Minutes of Meeting of Council – 9 December 2021

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 9 December 2021

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus)(Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020 on 09 December 2021 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr’s B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, G Richard-Hemmings, C Smith, I Spiller.

In attendance: In the absence of the Clerk – Cllr I Spiller took minutes of the meeting.

1. 19.954 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.955 Apologies for absence. Cllrs A Berrow, JP Blundell and D Wooldridge

3. 19.956 Representation from members of the public. No representations made

4. 19.957 Declarations of Interest. None

5. 19.958 Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council on 18 November 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr G Richard-Hemmings and seconded by Cllr C Smith.

Matters arising from the minutes:

  1. Cllr P Davies provided an update on the speed bumps proposed for Bank Yr Allt, she explained that Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) had provided a quotation for replacing 3 bumps instead of just 1. This has now been rectified and they are awaiting confirmation from a maintenance contractor to carry out the work.
  2. Cllr C Green requested further information regarding who to make the cheque out to for the donation agreed for Broadlands Football Club and where to send it.
  3. With reference to the Christmas Lights, Cllr P Davies confirmed that there seemed to be a fairer distribution of lights but highlighted that some lights had been on day and night.

Resolved: Council agreed to instruct Centregreat to alter the timings this year and to have the lights turned on at approximately 3pm, for when the children finish school. In addition, it was requested that Members make note of the street and lamppost number where they felt additional lights could be install in readiness for this Christmas.

  1. The Chair provided an update regarding the posts in the car park of Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre, she explained that the Facilities Officer had removed 2 obsolete posts and is trying to source fluorescent paint for the remaining post.
  1. Cllr P Davies queried whether the Facilities Officer had been approached to populate all noticeboards with the minutes and agenda of all Council meetings. It was confirmed that he had not and agreed that he be contacted.

6. 19.959 Finance update:

Resolved:Members agreed to defer until January Council meeting

7. 19.960 To approve unsolicited grants to the following:

The Chair highlighted to Council that during past meetings Members had made proposals to give grants to local charities and asked that these charities are confirmed, along with an agreement on amounts to be offered.

Resolved: Council agreed to a donation of £200 for each of the below organisations as well as the on-going donation of £1250 for the Scouts.

1 Mental Health Matters Bridgend

2 Women’s Aid Bridgend

3 The Samaritans

4 Marie Curie Nurses

5 MacMillan Nurses

6 Air Ambulance Service

7 Bridgend Food Bank

Following debate regarding a grant to the Hut 9 Campaign, Council agreed to reserve the amount of £5,000 for when the group can confirm they have set up a constitution via BAVO and opened an independent bank account to support tourism in the borough. Chair to send confirmation and outline terms of donation.

8 19.961 To receive the draft Budget for 2022/23 to be approved in the January Meeting.

The Chair presented notes they had collated in relation to the budget and earmarked reserves, deliberation ensued.

Resolved:Council requested that the following points be included in the proposals which will be approved in January 2022.

i. To consider an allocation for planting trees for the Queen’s Jubilee.

ii. To increase the budget for salaries to include the additional hours for the Community Development Officer and the proposed Administration Assistant.

iii. Members noted that the insurance had increased by a considerable amount and that the budget be increased accordingly.

iv. Add a budget heading for Election costs at £4,000 per annum.

v. In relation to the historically retained allocation of £60,000 for traffic calming measures on Llangewydd Road, Council note that a response had not been received by the deadline provided by Council of November 2021. Therefore, Members proposed that the £60,000 be reallocated for flashing speed limit signs. The proposed positions were 1) outside Llangewydd School; 2) the dip on Merlin Crescent; 3) the main road through Broadlands; 4) the main stretch of road leading to Laleston from Bryntirion.

vi. To ensure that all VAT claims are up to date.

9 19.962 To Approve the Precept

Resolved: Council agreed not to increase the Precept for 2022/23, therefore the amount confirmed is £218,246. Cllr T Green to

10 19.963 To receive a draft Risk Assessment to LCC to consider for future development

Resolved:Council agreed to defer this item until the next meeting in January 2022.

