Minutes of Meeting of Council – 27 January 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus)(Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020 on 27 January 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr’s N Adams, T Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, C Smith, I Spiller and D Wooldridge.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
1. 19.972 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
2. 19.973 Apologies for absence. Cllrs G Richard-Hemmings
3. 19.974Representation from members of the public. No representations made
4. 19.975 Declarations of Interest. Cllr J P Blundell – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). Cllr J P Blundell left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item.
5. 19.976 Approval of Minutes.
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 16 September 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr C Green.
Resolved:That the minutes of the meeting of Council on 9 December 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr T Green.
6. 19.977 Finance update:
During discussion regarding the budget, Members queried the reasons why the salaries had increased significantly over the last few years. In response, it was clarified that two years ago not only was the Council without a Clerk, at that time the Council did not have any employees to maintain both Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre and Blandy Hall, where as Council now have four part time employees.
· Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as of 30 November 2021 and 30 December 2021.
· Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda, which can be viewed here. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr T Green.
· Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda, which can be viewed here. Proposed by Cllr T Green and seconded by Cllr A Berrow.
· Council approved a list of salary payments which were presented with the agenda, which can be viewed here. Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and Cllr C Green.
· Following robust deliberation, Council approved the budget and ear marked reserves for 2022/23.
7. 19.978 To note a list of actions since the last meeting.
Works on the Pound have been completed. | Resolved: Duly noted by Council. |
External Audit has now concluded. No concerns raised. | Resolved: Duly noted by Council. |
Outside exercise equipment has been installed on Bryntirion Playing Fields and Gentle Way. | Resolved: Duly noted by Council. |
The flooring and play equipment has been installed on the nursery side of Bryntirion Community Centre. | Resolved: Duly noted by Council. |
8. 19.979 To receive updates regarding existing and additional defibrillators.
Council received a presentation from Mr D Nicholas from Life Support Training and Safety in relation to the maintenance of our community defibrillators, including details on what was included in their support package.
Resolved:Following deliberation, Council agreed:
- To undertake a 3-year maintenance and service package with Life Support Training and Safety for the defibrillators within the ward area, owned by Laleston Community Council.
- To replace the missing defibrillator outside Tesco in Broadlands with a Mindray defibrillator and cabinet. It was further agreed that Council would utilise a hire defibrillator until the new defibrillator is in situ.
- That the Rescue Sam defibrillator located outside the Church Hall in Laleston be replaced with a Mindray defibrillator and the current defibrillator be kept as a spare.
- To replace the defibrillator and cabinet located outside the Dance Centre in Bryntirion with a new Mindray defibrillator and cabinet.
- To the costings for obtaining a further 5 Mindray defibrillator and cabinets to be installed at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre, Bryn Golau Post Office, Llangewydd Junior School, Pen-Y-Bont Football Club and outside the café on Longfellow Drive.
- That Cllr P Davies liaise with all sites to confirm the outcome of this meeting and to ascertain a power source and exact positioning for installation.
- To ensure all defibrillators are included and covered by the Council Insurance Policy for theft and damage.
9 19.980 To receive a draft risk assessment
The Chair compiled and circulated a document outlining a draft risk assessment and several policies that must be in place to ensure that Council are conducting lawfully as a Community Council and an employer. In response, the Clerk reassured Council that all policies that are required to be held by law are in place, but further outlined that there were other policies that were not mandatory but still advantageous to have such as an Investment Policy and a Continuation of Business Policy. The Clerk confirmed that they would continue to work on these policies for presentation to the Annual Meeting in May.
Resolved: Council noted the update.
10 19.981 Website and Noticeboards
Members highlighted the need to populate the new noticeboards with agendas and minutes of all Council meetings along with any other notices of interest and ensure all publications are posted to the website in a timely manner.
Resolved: Council agreed that the Clerk task the Facilities Officer with populating the noticeboards and that the Clerk ensures the website is up to date with current information.
11 19.982 To receive quotations, if any.
Quotations Received | · Comment | |
1. 1 | Supplier A
5 x Daikin Air Purifiers £1562.00 + plus including delivery £312.40 each |
Resolved: Council agreed that the Clerk collate advice and further information prior to any decision being made. |
2. | Additional defibrillators and maintenance agreement. To receive options during Council. | Resolved under Item 8. |
3. | Allotment shed repairs. 1 x new window, replace soffits, fascias and guttering. £690 + VAT | Resolved: as the required works has been ongoing for quite some time, and that the works are to be carried out by a known contractor, Council agreed to progress with this quotation. |
4. | White H Bars at Keats Closes.
Supplier A £250 + VAT Supplier B £200 + VAT |
Resolved: Members agreed to progress with supplier B to carry out workson behalf of the Council. |
12. 19.983 To receive updates regarding Bryntirion Community Centre
The Clerk explained that due to government restrictions for Covid Alert Level 2, birthday parties booked for January at the centre had to be cancelled, although other classes and groups had been able to continue. The Clerk concluded by stating that the restrictions were likely to be lifted by the end of the month.
