Minutes of Meeting – Thursday 15th September 2016

Minutes of Meeting – Thursday 15th September 2016

Minutes of a meeting of Laleston Community Council

Held at the Blandy Hall – Thursday 15thSeptember 2016

Present: ?Councillors Pam Davies, Briony Davies, Kathy Lewis,

Ian Spiller, Cheryl Green, Tom Green, Dan Woolridge,

Mark Fouracre, Steve Sloan, David Harrison, Hazel Kendall


Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair.

16/121 Silent Reflection

Councillors held a period of silent reflection.

16/122 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Thomas Turner.

16/123 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting.

A local resident Mr Derek Jones attended the meeting regarding concerns of parking on the road at Heol Trelales. He confirmed that residents would like the yellow lines on the housing side of the street to be removed to ease with parking difficulties. Cllr buy kamagra online Cheryl Green stated that she had also spoken to residents living there and there was only one objection which was a resident that did not have yellow lines outside of their property.

Resolved: Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she will consult with BCBC to request the yellow lines to be removed.

16/124 Biodiversity at Bryntirion

Rachel Morton and Clive Thomas from V2C attended the meeting to discuss progress and if the Council and local residents were happy with the Biodiversity areas within Bryntirion. Cllr Dave Harrison presented photographs of the current areas and expressed concerns from local residents that the areas looked untidy. Clive Thomas confirmed that the areas will be cut back in October ready for regrowth next year. Cllr Cheryl Green requested that all the sites are planted with different seeds to attract more flowers.

Resolved: Council agreed that the Cllr Berrow and the Clerk to attend a site meeting with V2C to look at existing and possible new sites.

16/125 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Pam Davies?Agenda Items: 17, 15 BCBC Member

Cllr Cheryl Green Agenda Item: ?17 BCBC Member

Cllr Kathy Lewis Agenda Item: 8 School Governor

Cllr Steve Sloan Agenda Item: 14 Member of the Scouting

Active Support Unit

16/126 Minutes of previous meeting

It was resolved that the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as true and that they reflected the discussions and outcomes therein.The Chair signed the minutes.

16/127 Matters arising from Minutes

16/112 Pam Davies confirmed that some disabled equipment has been installed at Bryngarw Park.

16/115 The Clerk stated that she has contacted BCBC Traffic and Transportation regarding the replacement and installation of a new bus shelter and is awaiting a response.

16/116 The Clerk confirmed that she has contacted John Daley and Sons for a further estimate to be given for the footpaths at the allotments.

16/117 The Clerk confirmed that she has received a response from Merthyr Mawr Community Council to request permission to install a further information boards for the Laleston Stones Trail at Merthyr Mawr and has been informed to contact Mr Rory McLaggan of Merthyr Mawr Estates to seek permission.

16/118 The Clerk confirmed that the Boules match has now been postponed until April 2017.

16/128 Welcome Cllr Thomas Phillip Turner

Cllr Thomas Turner gave his apologies that he was unable this meeting due to being away.

16/129 Llangewydd School MUGA Update.

The Clerk confirmed that a further meeting had taken place at the school with an officer from BCBC, the Deputy Head Teacher, Chair of Governors Premises officer and 2 members of South Wales Sports Ground. It was confirmed that the works would commence week commencing 19th September give or take a week. A further meeting has been arranged for Friday 23rd September with weekly inspections to be carried out during the construction. Cllr Berrow confirmed that extra items will need tobe installed such as a sign, bench, waste bin and cycle rack in which additional prices will need to be sought.

RESOLVED: Cllr Cheryl Green agreed to write the wording for the new sign.

16/130 Website Design/Updating

Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the website is now up and running and thanked all Councillors for attending to have new photographs taken. Cllr Spiller confirmed that the only cost incurred so far was £19 for the new site. Cllr Steve Sloan asked if his photographer could take photographs of all the recent projects the Council has supported and funded.

RESOLVED: Cllr Ian Spiller requested that Councillors look at the website to check if all projects have been included and inform him of any that are not currently listed.