11 19.964 To note a list of actions since the last meeting including the Christmas Lights

Resolved: This item was covered under matters arising.

12 19.965 Website and Noticeboards

Resolved:Council agreed to defer this item until the next meeting in January 2022.

13 19.966 To receive quotations, if any.

Quotations Received · Comment
1. 1 Hurley and Davies

£4,000 Feasibility study for extending Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre

Resolved: Council agreed that any major projects should be deferred until elections in May 2022

14 19.967 Bryntirion Community Centre – Christmas opening hours

Resolved:Members agreed to close the Community Centre from 20 December 2021 until 4 January 2022. Council concluded by agreeing that the building should close for 2 weeks every year over the Christmas period.

15 19.968 To receive updates regarding Laleston Allotments

Resolved: Following discussions, it was agreed that a new draft contract be produced to ensure all allotment holders are maintaining their plot throughout the year and if the new agreement is not adhered to, notice will be given. In addition, Council agreed to increase the annual plot charge £20 for a full plot and £10 for a half plot. Council confirmed that this increase would be held for at least 3 years.

16 19.969 To receive HR Issues.

1 With reference to discussions at a previous meeting of Council relating to obtaining professional advice to ensure Council are adhering to their legal obligations as an employer, the HR Committee Chair confirmed that contact had been made with the Pencoed Town Council Clerk, who confirmed that they themselves had vast experience as a HR Consultant.

The HR Committee Chair confirmed that several meetings had taken place with Mr Geraint Thomas – the Clerk of Pencoed Town Council, the conclusion being that Geraint had offered his services as a HR Consultant for Council as well as being a Mentor for the Clerk.

Resolved: Council agreed to utilise Mr Geraint Thomas as a HR Consultant and Mentor to the Clerk for up to 8 hours a week when required. The Chair further agreed that they would contact Mr Geraint Thomas to confirm this.

2 The HR Committee Chair explained to Council that the Facilities Officer had been nominated for the Mayors Citizenship Award.

Resolved:Council agreed that the Chair submit the nomination to Bridgend County Borough Council by 6 January 2022.

3 The Chair explained that the Community Development Officer had been assisting on projects in the absence of the Clerk and proposed increasing her working hours by 5 hours a week to continue her support with ongoing work.

Resolved:Council agreed to increase the Community Development Officer hours from 10 hours a week to 15 hours to assist on Council Projects.

4 The HR Committee Chair outlined the ongoing issue with maintenance of the Council defibrillators and explained that contact had been made with a company that undertakes breakdown cover and repair of defibrillators.

Resolved:Council agreed that the HR Committee Chair obtain costings and further information to present to Council in January 2022. In addition, Members agreed in principle to replace the defibrillator in Broadlands and to install an electric cabinet. To conclude, Council requested that all Members email the Chair of the HR Committee with potential places to install further defibrillators.

17 19.970 To received correspondence, if any.

Correspondence Received Comment
The Chair explained that one of the hall hirers at Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre had questioned if an air purifier could be installed. Resolved: Council confirmed that no electrical equipment should be brought into the centre unless it has been PAT tested. Members agreed to investigate costings, as well as pros and cons for purchasing a free-standing air purifier for installation in the Centre and Blandy Hall.

18 19.971 To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application

Planning Application No.: P/21/851/FUL

Applicant: Mr S Collins

Location: 175 Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas Bridgend CF31 4QL Proposal: Conversion of existing loft space with erection of front and rear flat roof dormers to semi-detached dwelling

Date: 2 November 2021

No objection
Applicant : Mrs S Davies

Location : 17 Llwyn Castan Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FG

Proposal : Partial garage conversion of integral garage to create new dining / living space; new front window [amended proposal to include new front window]

Date: 24 November 2021

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.50 pm.

The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 27 January 2022 and will commence at 7.00pm

Comments are closed.
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