Minutes of Meeting of Council – 17 March 2022

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 17 March 2022

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus)(Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020 on 17 March 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s T Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, G Richard-Hemmings, C Smith and I Spiller.

In attendance: Gail Jewell

1. 19.1006 Council undertook a period of silent reflection in memory of Simon Green.

2. 19.1007 To receive a statement from the Chair

The Chair provided a statement which can be found as an appendix to these minutes for reference. The statement proposed several recommendations to be introduced by the new Council in May 2022, which were as follows:

  1. Introduce two new committees, a committee for Planning matters and a Finance Committee to cover finance matters, Project Management and Human Resources Issues.
  2. Amend the current Standing Orders to meet the needs of the modern world, including remote meetings and electronic communications.
  3. To ensure all elected members in May have a robust understanding of:
  • The role of the Community Council and its statutory responsibilities
  • The Code of Conduct
  • Standing Orders
  • Financial Regulations
  • The role and responsibilities of the Clerk and RFO
  • Other relevant rules and procedures.


· Council fully endorsed the recommendations proposed by the Chair and Members took the opportunity to thank her for all the hard work undertaken and advice provided during the past year.

· Council further agreed that all recommendations should be drafted and utilised commencing at the Annual Meeting in May.

3. 19.1008 Apologies for absence. Cllr N Adams, JP Blundell and D Wooldridge.

4. 19.1009Representation from members of the public. None

5. 19.1010 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent

The Chair allowed the following urgent items to be included on the agenda for discussion:

  1. With reference to a decision made at the Council meeting in February 2022, relating to a requested donation to support a member of the public to take part in a community project in Ecuador, the Clerk pointed out that the decision was unfortunately ‘Ultra Vires’ and therefore asked Council to agree to rescind the decision.

Resolved: Council agreed to rescind the decision and asked the Clerk to liaise with the applicant to relay this information. Proposed by Cllr T Berrow and seconded by Cllr P Davies.

  1. The Clerk explained that the next meeting of Council would take place during Purdah, or as otherwise known – the pre-election period, and that they had been advised to propose that there be no meeting of Council in April.

Resolved: Following discussions, Council agreed to:

  1. cancel the meeting of Council in April 2022
  2. abide by the rules and regulations during Purdah
  3. delegate powers to the Clerk, Chair and Vice Chair for any emergency issues that should arise
  4. to continue to receive all planning applications via email.

6. 19.1011 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr I Spiller – Item 5 – Personal Interest as a neighbour of a received grant application.

Cllr P Davies – Item 10 – Personal Interest as related to the PSCO that dealt with the used defibrillator on Longfellow drive.

Cllr G Richard-Hemmings – Item 11 – Personal Interest relating to the Bridgend Carers Centre donation as currently receiving support for caring for a family member.

7. 19.1012 Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 17 February 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Green and seconded by Cllr I Spiller.

Matters arising:

In relation to the works that Council have asked to be undertaken by Graham Crocombe on the footpaths in the area, the Clerk provided an update on behalf of Mr Crocombe. The Clerk explained that Graham had provided a summary of all footpaths along with a detailed report on Footpath 1 only. The report highlighted issues of missing public footpath signs as well as being overgrown and extremely muddy in areas. It was also highlighted that the Welsh Government were providing an allocation of money to footpath improvements and signage that could be utilised.

Resolved: Members noted the update and agreed that the Community Development Officer investigate the allocation of money for improvements.

8. 19.1013 Finance update:


· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 28 February 2022.

· Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda which included vouchers numbers 295-331. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr C Green.

· Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 109 -138. Proposed by Cllr T Green and seconded by Cllr I Spiller.

· Council approved a list of salary payments for February 2022 which were presented with the agenda and can be viewed here. Proposed by Cllr T Green and Cllr C Green.

9. 19.1014 To discuss the tree planting for the Queen’s Jubilee

As Council has previously agreed to plant a tree to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee, the Clerk proposed a potential option which included purchasing and planting a Malus Royalty tree and installing plaque from the Royal British Legion in connection with the initiative ‘plant a tree for the Jubilee’.

Resolved: Following discussion, Members agreed to purchase and plant a Malus Royalty tree in the grounds of Blandy Hall, and to purchase and install a plaque from the Royal British Legion. The decision was moved by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr P Davies.

10. 19.1015 Defibrillator Update

The Chair of the HR Committee presented an update on the defibrillators recently installed throughout the ward area.

Resolved: Following the update provided, Council agreed:

a) that the Chair of the HR Committee provide a copy of the codes for all defibrillator cabinets to the Police and another copy to be placed in the office of Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre.

b) to store the Progetti and the Zoll defibrillator at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre for emergencies.

c) to ensure that the defibrillator on site at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre is covered by CCTV.

d) that the Clerk contact Dave from Life Support Training and Safety regarding the need to enlarge the print in the cabinets that outline that the defibrillator needs to be placed back in the cabinet following use and make arrangements to detail that the defibrillators were purchased and installed by Laleston Community Council on the exterior of the cabinet.

e) that the Clerk circulate the date and times of proposed training sessions to Members of Council and to advertise via the noticeboards for all interested members of the public.

f) that the Clerk make arrangements to receive a refund for one defibrillator.

