Minutes – Thursday 20th October 2016
Minutes of a meeting of Laleston Community Council
Held at the Blandy Hall – Thursday 20thOctober 2016
Present: Councillors Briony Davies, Kathy Lewis,
Ian Spiller, Cheryl Green, Tom Green, Dan Woolridge,
Mark Fouracre, Steve Sloan, David Harrison,
Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair.
16/139 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
16/140 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Thomas Turner, Hazel Kendall, and Pam Davies.
16/141 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting.
The Chair presented a cheque donation to representatives of the National Coastwatch Institution and RNLI.
16/142 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Cheryl Green Agenda Item: 15 BCBC Member
Cllr Kathy Lewis Agenda Item: 7 School Governor
Cllr Tom Green Agenda Item: 10 Community Association
Cllr Anthony Berrow Agenda Item: 10 Community Association
16/143 Minutes of previous meeting
Cllr Mark Fouracre reported on item 16/136 that it was himself and not Cllr Ian Spiller that the letter of complaint from Mr and Mrs Foley be addressed by BCBC. It was resolved that the remainder of the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as true and that they reflected the discussions and outcomes therein.
16/144 Matters arising from Minutes
16/123 Cllr Cheryl Green reported she has spoken to Highways and confirmed that the cost to remove would be £4,000/£5,000 which includes the order and administration. She reported that BCBC has no funding to carry out the works but stated that if the Community Council would pay that they would carry out the works.
Resolved: Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that this item be put forward to the next agenda.
16/134 The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted BCBC to ask if a traffic survey could take place at Barnes Avenue and St Winifred’s Road.
16/130 Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the website has again experienced further hacking in which the website host has now rectified and advised on further security measures to be installed. The package cost was £80 which has now been installed and successful. Council requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting for costs of additional support to be sought by Cllr Ian Spiller.
16/131 Cllr Cheryl Green agreed to speak to Cllr Pam Davies and confirmed that they will liaise with Gareth Evans and Mark Shepherd.
16/136 Item 4. Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that SW Police has conducted a survey.
16/145 Welcome Cllr Thomas Phillip Turner
Cllr Thomas Turner gave his apologies that he was unable this meeting due to another commitment.
16/146 Llangewydd School MUGA Update.
The Clerk confirmed that since starting the works which were ahead of schedule the Head teacher reported concerns regarding extra fencing to be installed. This has now delayed the progress on site due to waiting for the extra fencing to be delivered, however work has resumed on Wednesday. A further meeting will take place on Friday 21st October as it has been reported there is concerns regarding drainage.
The Clerk confirmed that she had received costs from SWSG for the installation of 2 benches and one bin at a cost of £2620 plus VAT.
Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she will raise with Mark Shepherd if waste bins can be replaced by the Community Council.
16/147 Website Design/Updating
Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the new Councillor photos have been received from Cllr Steve Sloan and would be downloaded onto the website.
Cllr Briony Davies asked if other events could be advertised on the website in which Council agreed that all community events should be advertised. Cllr Briony Davies requested Cllr Ian Spiller to investigate if more budget would be required and to bring forward to next the FSG meeting.
16/148 Proposed Disabled Play Ground at Bryntirion
The Clerk confirmed that she has again contacted the Play Grounds Development Officer to give approval of the installation of the playground and is awaiting a response.
16/149 Bryntirion Community Centre – Administration
Cllr Cheryl Green reported that due to the current secretary being unwell and unable to carry out the administration for the Community Centre, that Council propose paying the Clerk to carry out these duties at a rate of £15.00 per hour for an estimated 15 hours per month. Cllr Dave Harrison seconded the proposal.
16/150 Consultation on the removal of Public Payphones
The Clerk confirmed that she had received a copy of a consultation letter from BT via BCBC Planning Department in which they intend to remove Public Payphones. Planning have therefore asked if any comments/objections could be forwarded to them by 27th October, 2016. Cllr Briony Davies reported that the payphone situated at the junction of Llangewydd Road and St Winfred’s Road is used regularly with a total of 415 calls recorded. Council agreed for this one to remain.
