Temporary Road Closure – Ffordd Tirion, Broadlands
Temporary Road Closure
Under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Sections to be restricted:
Ffordd Tirion from Cae Beddgelert to junction of Careg Llwyd
Reason for Restriction:
Insufficient width of carriageway to maintain vehicular access during carriageway surfacing
Temporary Diversion Route:
Careg Llwyd, B4622 Broadlands spine Road, Careg Llwyd, Ffordd Tirion and reverse in opposite direction.
Period of Closure:
From 0800 to 1700 on 29/08/2017 or until such time as the works are completed up to a maximum of 18 months.
Closure Requested by:
David Hearne
Communities Directorate
Bridgend County Borough Council
Closure and diversionary route signing must be in place in accordance with chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual prior to the works requiring the closure commencing. Access for buses will be maintained.
Kind Regards
Ian Spiller
Chair – Broadlands Community Hub
Laleston Community Councillor – Broadlands, Bryntirion and Laleston
07971 659011