Minutes of meeting of council – 21 October 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 21 October 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present:. Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, C Davies, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, I Spiller and C Webster.
In attendance: Gail Jewell
- 19.1113 Council undertook a period of silent reflection.
- 19.1114 Apologies for absence. Cllr’s J Cook and C Smith
3. 19.1115 Representation from members of the public.
Representation was received by Miss S Callaway in relation to item 16 on the agenda – Banc Yr Allt Traffic Calming Measures. Miss Callaway presented a statement, outlining her and other residents of Banc Yr Allt frustration and dismay at only one speed bump being replaced, when all three speed bumps in the street were problematic. It was explained that due to the unnecessary height of the current speed bumps, vehicles had been witnessed driving on the pavement to avoid passing over the bumps, which is a concern for pedestrian safety. In addition, the speed bumps were described as in poor repair and unnecessary and again could cause injury to cyclists or wheelchair users.
4. 19.1116 Banc Yr Allt Traffic Calming Measures
Due to the fact that representation was received in relation to Item 16, the Chair moved this item up the agenda to allow the member of public to observe deliberation and resolution.
Resolved: Following on from the previous Council deciding to only replace one speed bump on Banc Yr Allt, Members agreed that Council should establish a plan of action to rectify the duplicated issues with the remaining two speed bumps. Councillors confirmed that the first speed bump was still required, due to the need to control traffic, particularly on days when football matches were held at Bryntirion Football Club.
In addition, Council requested that the Clerk write to Bridgend County Borough Council’s Highways Department to determine whether permission would be granted to remove the remaining two speed bumps if LCC were to cover the costs involved to undertake the work.
- 19.1117 Items of business that the Chair deems urgent. None
- 19.1118 Declarations of Interest.
Cllr A Berrow – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
Cllr D Harrison – Item 22 – Prejudicial Interest as a member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.
- 19.1119 Approval of Minutes.
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of Council that took place on 29 September 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr JP Blundell and seconded by Cllr C Webster.
Matters arising from minutes
a) Item 10. 19.1100 – Correspondence
Cllr JP Blundell confirmed that a Member referral had been submitted regarding the request for a speed survey to be undertaken on Mount Pleasant and that a response had been received stating that in the last 3 years there had been zero incidences and due to limited funding, prioritisation is required for areas with higher road safety issues.
Resolved: Members noted the response received and asked the Clerk to circulate the response to the member of public that requested the speed survey to be undertaken.
b) Item 14. 19.1104 – To agree the additional placement for Christmas lighting for the Rogers Lane roundabout to match the Broadlands roundabouts, additional lights along the main road in Laleston, along with additional small features around Bryntirion and the Broadlands shops.
Cllr I Spiller provided an update on the Christmas Lighting and the inability to install lights on the Rogers Lane roundabout due to its size and safety issues that would occur year on year. It was also stated that unsuitable additional lighting had been ordered and different incompatible lighting had been delivered and therefore Centregreat were now supplying 20 small lights, although costings had not been confirmed.
c) Item 15. 19.1084 – Update from the Clerk regarding Plot 32
Cllr P King provided a further update stating that a meeting had been scheduled for 8 November 2022 to initiate forming a Community Organisation for the Veterans on Plot 32.
In addition, Cllr P King explained that only one response had been received from nearby neighbours regarding the proposed allotment site fencing and the preference was timber.
Resolved: To progress with obtaining quotations to install a timber fence and to explore involving Community Pay Back to install on behalf of the Council.
d) Item 16. 19.1085 – To receive an update from the Community Development Officer regarding Laleston Well
Following on from the session that took place on 30 September 2022, Mr P Cope will now provide a presentation to Council prior to the start of the meeting in January 2023.
- 19.1120 Finance update:
- Members noted the Bank Reconciliation as at the end of September 2022.
- Council approved payments which were presented with the agenda which included vouchers numbers 171 – 197. Proposed by Cllr D Harrison and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell.
- Council approved receipts which were presented with the agenda which included voucher numbers 82 – 94. Proposed by Cllr Z Blundell and seconded by Cllr S Philpin.
- Council approved a list of salary payments for September 2022 which were presented with the agenda and can be viewed here. Proposed by Cllr A Berrow and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell.
- 19. 11121 To receive any recommendations and resolutions from Committees.
9a Information for Council
Resolved: Finance Committee agreed to allocate a sum of money from reserves to cover the potential costs of the removal of the additional two speed bumps at Banc Yr Allt, which will be formally approved when a quotation has been received.
- 19.1122 To receive quotations, if any. None
11. 19.1123 Committees
a) Appointment of Members to the Biodiversity Committee.
