Minutes of Annual Meeting of Council – 19 May 2022

Minutes of Annual Meeting of Council – 19 May 2022

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre, on Thursday 19 May 2022 commencing at 6.00pm.

Present:, Cllr’s A Berrow, JP Blundell, Z Blundell, J Cook, C Davies, D Harrison, V James, P King, S Philpin, S Richmond, C Smith, I Spiller and C Webster.

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1 19.1024 Election of Chairperson 2022/2023

Cllr A Berrow proposed Cllr I Spiller as Chairperson for the forthcoming year, Cllr D Harrison seconded the proposal.

Resolved: Cllr I Spiller was duly elected as Chairperson for 2022/2023.

2 19.1025 Election of Vice Chairperson 2022/2023

Cllr D Harrison proposed Cllr A Berrow as Vice Chairperson for the forthcoming year, Cllr C Webster seconded the proposal.

Resolved: Cllr A Berrow was duly elected as Vice Chairperson for 2022/2023.

3. 19.1026 Apologies for Absence: None.

4. 19.1027 Committees

a) Appointment of any New Committees

Resolved: Following discussions, Members agreed to replace the existing Committees with the creation of a Finance Committee, a HR and Personnel Committee and Project Management, Community Wellbeing and Biodiversity Committee.

b) Appointment of Members to Committees

Resolved: Following discussions, the following Members were appointed to each Committee.

Finance Committee

Cllr S Philpin

Cllr C Davies

Cllr S Richmond

HR & Personnel Committee

Cllr C Webster

Cllr P King

Cllr C Davies

Project Management, Community Wellbeing and Biodiversity Committee

Cllr D Harrison

Cllr A Berrow

Cllr V James

Cllr C Smith

Cllr J Cook

c) Appointment of Chairs to Committees.

Resolved: Following discussions, it was agreed that the Chair would be nominated and voted on at the first meeting of each Committee.

d) Review Terms of Reference for Committees.

Resolved: Members agreed that the Terms of Reference will be set and adopted at the first meeting of each Committee.

5. 19.1028 Appointment of Representatives to External Bodies

a) The Town & Community Council Forum

Resolved: Cllr J P Blundell, Cllr C Smith and Cllr I Spiller were duly appointed to the Town & Community Council Forum

b) The local School Governing Bodies

Resolved: Following deliberation of Members, Council agreed that the Clerk contact the School Governance Solutions Ltd to ascertain the current membership of Governors to determine any potential vacancies following the recent local elections.

c) Blandy Trust Management Committee – 2 Members

Resolved:Cllr A Berrow, Cllr P King were duly appointed to the Blandy Trust Management Committee

d) Laleston Relief in Sickness Charity

Resolved: Cllr A Berrow, Cllr V James and Cllr S Philpin were duly appointed to the Laleston Relief in Sickness Charity

e) Louisa Mary Ann Bennett Charity

Resolved:Cllr A Berrow, Cllr C Smith, Cllr Z Blundell, Cllr V James, Cllr C Webster, Cllr S Richmond and Cllr D Harrison were duly appointed to the Louisa Mary Ann Bennett Charity.

6. 19.1029 Review and adopt a) Standing Orders b) Financial Regulations

Resolved: Members duly reviewed both a) Standing Orders and b) Financial Regulations and agreed that the Chair and the Clerk would meet to execute the changes discussed at the meeting and bring back both documents to Council to be formally adopted.

7. 19.1030 Review inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment

Resolved: Members duly reviewed the inventory of land and other assets and agreed that the current value of the Chain of Office be included on the inventory and a figure of £10,000 for Christmas Lights and the purchase value of all recently installed defibrillators.

8. 19.1031 Confirm arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks

Resolved:Council agreed that this be delegated to the Finance Committee for review and approval, to ensure that all Council’s functions are appropriately covered and include insurance cover for public liability, employer liability, personal accident and fidelity guarantee.

9. 19.1032 Review the councils and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies

Resolved: Members agreed that this item be delegated to the Finance Committee for review and approval.

10. 19.1033 Review of the Council’s complaints procedure

Resolved: Members agreed that this item be delegated to the HR and Personnel Committee for review and approval.

11. 19.1034 Review of the Council’s policies and practices in respect of its obligations under Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation

a) Publication Scheme

b) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice

c) Data Protection

Resolved: Members agreed that the above policies and practices be delegated to the HR and Personnel Committee for review and approval.

12. 19.1035 Review Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media

Resolved: Members agreed that this item be delegated to the HR and Personnel Committee for review and approval.

13. 19.1036 Review the Council’s employment policies and procedures

a) Grievance procedure

b) Disciplinary procedure

c) Equality and diversity policy

d) Health and safety policy

e) Annual leave policy

f) Sickness absence policy

g) Bullying and harassment policy

h) Whistleblowing policy

i) Training Policy

j) Capability Policy

Resolved: Members agreed that the policies included in this item be delegated to the HR and Personnel Committee for review and approval.

17. 19.1037 Review the Council’s expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972

Resolved: Members reviewed the expenditure incurred under S.137 of the Local Government Act 1972 which totaled £8116.14 for the year 2021/2022 which is within the limit enforced by law.

18. 19.1038 Determination of Time and Place of Ordinary Meetings of Council up to and including the Next Annual Meeting

Resolved: Council determined that each meeting of Council will continue to take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.00pm at Bryntirion & Laleston Community Centre.

19. 19.1039 To approve Members allowances for the 2022/23 financial year in accordance with the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) for Wales recommendations


i. Each Member will receive £150 per year as a contribution to costs and expenses.

ii. The Chairperson will receive £1,500 – which is in addition to the £150 payment for costs and expenses.

iii. The Vice Chairperson will receive £500 – which is in addition to the £150 payment for costs and expenses.

iv. The Chair of each Committee will receive a payment of £500 for recognition of their specific responsibilities in a senior role – which is in addition to the £150 payment for costs and expenses.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 06.56 pm.

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