16/131 Proposed Disabled Play Ground at Bryntirion

The Clerk confirmed that after consulting with the Planning Department at BCBC that planning permission would be required. She confirmed that she had been advised to contact the Parks Department for their approval before going ahead with the planning application in which this is currently with an officer of the Parks Department. The Clerk also asked if Grant funding could be considered from BCBC after the installation has taken place, she confirmed that she has received a response stating that Grants applications cannot be made retrospectively.

RESOLVED: Cllr Cheryl Green and Pam Davies confirmed that they will meet with Mark Shepherd to move this project forward.

16/132 Proposal of the Purchase of Play area at Broadlands

The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted BCBC Parks Department to seek advice into the process of adopting the play area. She confirmed that following no response from Parks she had contacted the Legal Department for their advice, in which a response was received from Gareth Evans with initial advice and guidance be sought from the Council’s nominated solicitor.

Cllr Ian Spiller stated that a further green area of land behind Gelli Wen in Broadlands of park that is currently owned by Macob and is not being maintained he asked if Council could also look at purchasing this land.

16/133 Information Board at Meadowland in Broadlands

The Clerk confirmed that she and Cllr Berrow had visited Jon Hurley designs for the information board at the meadowland at Broadlands and received a quotation of £980.00 plus VAT for the design which has now been completed. The Clerk confirmed that the cost of the board would be £1199.00 excluding VAT and installation costs. Resolved: Council agreed for the installation of the information board to go ahead.

16/134 Road Safety – A48, Barnes Avenue and St Winifred’s Road

Cllr Berrow asked if there has been a report back from the police regarding the A48. Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that he had a response from Mr Alan Michael, Police Commissioner and read the letter to Council. Cllr Pam Davies proposed that Council wait until the police report has been issued and Cllr Cheryl Green asked that this item be placed on a future agenda once the police report has been issued.

Cllr Berrow confirmed that he had received requests for road safety at Barnes Ave and St Winifred’s Road. Cllr Harrison stated that a bus had to stop at Heol Frenhines as it could not get through due to parked cars. Cllr Tom Green stated that more speed signs need be installed on the entrance to Laleston. Cllr Cheryl Green suggested that a traffic survey takes place to monitor the traffic.

RESOLVED: Council agreed that a traffic survey is required and requested the Clerk to contact BCBC.

16/135 Finance Update

Accounts for Payment – July/August 2016

Description Amount inc VAT
Roy Williams – Seeds for Meadowland at Broadlands 300.00
Elite Signs – Replacement Noticeboard for Broadlands 1716.00
Asda – 2 x Toner Cartridges (Black and Colour) 20.00
The Range – Stationery/Plates, napkins, cups for Boules 11.06
Asda – 2 x Toner Cartridges (Black) 16.00
Brackla Post Office – 1st class post for MUGA contract and 12 x 1st class stamps 9.39
Blachere Illuminations – Brackets for Christmas lights 905.16
SWALEC – Electricity for Council Chamber, Cliff Cottage 186.62
One Voice Wales (Training) 135.00


Budget update as at 31st August 2016

The Clerk produced spreadsheet of the budget and expenditure as at 31st August, 2016.


The Clerk confirmed that she had attended a meeting at the allotments. The Committee members stated that the metal gate at the entrance of the allotments is rusting and will need to be replaced possibly next year. They confirmed that they are unable to build a storage area behind the rear of the existing shed as the ground is not suitable and will need to purchase a shed to be allocated alongside the existing one with the money granted by the Community Council. They also enquired if they could open up a bank account in their name as they have a small amount of money raised and would like to consider if they can apply for Grant Funding for on-going maintenance.

Resolved: Council agreed that the allotment society are within their rights to set up their own bank account.

Grant – Trelales Primary School

The Clerk confirmed that she has received an e-mail from the Acting Head Teacher to confirm that approval has been granted from BCBC to go ahead with the outdoor play equipment.

