Minutes of Meeting of Council – 21 September 2023

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 21 September 2023

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 21 September 2023, commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, C Davies, D Harrison, I Spiller, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, and C Smith and C Webster.

In attendance: Gail Jewell

1. 19.1303 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.1304 Apologies for absence. Cllr J Cook.

3. 19.1305 Representation from members of the public. None.

4. 19.1306 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.

The Chair took the opportunity to provide an update outlining to Members that the Wi-Fi was now working at Blandy Hall and that preparations will be made to hold the next meeting of Council there.

Resolved: Council noted the update.

5. 19.1307 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr I Spiller – Item 7 (following the Broadlands Fun Day presentation) and Item 17 – Prejudicial Interest as the Chair of Broadlands Hub.

Cllr D Harrison – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr A Berrow – Item 20 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

6. 19.1308 Approval of Minutes.

Resolved: The minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 20 July 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr A Berrow and seconded by Cllr S Philpin.

Matters arising:

Item 16 19.1298 To discuss playparks in Cefn Glas.

Cllr J P Blundell confirmed that a response had not yet been received, but stated that they would follow up and provide an update at the next meeting of Council.

7. 19.1309 – To receive a report and presentation on Broadlands Fun Day 2023 and agree on a budget for 2024.

A PowerPoint presentation was provided by the Chair of Council to summarise the outcomes of Broadlands Fun Day, including the size and scale of the event. The positive feedback relating to the quiet hour was delivered, along with visuals highlighting the extent of provisions on the day.

Resolved:Council recommended that the Finance Committee receive detailed accounts relating to the Broadlands Hub Committee and spend concerning to the Broadlands Fun Day, prior to any decision on providing a budget for Broadlands Fun Day 2024.

In addition, it was requested that minutes or notes from any Committees be provided at the next Council meeting for noting.

8. 19.1310 To receive an update from the Chair regarding a visit to Bryntirion Infants School.

The Chair provided an update explaining that they had been invited to attend a reading session at the school, where they took the opportunity to view the schools Big Bocs Boyd. Big Bocs Boyd provides not only food, but toiletries and a uniform swap shop for parents and carers of their school children. It was noted that since the introduction of Big Bocs Boyd, the school had seen an improvement in children’s cleanliness and that pupils were not coming into school hungry.

Resolved:Members noted the update provided, and in addition, requested that the school be congratulated on the fantastic report received from the Estyn Inspection carried out this year.

9. 19.1311 To receive quotations, if any.

Quotations Received · Comment
1 Purchases made during recess:

Gazebo and weights – £782.77 plus vat

Masterplan posters – £149.30 plus vat

Display system – £309.00 plus vat

The Clerk explained that the purchases were made during the recess to hold a stall at Broadlands Fun Day to advertise the Laleston Well Project and the proposals for Bryntirion Playing Fields.

Resolved: Council noted the purchases made during recess and thanked both the Community Development Officer and Phil Cope for providing their time on the day.

2 The Clerk asked for permission to purchase 10 additional chairs for the Community Centre. Resolved: Following discussions, Council agreed to purchase 5 additional chairs only, to ensure that the capacity figures for the hall are adhered to.

10. 19.1312 To discuss obtaining an additional container, via external funding opportunities, to be sited at Bryntirion Community Centre.

Resolved: Council agreed in principle to receive a 20-foot container as a gift from Maes Y Haul Primary School, following seeking and receiving relevant permissions.

11. 19.1313 To discuss findings and recommendations of a CIW Inspection Report relating to Cylch Meithrin Gwdihw.

The Clerk explained that the CIW report outlined that there was a section of the outside area that was not fenced off, and although the nursery places a low level, unsecured plastic fence that goes some way to reduce risks, CIW were asking Council for a more robust solution.

Resolved: Council noted the content of the Inspection report relating to Cylch Meithrin Gwdihw areas for improvements and agreed to progress with the installation of a more robust fence as requested.

12. 19.1314 To agree purchase of a bench and 3-tier planter for Bryntirion.

The Chair explained that although benches and planters had been purchased and installed in Cefn Glas, Laleston and Broadlands, no bench or planter had not been purchased for Bryntirion.

Resolved: Following discussions, Members agreed to install a bench to replace the existing bench in Bryntirion by the Dance Centre and to allocate a budget for the 3-tier planter in the next financial year.

13. 19.1315 To consider installing additional bins on Heol Yr Ysgol; Llangewydd Road; Burns Crescent; Camberwell Avenue and Merlin Crescent.

Resolved: Following discussions, it was agreed that a meeting be held with the Chair, Cllr J P Blundell to create a rolling programme for additional bins, and that the outcome of the meeting be fed back to Council prior to the budget setting process.

14. 19.1316 To consider a proposal from V2C regarding installation of a bin by Wood Green.

Resolved: Council agreed to progress with the proposal from V2C, whereby V2C will purchase and install a bin by Wood Green, on the proviso that Laleston Community Council will make arrangements for it to be emptied.

15. 19.1317 To discuss preparations for annual Firework event.

Resolved: It was agreed that:

1) the Community Development Officer would consult with residents to ascertain whether they would like the Council to investigate holding a silent/quieter firework display in future years.

2) A percentage of 10% was set for donations to be provided by entertainment and food companies who attend the event.

3) Council requested that this item be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting for further consideration.

16. 19.1318 To agree purchase of a new noticeboard for the allotment site and Barnes Avenue.

Resolved: Council agreed to purchase a noticeboard for Barnes Avenue as per the noticeboards currently in situ, and a smaller noticeboard in the same style for the allotment site.

17. 19.1319 To receive correspondence, if any.

Correspondence Comment
An email from Blue Deltas Marching Band, to express their thanks for the donation of £500 from Laleston Community Council, and that they had returned from the MBA Championships where they achieved 2nd place, along with best music and 12 individual winning sections. Resolved: Council noted the update.
An email from Ogmore Valley Archers who are looking for facilities to use 3 times a week. The indoor facility would need to provide 25m in length with storage space and parking, and the outdoor facility would need to be a fairly flat space about 100m in length, room for parking along with storage. Do we know of anywhere suitable? Resolved: Members concluded that unfortunately Laleston Community Council could not accommodate the request, and were unable to provide advice on a suitable venue.
An email requesting further information relating to funding of the Broadlands Fun Day and similar events by Laleston Community Council. Email attached for reference. Resolved: A response to the email was provided and circulated prior to the meeting. Subsequent to debate, the majority of Members agreed to send the response as presented, following the removal of any political reference within the document.

18. 19.1320 To consider Planning Applications.

Planning Application

Planning Application No.: P/23/556/FUL

Applicant: Mr K & Mrs N Richards

Location: 71 Llys Pentre Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5DY

Proposal: Build front and side extension with new roof to match existing porch roof

Date: 15 September 2023

Resolved: No comments made.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.47pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 19 October 2023 and will commence at 7.00pm.

Comments are closed.
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