Minutes of meeting of council – 22 September 2022

Minutes of meeting of council – 22 September 2022

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 29 September 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, V James P King, S Philpin, C Smith and C Webster.

In attendance:  Gail Jewell

  1. 19.1091  Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
  • 19.1092  Apologies for absence. Cllr S Richmond

3.   19.1093   Representation from members of the public. None

  • 19.1094   Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.  None
  • 19.1095   Declarations of Interest. 

Cllr I Spiller – Item 13 – Prejudicial Interest as Chair of Broadlands Hub

Cllr JP Blundell – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as the Cabinet Member for Education at Bridgend County Borough Council.

Cllr A Berrow – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr D Harrison – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

  • 19.1096  Approval of Minutes.

ResolvedThat the minutes of the meeting of Council that took place on 21 July 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr A Berrow.

Matters arising from minutes

a)       Item 15

At the last meeting of Council it was resolved that Cllr P King would take over the initiative of Plot 32 and organise a Veterans open day at the plot.  Both have now been undertaken and the open day attracted 10 veterans and the group has been successful in obtaining soil, manure and seeds.

b)       Item 16

The Clerk confirmed that the session with Phil Cope had been arranged and would take place tomorrow in the Gardening Club at 7.00pm

c)       Item 19

In relation to the motion that Council resolved that the Clerk is to engage legal enforcement proceedings following a two-week period for the payment to be made prior to legal recovery.  The Clerk confirmed that no payment was made and therefore a claim to progress with a warrant of control has been initiated.

  • 19.1097  Finance update:


  • Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as at the end of July and August 2022.
  • Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda which included vouchers numbers 88 – 115 and 116 – 170.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr S Philpin.
  • Whilst discussing the content of the payment list, Members agreed that detailed costings for utilities are compiled for Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre and Blandy Hall for presentation at the next Finance Committee meeting in October 2022. 
  • In addition, Members agreed to add Blandy Hall to the agenda for the next meeting of Council.
  • Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 49 – 61 and 62 – 81.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr C Webster.
  • Council approved a list of salary payments for July and August 2022 which were presented with the agenda and be viewed here (July) and here (August).  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr A Berrow.
  • 19. 1098   To receive any recommendations and resolutions from Committees.

8a Recommendation to Council from the Project Management, Community Wellbeing and Biodiversity Committee

Due to the extensive obligations of the Project Management, Community Wellbeing and Biodiversity Committee, Members recommend that Council reconsider the inclusion of Biodiversity in this Committee.  This Committee further recommends that to ensure Council are adhering to the biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems duty (S6) that Biodiversity is dealt with via either a working group or a separate Committee. 

Resolved:  Council agreed to reallocate Biodiversity to a separate Committee and request that members to both the Biodiversity Committee and the Project Management and Community Wellbeing Committee are renumerated at the next meeting of Council.

In addition, Members requested that the Clerk collate new Terms of Reference for both Committees.   

8b  Resolved:  Council noted the recommendation from the Project Management and Community Wellbeing Committee to the Finance Committee and further noted the resolution made.

  • 19.1099   To receive quotations, if any.
 Quotations ReceivedComment
1Biodiversity   5000 spring bulbs – supply and plant £2786.50   10000 spring bulbs – supply and plant £4940.50Resolved:  Council agreed to progress with the purchasing of 5000 spring bulbs.
2Safety barrier along roadside of Bryntirion Playpark   Supplier A: Supply and install powder coated metal fencing.   £23,650.00 plus VAT   Supplier B: Supply and install green PPC Bow Topped Railing.   £8449.38 (exc. VAT)   Supplier C:  Supply and install green metal fence with flat caps.   £5073.65 (exc. VAT)Resolved:  Council agreed to progress with the quotation provided by Supplier B.
3Site Security – Allotments (Pictures attached to the agenda for reference)   Supplier A Green fence 1.8m with flat caps   £3197.06 (Exc. VAT0   Supplier B Site clearance and erection of a 1.8m timber fence   £19130.00 (Exc. VAT)Resolved:  Council agreed that the Community Development Officer liaise with neighbouring properties of the allotment site to ascertain a preference of fence prior to obtaining suitable costings.
  1.  19.1100  To receive correspondence, if any.
Correspondence ReceivedComment
Letter of thanks received from the Explorer Unit and a request to attend Council in either October or November 2022 to allow the Explorers to update Members on what they have been doing and their plans for the coming year.Resolved:  Council agreed to invite the Explorer Unit to provide a presentation at 6.30pm prior to the start of the next Council meeting on 20 October 2022.    
Query raised by the Facilities Officer regarding the old noticeboard taken off the building prior to the refurbishment, could this be reinstated on the car park boundary wall near to the bus stop.  Resolved:  Council agreed that the Facilities Officer could reinstall the noticeboard as requested.
We have been approached by Vale Life Magazine offering an advertising slot in their magazine.  Any advert will include contact details, live links to our socials and website which will in turn enable the Council to rank higher in search engines.  Resolved:   Council noted the interest from Vale Life Magazine and agreed that contact would be made with the magazine when and if there was a requirement to do so.
Email from a local resident highlighting concerns with the increase in traffic and footfall in and around Bryntirion Community Centre and has asked for Council to consider installing traffic calming measures on Mount Pleasant.Resolved:  Following discussion, Council agreed that the Clerk contact the Highways Department to request that a speedy survey is undertaken on Mount Pleasant.
  1.   19.1101 To discuss arrangements for the OAP Annual Christmas Luncheon.

