Minutes of Meeting of Council – 18 November 2021

Minutes of Meeting of Council – 18 November 2021

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held remotely in accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020 on 18th November at 7.00pm.

Present: A Berrow, JP Blundell, B Davies, C Davies, P Davies, C Green, T Green, G Richards-Hemming, C Smith, I Spiller, and D Wooldridge

1. 19.484 Council to undertake a period of silent reflection.

2. 19.485 Apologies for absence – No apologies received

3. 19.486 Representation from members of the public. No representations made

Cllr B Davies confirmed that the meeting was being recorded there were no objections

4. 19.487 Declarations of Interest – Cllr JP Blundell – Item 20 – Prejudicial interest as a member of the planning committee at Bridgend Borough Council (BCBC), Cllr JP Blundell left the meeting during the discussion, Cllr I Spiller recorded an interest in grant application received from Charlotte Evans.

5. 19.488 Approval of Minutes – Cllr B Davies thanked Cllr I Spiller for producing the minutes in absence of the clerk.

  1. Cllr C Green moved the minutes were reflective of the meeting, this was seconded by Cllr JP Blundell Council approved the Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2021,

6. 19.489 Matters arising from the minutes.

  1. 9.3 – Cllr P Davies advised she had sent an email to Jason Jenkins to chase an update on the quotation for the one traffic calming measure.
  1. 8.5 – Cllr C Davies requested his objection to 8.5 be recorded within the minutes, as council had just approved the minutes it was agreed to rescind the previous motion to allow the insertion of Cllr C Davies objection.
  2. 8.6 – Cllr B Davies confirmed that the poppy benches haven’t been ordered, council agreed to defer installation until next year.
  1. 14.3 – Cllr P Davies will bring this up under the agenda item 17. Cllr C Davies confirmed he had spoken to the facilities manager and would also bring this up under agenda item 17.
  1. 15.2 – Cllr I Spiller will bring this up under the agenda item
  1. 15.3 – Cllr I Spiller confirmed he had spoken to Brett Exton and offered his help regarding process of becoming a community interest group and pointed them towards BAVO. Cllr I Spiller asked council to relook at this if the group became formalised.

Cllr C Smith confirmed he had spoken to the group as well, and once it became constituted; we could consider.

Cllr G Richards-Hemming queried why the group didn’t wish to become constituted, Cllr I Spiller confirmed he had spoken to them about the benefits, but it was a decision for them.

Cllr JP Blundell requested a letter be written to the group to confirm the process for becoming constituted.

Cllr’s P Davies and C Smith confirmed that council should point them towards Heidi Bennett at BAVO.

  1. Cllr B Davies confirmed that September’s minutes are still not available, so this would need to stay as an agenda item until the minutes were available to approve.

7. 19.490 Finance update – Cllr T Green has sent out the receipts and the bank reconciliation in absence of the clerk.

  1. Cllr T Green discussed the meeting with Scribe regarding the bookings system for Bryntirion community center and Blandy Hall. Cllr T Green has spoken to the facilities manager regarding the bookings system, the bookings system will generate invoices which will integrate within the finance system currently used by council. Cllr T Green confirmed invoices had not been sent out previously and he is now having to send retrospectively. Council approved this unanimously.
  2. Council approved receipts.
  3. Council approved payments list.
  4. Council approved bank reconciliation.

8. 19.491 Grant applications

i. Broadlands Football Club – Cllr D Wooldridge confirmed that he had spoken to Lee Thomas regarding the grant, Cllr I Spiller spoke in support.

Cllr I Spiller proposed that we cover the additional sums required of £1200 in full, this was seconded by Cllr JP Blundell this was approved by council unanimously.

Cllr B Davies confirmed she had passed the details to the CDO to discuss working with Broadlands Football Club in other ways in the future.

ii. Charlotte Evans – Ecuador missionary trip, Cllr I Spiller left the discussion.

Cllr JP Blundell requested more information.

Cllr C Green asked that council write to say we agree in principle but need more information to consider costs/grant.

