal.
-E-mail received from Leanne Powis asking the Council for financial assistance to support her daughter who has been selected to play basketball for Wales (U14’s) in Gibraltar in June 2017. Cllr Steve Sloan proposed that a financial contribution of £150 be granted and Cllr Ian Spiller seconded the proposal. Cllr Ian Spiller stated that a form be produced to enquire about more information as to how much money is being requested, how much funding they will be putting him themselves or any other financial support that . The Council took a vote that more information would need to be sought in future for any financial requests the majority of Council were in agreement. Cllr Cheryl Green requested that the Clerk respond to any future requests asking for additional information and request that feedback be given back to Council following the event.
-Letter received from Bobath thanking the Council for their generous donation of £500.
17/60 Reports and Observations Received March/April 2017
The Clerk confirmed that no reports and observation have been received since the previous meeting held on 16th March, 2017.
– Cllr Tom Green stated that the Teenage play area in Broadlands was full of litter but confirmed that the pathways surrounding the park were cleared on a regular basis. Cllr Tom Green requested that the Clerk write to BCBC asking if they can include the Teenage play area to be cleared.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to write to BCBC requesting that the Teenage play area be cleared of rubbish when clearing the footpaths.
17/61 Planning Applications – March/April2017
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-
Council requested an Objection to P/17/254/FUL due to an increase in traffic and parking concerns, Cllr Mark Fouracre proposed the objection and Cllr Steve Sloan seconded the proposal.
The meeting closed at 8.35pm
……………………………………………………………….. Chairperson