Minutes – 15 April 2021
Laleston Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely on 15 April 2021 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, G Richard-Hemmings, C Smith
In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell
1 19.367 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.368 Apologies for Absence: Cllr’s M Fouracre, I Spiller and D Wooldridge
3. 19.369 Representation from members of the public
In attendance was a representative of the public to formally object to Planning Application No: P/21/56/FUL, Applicant: Braseria El Prado included on the agenda. The representative explained that they reside in a property adjacent to the establishment and were very concerned with the proposed changes to licensing hours alongside the inclusion of outside music. The representative further described the effects the planning proposals would have on noise levels and parking in the area. The representative concluded by stating that the planned works would change the profile of Braseria El Pardo completely.
Resolved: Members noted the representation made and confirmed that Council do not have sight of any licensing proposals and were therefore unable to comment on applications made.
4. 19.370 Declarations of Interest
Cllr J P Blundell – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.
Cllr C Smith – Item 15, Planning Application No: P/21/56/FUL – Prejudicial Interest as Cabinet Member of Education and Regeneration at BCBC. Cllr C Smith left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this application.
Cllr P Davies – Item 15, Planning Application No: P/21/56/FUL – Personal Interest as a Member of the Licencing Committee at BCBC.
Cllr B Davies and Cllr A Berrow – Item 15 – Personal Interest as a neighboring property had submitted a planning application.
5. 19.371 Approval of Minutes
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 18 March 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Smith and seconded by Cllr C Green.
Matters arising from minutes:
a) The Clerk confirmed that proceedings for a County Court Judgement for money owed had been initiated against a debtor.
6. 19.372 Finance Update
· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 31 March 2021.
· Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda, proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr T Green. To view the list of payments click here..
· Council approved payments that had been omitted from reports during the financial year, proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr T Green. To view the list of omitted payments click here.
· Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda, proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr T Green. To view the list of receipts click here.
· Council noted the summary of receipts and payments as of 31 March 2021.
· Council approved the statement of accounts at year end, proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr T Green.
· Members formally appointed Mr N Davies of Pencoed to act as internal auditor.
· Following a recommendation made by a Member, Council agreed for the Clerk to obtain a credit card for the Facilities Officer to the value of £500.
7. 19.373 To note a list of actions since the last meeting
A CCJ claim has been initiated against a debtor using a government claim portal and is ongoing. | Resolved: Duly noted by Members |
Requested and received an updated quotation for completely cladding Bryntirion Community Centre as requested by Council which totals £24,260 plus VAT. If Members are happy to progress, 2 other quotations will be sought. | Resolved: Due to the fact that Council have knowledge and experience of the workmanship of the contractor who had submitted the quotation, Members agreed to progress with the quotation received. |
Contact has been made with David & Snape to review the lease for Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre. Awaiting confirmation of costings but a ball-park figure of £800 has been provided. | Resolved: Duly noted by Members. |
Instructed Taylor Weed Control to commence Japanese knotweed removal at the Pound as agreed at the last meeting of Council. | Resolved: Duly noted by Members. |
Kinsale Stone company has agreed to liaise and meet with the conservation officer before repointing works commence at the Pound. | Resolved: Duly noted by Members. |
As requested by Cheryl, I contacted Mr D Unwin regarding a bus shelter that was previously requested for Carreg Llwyd. Kevin Sales has confirmed that the request was looked at previously, but unfortunately residents objected and therefore the request wasn’t progressed. Kevin also pointed out that the bus stop is only serviced twice a day Monday-Friday.
Mr Unwin also confirmed that he will repaint the milestone situated in Laleston. An offer of purchasing paint to complete the work was declined. |
Resolved: Members noted the update and agreed that the bus shelter should be progressed as the site is well used by members of the public travelling to and from work and instructed the Clerk to initiate proceedings with Kevin Sales.
Resolved: Members queried whether the milestone was listed under CADW and instructed the Clerk to contact the Conservation Officer for advice prior to any work being carried out. |
Forms have been completed for the Community Pantry to work from the centre. Phil has passed his Food Hygiene Level 2, which was a requirement by Fareshare. Training has been provided to Clerk and Facilities Officer and the Pantry is looking to start on 22 April 2021. | Resolved: Members noted the update and Cllr T Green and Cllr JP Blundell volunteered to assist as and when required. In addition, Council requested that any training certificates achieved by staff are on show within the centre. |
A Biodiversity Plan has been drafted and circulated to all Members. As outlined in the document, the plan is a document that will require regular reviewing. Clerk is to attend the next meeting of Bridgend Green Network to present the working action plan to gain advice and explore the possibility of working together if any of our actions cross over with their objectives. | Resolved: Council agreed to create a Biodiversity Group, to be formally agreed along with Terms of Reference at the Annual Meeting of Council in May. |
8. 19.374 To review and approve Laleston Community Council’s Publication Scheme.