9. 19.492 Request for additional funding for Christmas lights –

During this item Cllr B Davies had technical issues which resulted in her leaving the meeting, Cllr C Davies took over as chair.

Cllr I Spiller confirmed shortly after the last meeting he received a map from the chair of the lights that centregreat were installing and it was evident that this was wrong. Cllr I Spiller confirmed that the previous meeting held earlier in the year between the Clerk, himself and Centregreat where the missing lights were discussed had not been recorded and therefore Centregreat did not have all the updates provided in that meeting.

As such he requested a meeting with Centregreat regarding the Christmas lights. All of the lights received from BCBC had been installed. However, the lights for Bryntirion shops, the trees at Broadlands, Bryntirion and Laleston, the Broadlands roundabouts, and the Broadlands shopping precinct were all missing. Centregreat were working to install the missing features but there was additional unforeseen cost in doing so. The additional overall costs amount to £4,420, Cllr I Spiller stated that we may not be able to do everything in time.

Cllr P Davies enquired as to whether the recommendations agreed to alter the distrubition the columns on Broadlands and Laleston had been done. Cllr I Spiller confirmed that the information was not passed on to Centregreat from the follow up meeting, therefore the lights had been placed in the previous positions. Cllr I Spiller confirmed that he will be having a meeting with Centregreat whilst the lights are up after Christmas.

Cllr C Davies spoke in support of the additional cost. Cllr C Davies also queried when the discussion was had. Cllr P Davies confirmed the discussion was had in full council after Christmas last year. Cllr I Spiller confirmed that councillors were all asked to look at the lights last year and make suggestion before he held the meeting with Centregreat at the beginning of the year, only Cllr P Davies came back with suggestions. Cllr C Green confirmed this was discussed in full council. Cllr G Richards-Hemming spoke in support of the additional cost. Cllr C Smith spoke in support of the additional cost.

Council approved the additional funding unanimously.

10. 19.943 Food pantry –

Cllr B Davies sent out a considerable amount of documentation regarding stocking fresh food.

Cllr JP Blundell confirmed only 3 bags were given out before midday, Cllr JP Blundell suggested we try and increase the footfall before increasing the provision.

Cllr C Green confirmed she had received an 839 page document regarding food hygiene. Cllr C Green confirmed by 3pm today only 3 people had visited the pantry. Cllr C Green felt we needed to find a more effective way of getting food to the people who need it.

Cllr I Spiller spoke in support of both Cllr JP Blundell & Cllr C Green’s and asked if we could find a way of supporting more people and maintaining the status quo.

Cllr G Richards-Hemming asked if council would like her to speak to the foodbank/social services to see if they can point people in our direction.

11. 19.944 To note a list of actions since the last meeting. – Cllr B Davies took back chairing the meetings.

  1. Cllr B Davies confirmed that the quotation giving to council at the last meeting of £105 per table was incorrect as it was for the wrong size tables 3ft instead of 6ft. The facilities manager sent the chair a link for tables which come on a trolley. Council agreed to allow the Chair to purchase 2 trolleys in addition. Council agreed for Cllr B Davies to purchase using her credit card and claim back.

12. 19.945 Report from Community Development Officer with request for funding.

  1. CDO is requesting work to be undertaken at the allotments – council approved
  1. CDO is requesting as we aren’t doing the Christmas lunch this year, whether we would fund 2 buffets for the 2 x OAP groups that meet at Bryntirion community centre on Monday and Friday – Cllr C Smith proposed giving the groups £500 each, this was seconded by Cllr I Spiller and agreed by council.
  1. Work on the pound is due to be started soon, CDO is managing.
  1. The Well – Chair to bring up under correspondence.

13. 19.946 To receive quotations, if any.

  1. A quotation of £207 for replacement of a swing was approved by council, a second swing was reportedly broken, Cllr I Spiller asked council to approve and have work carried out if this was found to be correct. Agreed by council.

14. 19.947 To receive updates regarding Bryntirion Community Centre.

  1. Cllr P Davies requested that the car park post was painted in fluorescent paint as a member of the astronomy club had hit her car on the post in the dark. Council agreed to ask the facilities officer to undertake.
  2. Cllr C Smith asked if we could look into putting a motion actived light at the entrance.

