Minutes of Council, 19 December 2024

Minutes of Council, 19 December 2024

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 19 December 24 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, C Davies, M Fouracre, V James, S Richmond, M Smith, I Spiller and C Webster.

In attendance:  Gail Jewell

1. 19.1565    Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.1566    Apologies for absence. Cllr D Harrison, S Philpin and C Smith.

3. 19.1567    Representation from members of the public.  None.

4. 19.1568    Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.  None.

5. 19.1569    Declarations of Interest. 

Cllr A Berrow – Item 14 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

6. 19.1570    Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: Following an agreed amendment to the resolution of Item 15 19.1556 to state ‘Following a majority agreement via email, Council formally agreed to the purchase of a re-usable Christmas tree at Broadlands….’ the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 25 November 2024 were approved as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr A Berrow.

Matters Arising from the Extraordinary Meeting 25 November 2024:

Item 13. 19.1554 – To agree to progress with the installation of the white lines at the Dell and Wind Street in Laleston

Resolved: The Clerk confirmed that contact had been made with the Traffic and Transportation department and agreement had been provided to progress with the works as outlined above.

Item 15. 19.1556 – To agree the purchase of a re-usable 3.5m Christmas tree with installation of concrete base opposite the shopping precinct in Broadlands, adjacent to the CCTV camera and planters/benches/bins installed by LCC.

A question was raised regarding the health and safety issue highlighted on Facebook relating to the newly installed Christmas Tree.  It was confirmed that following on from a Facebook post stating that the Heras fencing would be removed from around the tree, Centregreat made contact to explain that for health and safety reasons, the fencing should not be removed until the 230v transformer installed in the tree was relocated to the nearby lamppost.  A Member confirmed that the transformer had now been relocated, as advised, and the Heras fencing had been removed.

Resolved: Council requested that written confirmation is sought from Centregreat that the work carried out to relocate the 230v transformer eliminated the health and safety concern. 

7. 19.1571    To receive quotations, if any.

 Quotations Received Comment
 To receive/store and install 6 benches   Contractor A – £4540 exc. VAT Contractor B – £3300 exc. VAT Contractor C – No quotation receivedResolved: Council agreed to progress with Supplier B.  In additions Members agreed that the Clerk starts to compile an approved list of contractors.    
 Quote for works at the Pound To create a half round mortar top to the walls of the Pound and to take down and rebuild the gate hinge side and reset hinges into stonework.   Specialised contractor – £2340 plus VATResolved:  Council noted the fact that the work was specialised and agreed to progress with the quotation received. 

8. 19.1572    To review the budget/precept proposals for 2025/2026

The Clerk explained that following the meeting send out, some omissions and errors were found in the budget spreadsheet and an updated document was circulated at the meeting for deliberation.

The following proposals were presented in relation to the updated budget spreadsheet:

  1. To decrease the budget heading for the Laleston Well Project from £8,000 to £7,500
  2. To decrease the budget heading for playpark improvements from £40,000 to £30,000
  3. To decrease the budget heading for Bryntirion Masterplan from £5,000 to £4,000
  4. To decrease the previously proposed increase of £4,000 to £2,000 for Elections earmarked reserves from £12,000 to £10,000, with a further allocation of £5,000 to be made in 2026/2027 and 2027/2028
  5. To decrease the earmarked reserves from 4 months running costs to 2 months.
  6. To decrease the previously proposed increase of £15,000 to £10,000 for Bryntirion Masterplan earmarked reserves from £55,000 to £50,000

Resolved:  Council agreed to progress with the proposals presented above and confirmed that the precept for 2025/2026 would be set at £299,007.75.

Members approved all budget proposals set in the document for 2025/2026 and noted that any additional spend that may arise during the financial year would either need to be budgeted for 2026/2027 or replace an existing budgeted spend.

9. 19.1573    Finance Update:


9.1   Members noted the bank reconciliation summary as at 1 December 2024.

9.2   Following clarification on vouchers 264, 265, 268 and 275, Council approved a list of payments made during November 2024 which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 248 – 289, proposed by Cllr S Richmond and seconded by Cllr I Spiller.

9.3   Council approved a list of receipts received during November 2024, which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 125 – 143, proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr A Berrow.

9.4   Council approved a list of salary payments made in November 2024, which were presented with the agenda, proposed by Cllr A Berrow and seconded by Cllr I Spiller.

10. 19.1574  To co-opt two Members of Council to sit on the Biodiversity and Allotment Committee

Resolved:  Cllr I Spiller nominated both Cllr M Fouracre and Cllr M Smith to sit on the Biodiversity and Allotment Committee, which was unanimously agreed by all Members.

11.  19.1575  To receive any recommendations and or comments from Committees –

a) Finance Committee – The recommendations made at the Finance Committee meeting that took place on 3 December 2024 were discussed and resolved at Item 8 of this agenda.

b) HR & Personnel Committee – None.

c) Biodiversity & Allotment Committee – None.

12. 19.1576  To receive the draft minutes of any Committee meetings held since the last meeting of Council and note any delegated decisions made –

a) Finance Committee – 3 December 2024.      .

b) HR & Personnel Committee – 13 November 2024.

Resolved:  Members noted the minutes of the above meeting and received a verbal update on the steps that followed the decision relating to Item 5 of the agenda. 

c) Biodiversity & Allotment Committee – None.

13. 19.1577  To receive correspondence received, if any – None.

14. 19.1578  To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application  Comment
Planning Application No.: P/24/740/FUL Applicant: Mr D Perkins Location: 14 Magpie Place, Broadlands, Bridgend, CF31 5FJ Proposal: Installation of an Air Source Heat Pump to the rear of property Date:  2 December 2024  Resolved:  No objection raised.
Planning Application No.: P/24/736/FUL Applicant: Mr L Hale & Ms J Wise Location: 5 Lon-Y-Bugail, Cefn Glas, Bridgend, CF31 4UE Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey side extension and replacement with a single storey side extension and single storey front extension Date:  9 December 2024  Resolved:  No objection raised.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.12pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 16 January 2025 and will commence at 7.00pm.

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