Minutes – 17 December 2020
Laleston Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely on 17 December 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, P Davies, M Fouracre, C Green, T Green, C Smith, I Spiller and D Wooldridge
In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell
1 19.311 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.312 Apologies for Absence: Cllr C Davies
3. 19.313 Declarations of Interest
Cllr J P Blundell – Item 13 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.
Cllr T Green – Item 12 – Personal Interest as a member of St David’s Church Social Committee.
4. 19.314 Approval of Minutes
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 19 November 2020 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Green and seconded by Cllr J P Blundell.
Matters arising from minutes:
· Quotations: In relation to the quotation for traffic calming measures, the Clerk confirmed that contact had been made with BCBC to investigate the possibility of undertaking the works with an external company.
Resolved: Members agreed that the outstanding traffic calming measure will
be discussed further following a response from BCBC.
· Bryntirion Community Centre: The Clerk confirmed that no response had been received from Rockwool regarding the potential donation of cladding for the centre and advised that a figure had been allocated to the next financial years budget to undertake the work.
Resolved: Members agreed that the proposed works and figures will be discussed under item 11.
· Correspondence: Regarding the possible site to match fund with the Ramblers for a kissing gate, the Clerk confirmed that suggestions were made but no resolution was made. Following discussions, Members agreed that the site to propose was on footpath 11.
Resolved: CG confirmed that Andrew Mason of BCBC will attend site and advise in the first instance.
5. 19.315 List of actions carried out since the last meeting.
The Clerk presented a list of actions, which were as follows:
CCTV has been installed at Bryntirion which has led to the need for a CCTV Policy and review of our GDPR Privacy Notice (for discussion at Item 11) | A Member highlighted the need for metal grid cases to protect the CCTV cameras from any potential damages.
Resolved: Clerk to make arrangement for metal grid casing to be installed on all CCTV cameras. |
Contact has been made with an external company to outsource the Christmas lighting. Christmas lighting requires a thorough review throughout all wards. | Resolved: Noted |
As agreed at the last Council meeting, contact has been made to progress the Community Pantries scheme which will take place at the Bryntirion Community Centre in the New Year. | Resolved: Noted |
The co-option vacancy has been posted to LCC website and LCC Facebook page. As yet, no applications have been received. | Resolved: Noted |
Bryntirion Comprehensive has confirmed that they would like to be involved in the logo design competition and is currently being developed. | Resolved: Noted |
6. 19.316 Quotations
Quotations Received | Comment |
Quotation to carry out works at Blandy Hall. Quote 1 – £8155.00 plus VAT | Resolved:
Members agreed to proceed with this quotation |
Quotation to carry out works at Blandy Hall. Quote 2 – £10,678.56 | Noted |
Quotation to carry out works at Blandy Hall. Quote 3 – £11,863.21 inc VAT | Noted |
Outside exercise equipment:
Cross Trainer – £3102 Spinning bike – £2367 Lat Pull down – £4106 |
The quotation was initially requested for a potential project to be carried out at Barnes Avenue Playpark, although due to the reasonable costings provided, Members agreed that the equipment should be sited on all LCC Play Parks.
Resolved: Members agreed that money should be allocated to install all items at playparks sited at Bryntirion, Laleston and Broadlands. |
7. 19.317 Bryntirion Community Centre
The order of the agenda was revised to enable discussion of this item first, due to the Manager of Clych Meithrin being in attendance.
A Member raised issues relating to the paving slabs placed outside the Community Centre, whereby the slabs were very uneven and therefore to avoid any possible injury, suggested that they be replaced with grass or bark.
In response to a question raised by a Member, Clych Meithrin confirmed that they were satisfied with the room and the facilities allocated to them to carry out their childcare services, although did point out the following:
- Cylch Meithrin were legally obliged to have documentation on view and requested that a notice board be allowed to be installed to present this information.
- Cylch Meitrin is aware that the room is required to be cleared following each hire and politely requested that an extra 15 minutes be provided in each morning to allow for set up for each session.
- Cylch Meithrin raised previous safeguarding issues of personnel entering the room whilst the children were in attendance and requests that every effort is made that nobody enters the room unless in an emergency.
1) Clerk to make arrangements for BCBC compliance officer to attend the Community Centre to undertake a review of the building post refurbishment.
2) The paving slabs outside Bryntirion Community Centre be replaced with an impact absorbing flooring.
3) That a noticeboard be installed in the room that is hired out to Clych Meithrin for the purpose to house legal documentation.
4) Clerk to amend contract of hire to allow an extra 15 minutes at the start of each sessions and to confirm that the children will only be able to use the toilets provided in the room.
5) Council agreed that every effort would be made make that any entrance into the room would be during an emergency only.
8. 19.318 Blandy Hall
The Clerk advised Members that a meeting had taken place with the Conservation Officer and a plan of action had been compiled outlining the works that were required along with the materials that needed to be used. Quotations had been sought from three building companies that had experience of working on a listed building and were presented under item 6.