A member further explained that the cladding on the Community Centre had sustained damage and confirmed that the posts had now been painted yellow to ensure clear visibility.
Resolved: With reference to the damage to the cladding, Council agreed that changes be made to ensure the CCTV system covered all angles of the Centre and to report any future damage or incidents to the Police which may lead to increased patrols.
13. 19.984 To receive updates regarding Blandy Hall
The Clerk confirmed that all works to Blandy Hall had now concluded.
A Member stated that a member of the public had approached them to utilise the hall for one-to-one Wellbeing and Mindfulness sessions.
Resolved:Due to the nature of the sessions, Council agreed to support the use for the reasons outlined and to only charge £5 per hour.
14. 19.985 To receive updates regarding Laleston Allotments
The Clerk explained that a new draft contract had been produced to ensure all allotment holders are maintaining their plot throughout the year.
Resolved: Council agreed to receive the draft contract by email prior to dissemination to all plot-holders.
15. 19.986 To receive updates from Community Development Officer
Previously the Chair had raised the need for Council to develop a Community Development Plan and Strategy, therefore the Community Development Officer had drafted a plan which would help steer Council and make decisions on funding improvements within the community. Leading on from the plan, it was suggested that in the first instance, Council should undertake Community Needs Survey.
A Member queried when the next meeting was due to be held by the Biodiversity Group. In response, the Clerk explained that a meeting was scheduled to be held between the Community Development Officer and Mr Andrew King to discuss a way forward with the action plan.
Resolved: Council agreed for a Community Needs Survey be carried out and that the next meeting of the Biodiversity Group be scheduled at a date following the meeting as outlined above.
16. 19.987 To consider Christmas Lighting for 2022
Resolved: Following debate,Council agreed that Cllr I Spiller arrange a meeting with Centregreat to outline the proposed additional sites for Christmas lights in 2022.
17. 19.988 To receive updates regarding the Pound
A Member explained that they had visited the Pound since the renovations had been carried out and although they were pleased with the results, outlined his concerns with the mortar being very crumbly to the touch; that the tops of the walls had not been sealed to stop rain penetration and that the gate in situ was not closing.
Resolved: Council agreed that the Clerk investigate the points raised with the stone mason and the Conservation Officer relating to the mortar and top of the walls, and to rectify the non-closure of the gate. In addition, Council agreed that prices be sought for a weed membrane and an interpretation board to be installed.
18. 19.989 To received correspondence, if any.
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Mr Graham Crocombe (Ramblers) offered his services to provide Council with a map detailing the footpaths in the ward area along with a condition report and recommendations. £100 per a day. £100 for overheads. Approx. £1,000. | Resolved: Council agreed that Mr Crocombe contact Cllr C Smith as a starting point as there is already a footpath map in circulation that only requires updating. |
Mr Roy Ivy has undertaken work for the church in relation to HMS Laleston and the donated HSM Laleston lifebuoys. Mr Ivy has produced two framed documents relating to HMS Laleston and has provided one to the church and has kindly donated the other to Laleston Community Council. | Resolved: Council agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Roy Ivy for his donation and that a cabinet is sought to present his work. |
Mr Wes Davies kindly donated a painting of Hut 9 at Island Farm to Laleston Community Council. | Resolved: Council agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Wes Davies and that his painting be retained by Laleston Community Council unless the Hut 9 Preservation Group are able to raise the funds to save the visitor centre, whereby it would then be donated to them. |
19. 19.990 To receive Personnel Issues, if any.
The Clerk explained that the Facilities Officer is currently undertaking a working hour assessment, to which Council will receive the outcome in due course.
The Chair stated that a meeting had been held with the Clerk and Mr Geraint Thomas where he will be assisting the Clerk and the Council to work in more of a structured way and to offer the Clerk training and mentoring with management of staff
Resolved: Council noted the update.
20. 19.991 To consider Planning Applications.
Planning Application | Comment |
Planning Application No.: P/21/1065/FUL
Applicant: C Pugh Location: 11 Pant Y Dryw Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BP Proposal: Single storey rear extension, partial garage conversion and internal alterations Date: 15 December 2022 |
No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/21/1141/FUL
Applicant: Mr D Furniss Location: Sunhill High Street Laleston to A48 Opposite Merthyr Mawr Village Access Laleston Bridgend CF32 0NS Proposal: Retention of dwelling as built; Provision of raised patio; Turning head and vision splay details to agree conditions 4 & 5 of P/19/713/FUL Date: 10 January 2022 |
No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.15 pm.
The next meeting will be held remotely on Thursday 17 February 2022 and will commence at 7.00pm