Minutes – 21st November 2019
Laleston Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 21 November 2019 commencing at 7.00pm in Blandy Hall.
Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, M Fouracre, JP Blundell, P Davies, I Spiller, C Smith
In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell
1. The Council undertook a short period of silent reflection.
3. 19.141 The Council moved immediately to Item 3 and suspended the meeting to hear representation presented by a Member of Council on behalf of a member of the Public.
i. The member of the public requested an update on the letter sent to the Chief Executive of V2C regarding the installation of Bat Boxes on tenanted properties. Clerk confirmed that no response had been received.
ii. The Member also requested that a current list of all Laleston Community Councillors names and contact details is provided and presented on all notice boards. Clerk agreed that a list would be compiled and distributed on all notice boards prior to the next Council meeting.
iii. To conclude, an application was received for monies for extra snowdrops to be planted in the ward area. Clerk to make contact with Mr Sayce to progress.
2. 19.142 Apologies: Cllrs T Green, C Green, T Turner, D Wooldridge
4. 19.143 Declarations of Interest: Cllr JP Blundell – Item 17 – Prejudicial Interest as Member of the Planning Committee at Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC).
Cllr C Smith – Item 15 – Personal Interest in one of the Grant Funding applications as a member of Young at Heart.
Cllr P Davies – Item 15 – Prejudicial Interest as a School Governor of Bryntirion Infants school.
5. 19.144 Council received the Minutes from the previous meeting held on 17 October 2019 and Approved them as a true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr P Davies,seconded by Cllr M Fouracre.
i. Actions arising – With reference to the requests proposed by Cylch Meithrin Gwdihw at the previous Council meeting, permission was formally granted for a timber frame to be installed in the garden to allow for planting of flowers and that the existing slabs could be relayed, with the proviso that any incidents resulting from either addition would be the responsibility of the nursery only.
ii. Regarding the issues highlighted as Member Referrals at the previous meeting, Cllr P Davies confirmed that both referrals had been raised and awaited a response.
6. 19.145 With reference to the presented list of actions carried out since the last meeting the following discussions took place:
i. Due to the impending closure of Kenfig Nature Reserve, the furniture based on their site was offered to Laleston Community Council. The chosen furniture will be collected on 16 December and all items will be stored at either Blandy Hall or the Community Centre.
ii. With reference to the installation of a bench on the Cycle Path in Broadlands, it was proposed that planning permission should be sought in the first instance. Clerk to progress.
iii. With reference to the quotation received for a light to be installed at Barnes Avenue Park, Council agreed to cover the cost but stipulated that the Clerk should make contact with Bridgend County Borough Council for a contribution towards the costs.
iv. As recommended in the Fire Risk Assessment undertaken, Council agreed that the Clerk and Facilities Manager should pursue the relevant training appropriate to their responsibilities, as outlined in the assessment.
v. Regarding the meeting with Mike Jones to complete the first draft of the Business Plan for Bryntirion Community Centre, a Member stated the process for Community Asset Transfer had been streamlined and that contact should be made with the Guy Smith to ensure that a Business Plan is still required. Clerk to contact GS.
7. 19.146 To consider quotations:
Quotations Received | Comment |
Sutcliffe Play – Replace damaged swings – £443.32 + VAT | Council Approved the quotation |
ICLA Introduction to Local Council Administration – Training for Clerk
Prices are £99 plus VAT for SLCC members or £149 plus VAT for non-SLCC members |
Council Approved the quotation and also agreed for the Clerk to become a member of SLCC. |
8. 19.147 Bryntirion Community Centre Update
i. Update provided within Item 6.
9. 19.148 Blandy Hall
i. Further to the update in Item 6, the Chair confirmed that S R Middleton had erected scaffolding in preparation to undertake repairs to the roof and that the removal of the render to the inside of the building would commence shortly.
10. 19.149 On-going Projects
i. The Pound. Following the removal of the ivy, Members noted how much better the Pound now looked and that due to receiving several queries from the public regarding its history, that it would be beneficial if a sign could be produced detailing this. Cllr Smith agreed to produce text outlining its use.
ii. Discussions continued regarding an occupier currently trying to source a site to open a museum within the area. A Member highlighted that the outcome of this search would be of interest as Laleston Community Council currently have a Celtic Cross in storage and require somewhere suitable for it to be presented.
11. 19.150 Allotments
i. With reference to some historic plot holders residing outside the ward, Members requested that thought be given to charging an extra fee as those tenants did not contribute to Laleston Community Council precept. Clerk to investigate further and report back to Council.
ii. Following discussions with reference to allotment rent, Members confirmed that there had not been an increase for several years and that thought should be given to a rise this year in accordance with the cost of living. Clerk to investigate what charges are imposed throughout the Borough.