Grant Request from Laleston Scouting Active Support Unit

The Clerk reported that she had received a letter from the Laleston Scouting Support Unit asking for a donation from the Council’s Biodiversity Fund for equipment and materials to enable them to develop the scout owned land beyond the school field at Trelales School amounting to £2434.00 with an additional amount of £2000.00 for a mower.

RESOLVED: Cllr Briony Davies proposed £2434.00 be granted this year and Cllr Ian Spiller seconded the proposal.

Precept Notification Date

The Clerk confirmed that she had received an e-mail informing Council that the precept for 2017-18 would need to be forwarded to BCBC no later than 10th January, 2017.

Cllr Briony Davies requested that a date for the next FSG meeting be scheduled and that Councillors give consideration of what precept is required. Cllr Ian Spiller proposed to replace Cllr Roger Davies and agreed that the next FSG meeting to take place at 6.30pm on 2ndNovember, 2016.

16/136 Correspondence July/August/September 2016

• Letter received from Laleston Gardening Club thanking the Community Council for the funding to improve facilities at Cliff Cottage.
• Letter of complaint received from Mr and Mrs Foley – Cllr Ian Spiller stated that this issue needs to be addressed by BCBC which is clarified on the Community Council’s Complaints Procedure. Cllr Steve Sloan proposed that this motion be forwarded and Cllr Hazel Kendall seconded the proposal.
• A signed letter from 14 residents at Maes yr Eirlys, Broadlands requesting that the new sign stating ‘Ball Games are prohibited in this area’ be removed – Resolved that BCBC would need to implement the removal of the sign.
• Cllr Ian Spiller reported that he had received a complaint from a local resident concerning drivers who exceed 20mph on the Broadlands Service Roads – Cllr Cheryl Green and Cllr Tony Berrow proposed that Council ask Tony Godsall to attend a future meeting.
• Letter received from Boundary Commission for Wales announcing that the initial proposals were published on 13thSeptember 2016 and is available to view on their website: www.bcomm-wales.gov.uk. Any representations about the proposals should be made by 5th December, 2016.

Resolved: The Clerk to forward a copy of the letter to all Councillors to respond individually.

• Cllr Ian Spiller gave thanks from the Residents Association for the generous donation and support at the Broadlands Fun Day and confirmed that over 500 attended.
• Cllr Briony Davies confirmed that a presentation for the Laleston Stones Trail has been arranged on the 27th October, 2016 at 7.00pm at the Gardening Club.

16/137 Reports and Observations Received July/August/September 2016

1. Cllr Ian Spiller reported that street lights outside of 55, Gallt y Ddrudwen and 31 Rhiw’r Wennol Ddu are not working.

Clerk confirmed that she had contacted Persimmon Homes/Charles Church on 29thAugust.

Cllr Ian Spiller further stated that following a response from BCBC on 27th June to confirm that they will be cutting the hedgerows on Clos Castell Coity, he confirmed that this has not been achieved and expressed concern that road signsaround Broadlands are being obstructed by overgrown trees.

2. Cllr David Harrison reported that the bench was broken at the teen play area at Bryntirion as well as the ground being uneven.

Clerk confirmed that she had reported that she had referred this to Clean up the County on 3rd August.

3. Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she attended the Town and Community Council Forum on Monday and requested that BCBC provide the Council with grounds maintenance costs to be considering when applying for the new precept.

16/138 Planning Applications – July/August/September 2016

The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-



P/16/606/FUL Demolition of existing buildings and construct mixed use development of 1no. A1 retail unit, 1no. flexible A1/A2/A3 retail unit, 18 affordable housing units with assoc. highway improvements, access, parking, refuse storage & landscaping Former OCLP Site, Elm Crescent, Bryntirion
P/16/633/FUL Side first floor extension 22, Barnes Avenue, Bridgend
T/16/47/TPO Cut back overhanging branches of protected trees rear of the garden 47, Banc yr Allt, Bryntirion
P/16/703/FUL Single Storey rear extension 2 Heol Blandy, Broadlands

P/16/606/FUL Clerk to raise a comment concerning the building of retail units due to creating over intensification of traffic movement.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm

…………………………………………………………. Chairperson

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