Minutes – 18 February 2021

Minutes – 18 February 2021

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely on 18 February 2021 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, M Fouracre, C Green, T Green and C Smith

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1 19.340 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.341 Apologies for Absence: Cllr I Spiller and D Wooldridge

3. 19.342 Declarations of Interest

Cllr J P Blundell – Item 13 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.

4. 19.343 Approval of Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 21 January 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr J P Blundell and seconded by Cllr B Davies.

Matters arising from minutes:

a) As agreed at the previous meeting, the Clerk confirmed that they had circulated a document comprising of all known outstanding works that is required to be undertaken by Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Following discussions, it was highlighted by a Member that LCC had also agreed to acquire the play park in Laleston through the CAT process, but it had not been progressed.


Cllr C Smith agreed to submit the document to BCBC as a joint member referral.

Clerk to contact the CAT Officer to investigate the CAT of Laleston play park.

b) With reference to the request for a presentation be made to LCC on the Bridgend Town Masterplan, the Clerk explained that a BCBC officer had confirmed that unfortunately, they were unable to attend council due to lack of resources. The Clerk highlighted that the presentation was made to Town and Community Council Forum and as the meeting was webcast, could be viewed on BCBC website.


Council agreed for the Clerk to distribute a link to the meeting to all LCC Councillors by email.

c) Regarding the discussion that took place relating to how council could assist schools with restoring the mental health and wellbeing of young children throughout the pandemic. A Member confirmed that advice was sought from the Corporate Director of Education, who suggested that Council could be a sponsor for the Festival of Learning.


Members agreed to consider the proposal of being a sponsor for the Festival of Learning and to investigate the possibility of Dr Andy Cope attending schools to provide a presentation.

d) With reference to the Laleston Stone Trail item, the Clerk confirmed that a quotation for the creation of a website had been sought and will be produced to Council when received.


Council agreed to add Laleston Stone Trail as a standing item on all future agendas.

5. 19.344 List of actions carried out since the last meeting.

The Clerk presented a list of actions, which were as follows:

List of Actions Comments
Submitted a EOI for Barnes Avenue Park which has been approved by BCBC Steering group. Phil met with Gary from Sutcliffe to ask for a revised quotation to include additional fencing to the boundary of the park, but Sutcliffe has now explained that have now found out that we aren’t able to install adult exercise equipment within 25m of a play park. Sutcliffe have suggested placing them along the existing path alongside Barnes Avenue Park. Members agreed to receive the plan and quotation from Sutcliffe and decide the best course of action following that.

A member highlighted that LCC had previously agreed to undertake CAT of Play Park in Laleston – Clerk to investigate

6. 19.345 Quotations

Quotations Received Comment
Repairs to concrete window cills on Bryntirion Community Centre and superficial repairs to the front door entrance and double door rear entrance. £490 (ex VAT). The Clerk outlined that as the cost was less than £500, the financial regulations state that it is only a requirement to strive for 3 quotes and highlighted the difficulty in obtaining a quote from one contractor who would be able to undertake them all.


Members agreed to progress with the quotation presented.

Microsoft 365

Office Applications and email – £9.40 (plus VAT) per user per month.

Just email – £3 (plus VAT) per user per month


Members agreed to progress with the quotation presented.

Supplier A – Japanese knotweed removal

(3 years of treatment, 2 years of monitoring) – £1,100 (plus VAT) or £75 (plus VAT) per application.

Supplier B – Japanese knotweed removal approx. £150 per application.


Members requested that the action plan for Supplier A be circulated in the first instance.

Motor scrubber with spray jet – £907.20 (plus VAT)

Hand sanitiser dispenser and hand towel dispenser – £18.90


Members agreed to progress with the quotation presented.

Van lease with maintenance. 48 month contract. (ex VAT)

Electric – initial payment £1475.52. £267.52 monthly thereafter.

Diesel – initial payment £887.16. £175.32 monthly thereafter.

Petrol – initial payment £1211.94. £201.99 monthly thereafter.


Members agreed to re-assess the workload of the Facilities Officer in 3 months to decide if the costs presented could be warranted.