Resolved: Since the Committees introduction, it was evident that it would be difficult to ensure a quorum of 3 when the membership of a Committee was only 4. Therefore, Council agreed to increase the membership of this Committee to 5 Members of Council and 2 members of the public. The Members of Council nominated were: Cllr C Smith, Cllr P King, Cllr A Berrow, Cllr I Spiller and the Community Development Officer.
b) Appointment of Members to the Project Management & Community Wellbeing Committee.
Resolved: Due to the increase in interest by Members to be appointed to the Project Management and Community Wellbeing Committee, it was agreed that an amendment to the terms of reference be presented at the next Committee meeting to potentially increase the Membership from 3 to 5.
- 19.1124 To receive correspondence, if any.
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Concern raised about the traffic congestion leaving Broadlands. Asked to initiate plans to put extra roads out of Broadlands? | Resolved: Council outlined that Bridgend County Borough Council has submitted its Local Development Plan to Welsh Government for approval and as part of the Local Development Plan there are measures to upgrade the Broadlands and Ewenny roundabouts and full details of the upgrade will be disclosed when the plan has been adopted. Members asked the Clerk to feed this information back to the concerned member of public. |
Cylch Meithrin are looking at becoming a charitable organisation and they are looking for a treasurer – any interest? | Resolved: Council agreed that with the permission of Cylch Meithrin that the vacancy could be advertised on the Council social media and noticeboards. |
Email received from Premises Manager from Llangewydd Junior School highlighting issues with a newly finger trapping issue in between gate hinge and post on our MUGA gates. Coity Engineering have been to site and have suggested that the hinges were fitted to the wrong side of the post. The school is asking for funding support to rectify the issue. | Resolved: Council noted the information presented to Council and agreed to receive quotations to ascertain whether the cost could be resolved within the remit of a Council Health and Safety issue. If the cost is above the specified amount, then the request will need to be an agenda item for formal agreement. |
- 19.1125 To discuss any updates relating to the Safe Route being installed between Bryntirion and Laleston
It was noted that the incorrect placement of the safe route was set on agenda, where it should state Safe Route being installed on Merlin Crescent.
Resolved: No update provided. Council agreed to defer the item for the next meeting of Council.
- 19.1126 To consider introducing a ‘Warm Café’ at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre alongside the Community Pantry.
Resolved: Following discussion, Council agreed to introduce a ‘Warm Café’ alongside the Community Pantry every Thursday, where free tea, coffee and biscuits would be offered to members of the public, as well as a jigsaw and book swap shop. In addition, it was agreed that Councillors would be on hand during these sessions to assist people with online form completion and printing services.
- 19.1127 To agree to the Community Development Officer holding an over 50’s information event at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre in Spring 2023.
Resolved: Council agreed to the Community Development Officer holding an over 50’s information event at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre in Spring 2023.
16. 19.1128 Blandy Hall.
Resolved: When discussing the utility costs for Blandy Hall that were reported to the Finance Committee, in the short term, Council agreed to remove two out of the three wall heaters at and to set the thermostat to 17C and cover with a lockable cupboard to ensure the heating is maintained at that temperature and is not being left on a constant high temperature.
In addition, since a Community Council are now required to offer the provision of a hybrid meeting, which would require WiFi and a larger space than Blandy Hall offers, Council agreed that the Project Management and Community Wellbeing Committee investigate holding a short task and finish group to investigate a long-term solution to ensures that Blandy Hall continues to be utilised effectively.
17. 19.1129 To consider Planning Applications.
Cllr A Berrow and D Harrison left the meeting when this item was discussed.
Planning Application | Comment |
Planning Application No.: P/22/615/FUL Applicant: Mr P Brooks Location: The Stables Elm Cottages Laleston CF32 0HN Proposal: 1no. 4 bedroom detached house with integrated double garage, garden room/home office Date: 3 October 2022 | No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/22/666/FUL Applicant: Motor Fuel Group Location: Laleston North Service Station Laleston CF32 0LY Proposal: Creation of charging zone, erection of EV chargers, sub-station enclosure and associated forecourt works Date: 10 October 2022 | No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/22/674/FUL Applicant: Mr M Stone Location: 59 Banc Yr Allt Bryntirion CF31 4RH Proposal: First floor front extension Date: 11 October 2022 | No objection |
Planning Application No.: P/22/658/FUL Applicant: L Ivey Location: 3 The Dell Laleston CF32 0HR Proposal: Single storey rear extension Date: 12 October 2022 | No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.22 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 17 November 2022 and will commence at 7.00pm.