Minutes of Extra-ordinary Meeting – 30th April 2019
Minutes of the Emergency Extra-ordinary meeting of Laleston Community Council held in the Blandy Hall, Laleston on
Tuesday, 30 April, commencing at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors – Colin Davies, Tony Berrow, Briony Davies, Cheryl Green, Tom Green Ian Spiller and Pam Davies
1. A short period of silent reflection was undertaken
2. Apologies were accepted from: Councillors – Charles Smith, Tom Turner, Dan Woolridge and Ian Griffiths
3. There were no declarations of interest received.
4. It was proposed by Cllr C Green that Cllr Tony Berrow be elected as Acting Chair of Laleston Council to enable the business of the Council continue between now and the AGM being held on 16 May 2019. This was seconded by Cllr C Davies and unanimously agreed by all present. Cllr Tony Berrow was formally approved to the position.
5. The Agenda asked Council to appoint an Acting Clerk to enable the business of the Council to continue between now and the AG to be held on 16 May 2019. Following discussion it was agreed unanimously that the role would be spit between the following member: Ian Spiller and Tom Green would respond to emails sent to the “clerk@etc” email account and forward them to the correct members of Council for action if needs be. Cllr Cheryl Green as a signatory to the bank account would attend the bank and change the address on the accounts to her own and obtain the necessary paperwork to increase the number of signatories on the bank account. Cllr Briony Davies agreed to produce the minutes from this meeting, the AGM Agenda and the next Ordinary meeting Agenda. In addition it was agreed that Cllr Ian Spiller would talk to One Voice Wales about using their Locum Clerk service to provide a temporary Clerk until Council can advertise and appoint a new Clerk.
6. Cllrs T Green, C Green and T Berrow had met with Mrs J Griffiths to enable her to handover all the Councils paperwork and equipment, during this meeting she expressed that she was happy to wait for her overtime and expenses therefore this item was deferred until the Ordinary Meeting to be held on 16 May 2019.
Chair…………………………………………………. ?Date…………………………………