11. 19.1016 Grants and Donations update

1 Island Farm Hut 9 Preservation Group. Council previously agreed to support the group in their endeavours to purchase Hut 9, but the target has now been achieved. How do Members want to progress? Resolved: Council agreed that if the Preservation Group required a certain amount of funding for a specific purpose, Members would look to support.
2 Bridgend Carers Centre. Resolved: Council agreed to donate £250 to the Bridgend Carers Centre.  Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr T Berrow.
Resolved: Following discussion of this item, Council agreed that it was evident that the Council’s donation/grant policy required review, to ensure a robust rationale could be provided for each decision made. Members agreed that the policy and application form be reviewed and amended by the newly formed Finance Committee following the elections in May.

12. 19.1017 Community Pantry Update

The proposed item was deferred as a decision to delay increasing the food membership to include chilled food until after the elections was made, in the absence of the Clerk in November 2021.

An update was provided relating to Tesco in Broadlands agreeing to supply our Community Pantry with a weekly parcel of food, although the relevant paperwork still required completion.

Resolved: Council duly noted the update.

13. 19.1018 To discuss footpath leading to Craig Y Parcau Woods

Due to the fact that the footpath would be included in the report being undertaken by Graham Crocombe, no further discussion took place.

14. 19.1019 To receive an update from the Clerk

No additional report was provided by the Clerk as all issues and updates were already included on the agenda.

15. 19.1020 To receive quotations, if any.

Quotations Received · Comment
1 Supplier AInvestigate current Biodiversity Action Plan, update where required and produce recommendations report. £450. The Clerk pointed out that a budget allocation had been set for advice and consultancy fees on initiating our Biodiversity Plan for 22/23.Resolved: Council agreed to progress with the quotation and further requested that the Biodiversity plan for Broadlands also be included. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr C Davies.

16. 19.1021 To receive Correspondence

Correspondence Received · Comment
Email received from a member of the public regarding the lack of dog poo bins on footpaths. A query was raised whether Council has plans to install bins in the near future? Resolved: Council agreed that the Clerk investigate whether Bridgend County Borough Council would empty the bins if LCC were to install in the first instance and dependent on the response, research costings for a contractor.
2. Email received from a member of the public regarding a damaged chain-link fence surrounding the field opposite the MUGA and Trelales School. A query was raised whether Council had plans to fix the fence for safety reasons. Email circulated with the agenda. The Clerk explained that they had now been informed that the fence and land belonged to Bridgend County Borough Council and that a referral was sent on behalf of the member of public.

Resolved: Council noted the update.

3. Email received from a member of the public relating to a pathway that cuts through Dol Nant Dderwen in Broadlands. They report an increase to antisocial behaviour and damage to property and ask Council if they can assist with gating off the pathway to only allow access to street members. Resolved: Council confirmed that the pathway is a public right of way and also part of the ‘safe routes to school’ and therefore gating the area would not be possible. In relation to the antisocial behaviour, Members advised that all issues should be reported to the Police.

17. 19.1022 To receive Personnel Issues, if any

Since the Chair of the HR Committee confirmed that they would not be standing for election in May, Members took the opportunity to relay their thanks for all hard work undertaken in past years.

Resolved: Council agreed to utilise the time and advice from the Chair of the HR Committee as a volunteer following the elections in May 2022.

18. 19.1023 To consider Planning Applications

Planning Application Comment
Planning Application No.: P/22/68/FUL

Applicant: Mr R Lock

Location: 43 Dol Nant Dderwen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AA

Proposal: Change of use of a log cabin located on driveway to a small scale beauty and  aesthetics treatment room

Date: 16 February 2022

No objection, as Council are aware that Bridgend County Borough Councils Highways Department will respond relating to the streets increased usage due to the purpose of the log cabin.
Planning Application No.: P/22/98/LIS

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Pike

Location: 49 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL

Proposal: Listed Building Consent for a replacement rear garage

Date: 16 February 2022

No objection.
Planning Application No.: P/22/58/FUL

Applicant: Mr J Hoskins

Location: 26 Pen Llwyn Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AZ

Proposal: Two storey porch/frontage extension; Enclose bay window and re-roof; Two storey rear extension; Raised patio to rear; New parking area to front; Internal alterations

Date: 18 February 2022

No objection.
Planning Application No.: P/21/858/FUL

Applicant: Mr L Rogers

Location: 6 Mayfield Avenue Laleston CF32 0LH

Proposal: Dormer extension to rear

Date: 23 February 2022

No objection.
Planning Application No.: P/22/114/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Beynon

Location: 2 Blaen-y-Ddol Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5AD

Proposal: Remove single storey rear extension; construct single storey rear extension with glass roof Lantern

Date: 2 March 2022

No objection.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.30 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 19 May 2022 and will commence at 6.00pm.

Comments are closed.
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