16/151 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment – September 2016
Description | Amount inc VAT |
BCBC – Traffic Survey at Park View, Bryntirion | 90.00 |
National Allotment Society – Annual membership | 66.00 |
Jonathan Hurley – Broadlands Wildlife Panel | 1176.00 |
Cllr Ian Spiller – Reimbursement of webpage ‘Envato Market’ | 19.86 |
Bridgend Scout District – Grant Donation | 2434.00 |
SLCC – Publication of Local Council Administration 10thedition | 76.60 |
Asda – Ink and Stationery | 22.00 |
Welsh Water – Allotments March – September | 57.66 |
£3942.12 |
Budget update as at 30th September 2016
The Clerk produced spreadsheet of the budget and expenditure as at 30th September 2016.
The Clerk confirmed that a quotation had been sought for the repair or replacement of the main gate at the allotments with a cost of £112.50 to replace the bottom bar or £212.14 to install a new gate.
Annual Return 2015/2016
The Clerk reported that BDO (national auditors) had approved the statement of accounts for Financial Year ended 31st March 2016.
16/152 Correspondence September/October 2016
• E-mail received from Marie Curie asking for financial support to fund a nurse for one full nine hour shift in Bridgend at a cost of £180.00. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that a donation of £360 be given, Cllr Tom Green seconded the proposal.
• Letter from Bridgend Town Council to initiate specific literature and special web-site pages and social media updates to help promote Bridgend and surrounding areas of local activities, with a view to setting up a meeting to discuss in further detail in November at Carnegie house for those members interested. Cllr’s Briony Davies, Ian Spiller and Mark Fouracre confirmed that they would represent the Community Council. Cllr David Harrison would like to propose that we support the volunteers ofIsland Farm for the 2 open days that have taken place. Cllr Cheryl Green requested that the Clerk contact Merthyr Mawr Community Council to ask if we could assist in any future funding.
• E-mail from the Clerk at St Brides Minor Community Council to make enquiries as to the possibility of neighbouring minor authorities making a contribution to the cost of grass-cutting at Sarn Cemetery. Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that due to our Council maintaining our own cemetery that this would not be feasible.
16/153 Reports and Observations Received September/October 2016
1. Cllr Ian Spiller reported that hedgerows are severely overgrown at Clos Castell Coity in which he confirmed he had received a response from BCBC in June to confirm that this would be done.
Clerk confirmed that she had contacted BCBC on the 20th September, 2016 to request that the hedgerows to be cut.
2. Cllr Ian Spiller reported that the street lights on the pathway opposite the nursery in Broadlands are emerged by the trees.
Resolved: Cllr Briony Davies requested that the Clerk contact BCBC to report this due to Health & Safety issues.
3. Cllr David Harrison reported that several street lights leading from Laleston up to Elm Crescent and 2 street lights situated on Elm Crescent are currently not working.
Resolved: The Clerk to report to BCBC.
4. The Clerk reported that she had received a complaint that some of the street lights on Rogers Lane in Laleston are working intermittently.
Resolved: The Clerk confirmed she had reported to Street Lighting and they are experiencing problems with the trees overhanging and are seeking who is responsible to have them cut back.
5. The Clerk and Chair gave an update from a meeting with Highway Officers at BCBC. Cllr Briony Davies confirmed that she had further contracted highways to give costs of how much it would cost to adopt the roads. Cllr Cheryl Green proposed the motion and Cllr Briony Davies seconded the motion, All Councillors agreed that the Community Council receive costs to know how much it would cost to take any developer to court.
16/154 Planning Applications – September/October 2016
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past month:-
P/16/585/FUL objection on grounds of over intensification.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm
……………………………………………………………….. Chairperson