15. 19.948 To receive updates regarding Blandy Hall.

  1. Cllr B Davies confirmed floor has been completed.

16. 19.949 To receive updates regarding Laleston Allotments.

  1. Cllr C Green has met with Sue Roper regarding the allotments. Cllr C Green asked for council’s confirmation that council had not relinquished the responsibility of allocating slots to Mrs Roper. Cllr C Green requested that the CDO be given the responsibility of allocation in accordance with council policy.
  1. Cllr I Spiller confirmed that previously council agreed that we would not relinquish control of the allocation of allotments. Cllr I Spiller proposed that council retain control over the allocation of allotments as the councillors are independent of the allotment holders. Cllr P Davies seconded this motion. This was agreed by council.

17. 19.950 To receive Personnel Issues, if any.

  1. Cllr P Davies reported regarding HR meeting on Thursday 28th October held with Cllr P Davies, Cllr C Green, Cllr I Spiller discussed an admin clerk to help in Gail’s absence. Cllr C Davies was requested to look at the relevant pay scale.

HR Committee suggest awaiting updated finance report before advertising for an admin clerk.

  1. Facilities managers contract is 9 hours per week, HR committee suggested a job evaluation be undertaken by Paul Egan. This was agreed by council.
  1. CDO is picking up the clerks work and emails.
  1. Facilities assistant is working 4 hours per week and extra as necessary
  1. Payroll needs to be done via BACS it was agreed to defer this until the new council is formed in May 2022.
  1. Cllr C Green put her thanks to the facilities manager on record, along with council to keep the community centre open.
  1. Cllr I Spiller raised his concerns around the lack of HR support and as we now have 4 employees, we have to consider their rights of employment and wellbeing, Cllr I Spiller suggested employing an independent HR company on an adhoc basis to support council to ensure we are doing things in the correct manner moving forward. Cllr JP Blundell proposed that we move forward with exploring this.
  1. Cllr C Davies confirmed that he had approached Jennifer Griffiths to see if they could offer support who confirmed it was not a service they offered.
  1. Cllr B Davies suggested contacting the other town and community councils to see how they undertake this work.
  1. Cllr I Spiller amended his proposal to read that we undertake to look into both options with regards to town/community councils and HR companies to see what options are available.

18. 19.951 To receive Correspondence.

  1. Mayor’s Citizenship Award – Cllr P Davies proposed that we nominate Phil for the community work he is undertaking. Cllr B Davies requested than Cllr P Davies put the wording together.
  1. The Well – It was agreed that further to the surveyor’s report that the CDO move forward with the work.
  1. Christmas tree in Bryntirion community centre a budget of £250 was agreed.
  1. Facilities manager is using his own phone to receive and manage the bookings for the community centre, it was agreed to see whether he would prefer a phone paid by the community council or an allowance towards the cost of his line rental. Cllr T Green to confirm at next meeting.
  1. Cllr I Spiller requested that the website be placed on the January meeting for further discussion regarding the additional support costs.

Cllr I Spiller suggested we are not compliant with regards to the policies which should be up to date, this was highlighted to council previously.

Cllr I Spiller highlighted that the minutes have not been placed on the website since May. Cllr I Spiller also highlighted that draft minutes were viewable on our website which are not ratified or agreed by council.

Cllr I Spiller asked for approval to remove the draft minutes be removed as they are not ratified by council. Cllr JP Blundell seconded the motion.

  1. Cllr P Davies requested that the notice boards are updated with minutes/agenda, it was agreed to see if the facilities manager would put the agendas in them.
  1. Cllr B Davies requested that it be put on record that council gave thanks to former Councillor Mark Fouracre for his time and efforts during his tenure.

19. 19.952 Request to change the date of the December meeting.

December’s meeting was agreed to change to 9th December 2021.

20. 19.953 To consider Planning Applications.

Cllr JP Blundell withdrew from discussions.

P/21912 – no objections

P/21851 – no objections

Meeting closed at 9pm

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