Resolved: Council reviewed the Publication Scheme document, which was duly approved, proposed by Cllr B Davies and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell.
9. 19.375 To consider the Local Government and Election (Wales) Act 2021
The Clerk presented a summary of key provisions of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 which was deliberated by Council who agreed that the act would improve the work of the Council but would inevitably impact on the workload of Councillors and Staff alike.
Resolved: Members noted the update provided and agreed that a newsletter should be compiled and supplied to members of the public to highlight the work of LCC. The newsletter would fit in with the requirement to encourage the public to engage with local democracy under the new legislation.
10. 19.376 To receive updates regarding Bryntirion Community Centre
The Clerk confirmed that to date legislation states that the Community Centre would be able to open 17 May 2021 and thus far every evening had been provisionally booked by groups. The Clerk also explained that the exterior works on the centre would commence in May 2021.
Resolved: Members noted the updates provided.
11. 19.377 To receive updates regarding Blandy Hall
The Clerk confirmed that the repair works are scheduled to commence in May 2021.
Resolved: Members noted the update provided.
12. 19.378 To receive updates regarding Laleston Allotments.
The Clerk provided an update that a funding opportunity had presented itself delivered by Keep Wales Tidy. The package includes raised beds made of wooden sleepers, a greenhouse, tools, a tool shed and a bench along with an extensive list of other useful items.
Resolved: Council noted the update and agreed to receive the proposed design prior to any decision being made.
13. 19.379 To receive Personnel Issues, if any.
A Member queried whether all staff had taken annual leave during Easter and if a yearly wall planner had been purchased to plan and record any holidays taken. The Clerk confirmed that both had been carried out.
14. 19.380 To receive Correspondence.
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Email received from a resident via Cllr P Davies, asking for assistance with the litter issue in Broadlands Baseball Park. The resident has contacted the Completions Manager from Persimmon, who has confirmed that they are not prepared to provide extra bins or increase the litter collections. | Resolved: Council agreed to purchase an additional bin on the proviso that Persimmon agree to add the bin to the collection schedule. |
Happy Hours playgroup have enquired whether or not the defibrillator in Laleston has pads suitable for children, the Clerk has made contact with Primary Care Supplies and they have confirmed that only adult pads were supplied, but we are able to purchase additional pads for children for £85 plus VAT. | Resolved: Council instructed the Clerk to investigate obtaining pads suitable for children. |
In addition to correspondence received, a Member explained that a referral had been submitted to BCBC regarding Gypsy Lane, outlining the requirement to introduce safety measures, as the lane is a walking route to school. | Resolved: Members agreed for the Clerk to obtain a total cost to undertake the introduction of 20mph on Gypsy Lane to access whether the costings could be provided by LCC. |
15. 19.381 To consider Planning Applications.
Planning Application No.: P/21/105/FUL
Applicant: Mr A Buckley Location: 61 Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas CF31 4QW Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and construct a rear single storey sun room extension Date: 11 March 2021 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/154/FUL
Applicant: Mr M Prior Location: 16 High Street Laleston CF32 0HP Proposal: Rear single storey extension Date: 11 March 2021 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/146/FUL
Applicant: Mrs J Carrington Location: 54 Llwyn Castan Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FG Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable room with removal of garage door and replace with masonry and window Date: 12 March 2021 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/66/FUL
Applicant: Mr S Davies Location: 1 Broadway Cottages Laleston Bridgend CF32 0HY Proposal: Creation of a balcony to the rear elevation by installing a glass balustrade around an existing flat roof Date: 15 March 2021 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/119/FUL
Applicant: Mr L Henly Location: 17 Clos Tir Isaf Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BU Proposal: Rear extension and enlargement of existing balcony Date: 25 March 2021 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/56/FUL
Applicant : Braseria El Prado Location : Braseria El Prado High Street Laleston CF32 0LD Proposal : Construction of part covered outdoor eating area to serve existing restaurant; reconfiguration of car parking to create additional spaces and dedicated refuse store [amended plans received 31-3-21] Date: 31 March 2021 |
Members considered the representation made earlier at the meeting whilst discussing this planning application.
Members were pleased to note that the applicant had resubmitted proposals to reduce the number of covers from 52 to 30 which would match the amount of parking spaces and therefore lessen any pressures on car parking in the area. Resolved: No objection |
Planning Application No.: T/21/25/TPO
Applicant: Hafod Housing Assoc. Location: Heol Ty Maen Cefn Glas CF31 4QF Proposal: Fell ash trees diseased with ash die back Date: 1 April 2021 |
No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 09.00 pm.
The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 20 May April 2021.