7. 19.346 Bryntirion Community Centre

The Clerk outlined that advice had been sought in relation to the safety of the proposed exterior cladding and confirmed that no concerns had been raised.


  • Council agreed to receive the final proposals for the exterior of the building, along with approximate timescales to carry out the works, at the next council meeting scheduled for 18 March 2021.

8. 19.347 Blandy Hall

No concerns.

9. 19.348 Laleston Allotments

The Clerk explained that following a discussion with the allotment site representative, the allotment committee have confirmed that they do not require assistance from LCC to clear the entrance to the site and car park. Although the site representative did raise concerns regarding the potholes on the driveway and offered to obtain quotations for a permanent resolution.


· Council agreed to receive the quotations when provided by the site representative for deliberation.

· Council outlined their eagerness to progress with the adaption of plot 32 and request that advice and designs are pursued for presentation to a future meeting of Council.

10. 19. 349 Finance Update:

The Clerk presented the monthly financial information and a draft Grant/Donation Policy and application form to council.


· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 1 February 2021.

· Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda. Proposed by Cllr J P Blundell and seconded by Cllr M Fouracre.  To view payments please click here.

· Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda. Proposed by Cllr J P Blundell and seconded by Cllr M Fouracre.  To view receipts please click here.

· Council noted the summary of receipts and payments as of 1 January 2021.

· The approval of ear marked reserves was deferred to the following meeting of

Council and it was agreed that the item be moved up the agenda to allocate more time for deliberation.

· Council agreed to adopt the Grant and Donation Policy and application form.

· Council agreed to add a standing budget heading in the next financial year for a donation to the Scouts for the assistance they provide LCC throughout the year.

11. 19.350 Personnel Issues

The Clerk confirmed that their appraisal had taken place with the Chair of LCC and that a copy of their driver’s licence and business car insurance policy had been produced which will now be held on file.

12. 19.351 Correspondence

Correspondence Received Comment
Email from a resident of Laleston asking for advice/help to reduce the speed limit through Laleston from 30mph to 20mph Resolved:

Council agreed that they would be unable to assist with the reduction of the speed limit as the road was the main route into Bridgend and the proposal would not be accepted by BCBC.

Email from a carer of children with disabilities, querying why there was no fence around Bryntirion Play Park. She complimented LCC on providing equipment with accessible needs but also explained that due to the lack or a fence, the park is not safe and secure. Resolved:

Members confirmed that advice was received not to fence off the park although Council agreed to making the park side backing onto Llangewydd Road more secure.

13. 19.352 To consider Planning Applications received:

Planning Application No.: P/20/1006/FUL

Applicant: Mr O Phillips

Location: 2 Derwen Las Broadlands CF31 5DP

Proposal: Demolish conservatory and erect single storey extension to rear elevation to provide family room

Date 18 January 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: T/20/60/TPO

Applicant: Heather Garratt

Location: 24 Wildfield Bridgend CF31 5FF

Proposal: T1 Oak – Reduce crown of tree; T2 Sycamore – Reduce crown of tree; T3 Sycamore – Remove one over extended branch growing towards house and remove one storm damaged branch; T4 Horse Chestnut – Remove tree in rear garden to ground level; T5 Sycamore – Reduce crown of tree.

Date 25 January 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/20/1038/FUL

Applicant: Mr C Dyke

Location: 3 Clos Pen Llwyn Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FE

Proposal: Construction of a new detached garage and convert internal garage to a home gym

Date 26 January 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/21/24/FUL

Applicant: Mr S Cinderby

Location: 36 Cae Gwyllt Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FF Proposal: Single storey side extension

Date 29 January 2021

No objection
Planning Application No.: P/21/56/FUL

Applicant: Braseria El Prado

Location: Braseria El Prado High Street Laleston Bridgend CF32 0LD

Proposal: Construction of part covered outdoor eating area to serve existing restaurant; reconfiguration of car parking to create additional spaces and dedicated refuse store

Date 10 February 2021

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 08.50 pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 18 March 2021.

Comments are closed.
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