Minutes of Council, 18 January 2024

Minutes of Council, 18 January 2024

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre on 18 January 2024, commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:. Cllr’s ABerrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, C Davies, D Harrison, I Spiller, V James, S Philpin, C Smith and C Webster.

In attendance:  Gail Jewell

1.  19.1380   Council undertook a period of silent reflection.

2.  19.1381   Apologies for absence. Cllr J Cook, P King and S Richmond.

3.  19.1382   Representation from members of the public.  None.

4.  19.1383   Items of business that the Chair deems urgent.  None.

5.  19.1384   Declarations of Interest. 

Cllr D Harrison – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

Cllr A Berrow – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as a Member of Bridgend County Borough Council Planning Committee.

6.  19.1385   Approval of Minutes.

Omission of declarations of interest for Item 15 – Cllr JP Blundell as Cabinet Member Education and Cllr S Philpin as a Governors for Bryntirion Infant School.

Resolved:  The minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council that took place on 12 December 2023 were approved as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by Cllr S Philpin and seconded by Cllr C Webster.  

Matters arising from 16 November 2023 Minutes:

Item 11 – 19.1357    To discuss the purchase and installation of 4 benches in commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings, to be placed in Laleston, Broadlands, Bryntirion and Cefn Glas.

Resolved:  Council agreed that contact be made with Bridgend County Borough Council to seek permission to install a D-Day Bench at Laleston Cemetery.

Matters arising from December 2023 Minutes:

11.  19.1375  To agree to purchase Christmas Lighting

An update was provided, outlining that the Christmas Lighting had cost less than the allocated amount provided at the previous meeting, and confirmed that the remaining money will revert to Grants and Donations budget heading.

Resolved:  Council noted the update.

Biodiversity & Allotment Committee

In relation to the Allotment Tenancy Agreement, a Member sought clarification on 1 – Allocation of plots, point e).

Resolved:  Members agreed that the query be submitted to the next Biodiversity &

Allotment meeting for clarification.

7.  19.1386   To receive quotations, if any.  None.

8.  19.1387   To consider proposal received by Merthyr Mawr Estate. 

The Clerk presented proposals from Merthyr Mawr Estate solicitors regarding the wildflower meadow in Broadlands.  Proposal 1 – to apply for an annual licence from the estate for the land.  Proposal 2 – to purchase the land for a nominal amount to cover the estates surveyor and solicitor fees.

Resolved:  Members agreed in principle to purchase the land from Merthyr Mawr Estate, following confirmation of actual costings and whether the land would be freehold or leasehold.In addition, Council requested that the Clerk enquire whether the estate had any further plots of land in the area that they no longer had use for.

9.  19.1388   To consider purchase of additional planters.

Proposals were provided to Members which included the purchase an additional planter for Barnes Avenue – next to the recently installed bench; a planter to be placed on the green near the entrance of Llangewydd Arms on Gentle Way; and a larger planter to be installed on the green opposite the One Stop Shop in Bryntirion.

Resolved:  Council agreed that the above proposed planters be purchased and installed, and further requested that the cost for the previously agreed planter for Bryntirion be allocated to cover the new planter at Barnes Avenue, and that the new planter in Bryntirion includes a bilingual sign stating, ‘Welcome to Bryntirion’.  Members further requested that costings of bilingual sign to be presented at the next meeting of Council.

10. 19.1389  To discuss outcomes of Phase 1 of Laleston Well Project and discuss progressing to Phase 2.

Resolved:  Members agreed to defer the item until full costings were provided for deliberation and requested that any potential opportunities for funding prior to the progression to Phase 2 are presented in the final report

11.  19.1390  To receive an update on the proposed Active travel route on Merlin Crescent.

Resolved:  Following the update on the proposed active travel route on Merlin Crescent, Members noted that the route was not a requirement in conjunction with planning application for the extension of Bryntirion Comprehensive School, as outlined by BCBC officers.  Therefore, Council agreed that a letter be sent to the Active Travel Department to emphasise that the proposed scheme needed to be deleted and further explained that Bryngolau and Merlin Crescent was now 20mph and recommended that the scheme is changed to complete the current traffic calming to enforce the Welsh Government imposed speed limit.

12.  19.1391  To receive any recommendations and or comments from Committees –

  1. Finance Committee –  None.

b) HR & Personnel Committee – None.

c) Biodiversity & Allotment CommitteeNone

13.  19.1392  To receive the draft minutes of any Committee meetings held since the last meeting of Council and note any delegated decisions made –

  1. Finance Committee – A Member highlighted that the Committee will be reviewing the Grants and Donation Policy at the next Finance Committee meeting.

Resolved:  Council noted the update and the draft minutes provided.

  • HR & Personnel Committee – A Member highlighted that the Community Development Officers working hours had increased from 15 per week to 20 per week.

Resolved:  Council noted the update and the draft minutes provided.

c) Biodiversity & Allotment Committee.  None.

14.  19.1393  To receive correspondence, if any.  None.

15.  19.1394  To consider Planning Applications

 Planning ApplicationComment
Planning Application No.: P/23/764/FUL Applicant: Mr B Yesudhas Location: 11 Maes Y Fedwen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5DA Proposal: Demolish existing sub-standard conservatory and replace with a single storey extension with a flat roof to the rear to provide additional living space Date:  4 January 2024Resolved:  No comments made.
Planning Application No.: P/23/752/FUL Applicant: Mr M & Mrs S Kehoe Location: 21 Heol Y Fronfraith Fawr Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FR Proposal: Retention of levelling of garden, fence and pergola in small section of corner of garden Date:  4 January 2024Resolved:  No comments made.
Planning Application No.: P/23/757/FUL Applicant: Mr M Bacon Location: 3 Llwyn Coch Broadlands CF31 5BJ Proposal: Retention of lean-to structure to side of dwelling Date:  8 January 2024Resolved:  Council agreed to respond to the consultation to support the retention of the existing structure, due to the fact that the construction has full backing from all of the neighbouring properties, who have outlined the quality of the structure and how it has improved the street scene from the previous outlay of rubbish and recycling bags.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.03pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 15 February 2024, and will commence at 7.00pm.

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