The Clerk provided Council with an update, explaining that each group had been approached as queries were raised regarding food options to suit certain dietary requirements.  The outcome of each discussion concluded that the groups would prefer to hold a buffet as they did last year.

Resolved:  Members agreed that in place of the Annual Christmas Luncheon this year, Council would supply Young at Heart, Over 50’s Tai Chi class and Bryntirion & Laleston OAP’s with £250 for a Christmas buffet.

  1.  19.1102  To receive a report on the Broadlands Fun Day.

Cllr I Spiller provided feedback on the Broadlands Fun Day, in particular the success of the newly introduced quiet session, which received very positive feedback from the attending groups and individuals.  The event had also doubled its previous years attendees to 2971 people.

Resolved:  Council noted the update and were pleased to hear that the event was thoroughly enjoyed by the community, both young and old.

  1.  19.1103 To discuss allocation of budget for Broadlands Fun Day 2023.

Cllr I Spiller left the meeting when this item was discussed. 

Resolved:  Due to the resounding success of the 2022 Broadlands Fun day, Council agreed to budget £15,000 towards the event in 2023 and ask the Finance Committee to note this decision when setting the budget for 2023/2024.

14 19.1104    To agree the additional placement for Christmas lighting for the Rogers Lane roundabout to match the Broadlands roundabouts, additional lights along the main road in Laleston, along with additional small features around Bryntirion and the Broadlands shops.

Resolved:  Following discussion,Council agreed to the additional placement for Christmas Lighting as outlined above for 2022 and requested that the decision be presented to the Finance Committee to allocate additional funding.  Also, as part of the Christmas Lights rolling programme, Council agreed to concentrate efforts on areas such as St Winifred’s Road, Longfellow Drive and Llangewydd Road and asked that additional placement and costings for Christmas lighting be added to the agenda for January 2023.

15. 19.1105  To consider a joint motion with Bridgend Town Council and Merthyr Mawr community councils in requesting that BCBC prioritise safe crossings and urgently provide active travel route INM-BR-48 from Broadlands to Brynteg school.

Cllr JP Blundell left the meeting when this item was discussed.

Resolved:  Council agreed to the joint motion as outlined above in requesting that BCBC prioritise safe crossings and urgently provide active travel route from Broadlands to Brynteg school. 

16. 19.1106 To consider writing to BCBC to request a boundary review of Laleston Community Council due to the disparity of representation for the electorates of Broadlands, Bryntirion, Laleston & Cefn Glas 1 & 2 in preparation for the 2027 local elections.

Resolved:  Following a vote to of 7 Members for and 5 Members against, Council agreed to send the letter drafted and circulated prior to the meeting, which highlighted the inconsistencies of representation of electors per Councillor to BCBC to request a boundary review of Laleston Community Council in preparation for the 2027 local elections.

17. 19.1107  To consider getting quotations for additional grass cutting of green spaces where needed throughout the area for future budget setting.

Resolved:  It was agreed to consider obtaining quotations and additional grass cutting in problematic areas throughout the ward areas for future budget setting.  Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr C Smith.

18. 19.1108 To discuss hire charges for Blandy Hall and eligibility for potential free use.

Resolved:  Council confirmed that any individual or group that hire the hall, would need to pay the hire charge, although there would be potential for free use for groups that are meeting to plan any future community events.

19. 19.1109  To discuss arrangements for the Chair’s Civic Service.

The Chair confirmed that instead of holding a Chairs Civic Service donations will be made to charities.

Resolved:  Council noted the following donation allocations in place of the Chairs Civic Service:

£250 Lads and dads

£250 Foodbank

£250 Inclusability

£250 Bridgend Community Bereavement Support

20.  19.1110  To note the nominated Chairs Charity for any fundraising efforts undertaken by Laleston Community Council.

Resolved:  Council noted ‘Lads and Dads’ as the nominated Chairs Charity for any fundraising efforts undertaken by Laleston Community Council.

21. 19.1111  To consider entering into formal discussions with Persimmon regarding CAT transfer of parks and green spaces in Broadlands.

Resolved:  Council agreed for formal discussions to take place with Persimmon regarding potential Community Asset Transfer of parks and green spaces in Broadlands and feedback to be provided to Council.  Proposed by Cllr I Spiller and seconded by Cllr C Smith.

22. 19.1112  To consider Planning Applications

Cllr A Berrow and D Harrison left the meeting when this item was discussed.

Planning Application  Comment
Planning Application No.: P/22/569/FUL Applicant: Mr M Williams Location: 2 Mayfield Avenue Laleston Bridgend CF32 0LH Proposal: Amendment to P/22/274/FUL (Single storey extension and dormer extension with Juliet balcony to rear of property) – first floor window in gable end of bungalow and widening of drive and cross over by 1.3m Date:  20 September 2022  No Comment.
Planning Application No.: P/22/619/FUL Applicant: Mr A Davies Location: 91 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL Proposal: Single storey rear extension and removal of existing outbuilding Date:  21 September 2022No comment

Resolved:  In relation to the Planning Appeal for Planning Application P/22/143/FUL Council confirmed that they would not be rescinding any previous objections and comments made.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.53 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20 October 2022 and will commence at 7.00pm.

Comments are closed.
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