9. 19.319 Laleston Allotments
This item was referred to the next meeting of Council.
11. 19. 320 Finance Update:
The Clerk presented draft budget figures to Members. Following discussion, Members agreed that it was highly unlikely that the Summer Fayre project would take place due to the pandemic and agreed that instead extra money should be transferred to Broadlands Fun Day and Laleston Fete.
Deliberation took place relating to the proposed projects presented to Council which had been compiled from previous suggestions made at Council meetings. Members submitted further ideas that would be collated for the next Council meeting, including the possibility of a mini nature reserve to be sited to the rear of Heol Y Dail.
During debate regarding budget spends, a Member stated that they had undertaken a survey of the Christmas lighting and highlighted the fact that there seemed to be a disparity throughout ward areas, with particular inconsistency in the Broadlands area.
· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 1 December 2020.
· Members noted the list of uncashed payments as of 1 December 2020.
· Council approved payments for vouchers 202 – 231 as presented with the agenda. To view the list of payments click here.
· Council approved receipts for vouchers 21 – 22 as presented with the agenda. To view the list of receipts click here.
· Council noted the summary of receipts and payments as of 1 December 2020.
· Council confirmed that the below changes be made to current fees and charges:
a) 2.5% increase for allotment holders;
b) No change to hire rates for Blandy Hall or Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre.
· Council agreed that an additional £7,500 be allocated to Broadlands Fun Day and £1500 to Laleston Fete and removed from the Summer Fayre Project with the remaining £3,000 allocated to earmarked reserves.
· Council duly nominated Cllr I Spiller to undertake a thorough review of the Christmas lighting for the forthcoming year to ensure an acceptable coverage of lights throughout the ward areas.
· Council agreed that the Clerk contact BCBC outlining the precept request of £218,246 for the financial year 2021/2022. To view the proposed budget for 2021/2022 click here.
12. 19.321 Personnel Issues
With reference to the newly installed CCTV at Bryntirion Community Centre, the Clerk presented a draft CCTV Policy and amended GDPR Privacy Policy to cover the council legally.
Resolved: Both CCTV Policy and GDPR Privacy Policy were duly approved.
13. 19.322 Correspondence
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Blandy Hall requests for usage
1st Monday Merythr Mawr Community Council. 1st Tuesday Ramblers. |
Noted |
Bryntirion Community Centre requests for usage.
Pilates class twice a week for a minimum of 8 weeks. |
Noted |
Email from Bridgend Town Council regarding the lease for Craig Y Parcau Woodland area. | Resolved:
Council agreed to await further information from Bridgend Town Council as requested by Clerk. |
Air Ambulance Wales Donation Appeal | Resolved:
Council agreed to the donation of £500 for Air Ambulance |
Childline Donation Appeal | Resolved:
Council agreed to the donation of £1,000 for Childline |
14. 19.323 To consider Planning Applications received:
Comment | |
Planning Application No.: P/20/717/RLX
Applicant: Mr Andrew Derricott Location: 20 Ton Tylluan Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BE Proposal: Vary the standard time condition on P/15/510/FUL to extend the consent for a further 5 years Date: 17 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/783/FUL
Applicant: Ms Rhonda Power Location: 19 Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4QW Proposal: Refurbishment of existing bungalow. Single storey rear / side extension. Date: 17 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/757/FUL
Applicant: Mrs Philippa Carter Location: 16 Austin Avenue Laleston CF32 0LG Proposal: Change of use of one room within dwelling into a physiotherapy treatment room (Use class D1) Date: 20 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/824/FUL
Applicant: Mr Leslie Parslow Location: Llangewydd Farm Rogers Lane Llangewydd To Court Colman Court Colman Bridgend CF31 0ET Proposal: Proposed construction of detached garage Date: 23 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/835/FUL
Applicant: Mr J Reynolds Location: 56 Westward Place Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4XB Proposal: Construction of detached double garage/wc; demolish existing garage to side and construct utility room and ground floor bedroom and en-suite shower room. Date: 26 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/832/FUL
Applicant: Mr Pearce Location: 15 Gallt Y Drudwen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FL Proposal: Two storey kitchen / bedroom extension to rear elevation Date: 26 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/889/FUL
Applicant: Mrs N Dowie Location: 8 Bryn Henfaes Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5EW Proposal: Single storey rear extension Date: 27 November 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: T/20/9/CON
Applicant: Mr E Phillips Location: Greystones 10 Wind Street Laleston CF32 0HS Proposal: Remove dead wood and 30% crown reduction to oak tree; cut back overhanging dead and dangerous limbs of ash tree Date: 8 December 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/848/FUL
Applicant: Mr S Morgan Location: 21 Llwyn Castan Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FG Proposal: Convert garage into habitable rooms Date: 11 December 2020 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/20/934/FUL
Applicant: Mr D Airey Location: 16 Clos Castell Newydd Broadlands CF31 5DR Proposal: Convert garage into utility room / living accommodation with garage doors to remain Date: 11 December 2020 |
No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 09.10pm.
The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 21 January 2021.