12. 19.151 Events Update
i. Broadlands Fun Day – A Member confirmed that the day was a roaring success and that over 2,000 people attended on the day. The Event Manager thanked the Chair for opening the day and paid a special thanks to Cllr T and C Green who worked tirelessly throughout the event and concluded the day by having great fun on the dodgems.
ii. Fireworks – Following the Firework Event, a Member made the observation that for the next event, it would be useful to hire a PA system, to enable to keep the public up to date on when the fireworks were about to start and conclude. Council Agreed.
iii. Christmas Lights – The Clerk confirmed that the Christmas lights were to be dispatched from France on 4 November 2019. BCBC had also inspected and tested the Laleston Christmas Decoration at Waterton Depot and had erected 13 extra commando sockets in preparation for the new decorations.
iv. OAP Christmas Lunch – The Clerk reported that currently 42 people had confirmed their attendance for the OAP Lunch and that no requests for transport had been received. Llangewydd Junior School Choir had confirmed their attendance for the day but the Dance Centre required to be contacted.
13. 19.152 The Clerk provided a current Financial Update.
i. Council Approved payment vouchers 145 to 179 as presented with agenda. To view details of payments made, please click here – 145 – 179 payment vouchers
ii. Draft budget and precept figures were presented to prompt discussion prior to making a final decision for 2020/2021 at the next Council meeting in December 2019.
14. 19.153 Personnel Issues
i. References for the Community Development Officer were presented to Members. Council Agreed for Clerk to send out an offer of employment.
ii. Following discussions regarding employees Contract of Employment, it was agreed that an additional meeting would take place to deliberate content of contract. To be attended by Cllr Green, Cllr P Davies and Cllr B Davies.
iii. Council confirmed that Cllr I Griffiths had resigned from his role as Councillor due to ill health.
15. 19.154 Correspondence received
Correspondence Received | Comment |
Request for defibrillator at Llangewydd Junior School. To be placed at MUGA. Defibrillator also for public use and suitable to both children and adults.
£1200 for armoured cable to supply electric to MUGA £2600 for defibrillator and cabinet. |
Council Agreed to the request received. |
Llangynwyd Community Council has OVW supplying the following training sessions:
Understanding the Law, 26 February 2020 Code of Conduct, 25 March 2020 6.30pm – 9.00pm. Any interest in attending and sharing costs? |
Clerk to investigate further and report back to Council. |
Ian Griffiths has resigned as Community Governor for Llangewydd Junior School. Any nominations for a replacement? | Cllr M Fouracre was duly nominated. |
Email from Mayor’s Office. Nominations for Mayor’s Citizenship Awards 2020 now open. Nomination form circulated prior to meeting. | Duly noted by Council. |
Email from Bryntirion Infants School requesting payment for grant agreed by Council for costs incurred for the materials for building a wooden ship by Building Skills Project. Total payment requested for £4784.38. Require authorisation for payment. | Council Agreed. |
Request for grant received from Young at Heart over 50’s. – £395. | Council Agreed to present £1,000 to cover any additional trips. |
Fire Risk Assessment for Blandy Hall. | Duly noted by Council |
Fire Risk Assessment for Bryntirion Community Centre. | Duly noted by Council |
Email from member of the public expressing support for a bus shelter on Merlin Crescent by Willesden Road. | Cllr Smith confirmed that he had made a Member Referral on this matter to establish whether the bus stop is official. To report back to Council when a response has been received. |
Letter of concern received from Cylch Meithrin Gwdihw regarding a fire risk assessment officer. | Council agreed to investigate further and provide a responsein due course. |
Precept request for 2020/21 from BCBC | Duly noted by Council. |
Letter from BCBC reminding Members of the Town and Community Council Fund 2020/21 that will be available in January 2020. | Duly noted by Council. |
Letter from BCBC outlining Community Asset Transfers. | Council Agreed to the production of an EOI for the transfer of Bryntirion Playing Fields and all play parks in the ward area. |
16. 19.155 Reports and Observations
i. As previously agreed at Council, a Member requested that the competition to design a new logo for LCC be progressed. Clerk to contact Bryntirion Comprehensive School in the first instance and Council to give thought to a prize for the winner.
ii. A Member queried that now that the teenage shelter in Broadlands had been removed could the space be utilised for a replacement park.
17. 19.156 To consider Planning Applications received:
Planning Application Details | Actions |
1. Planning Application No.: P/19/762/FUL Applicant: Mr A Phillips
Location: 21 The Dell Laleston CF32 0HR Proposal: Single storey pitched roof front extension and roof lights; single storey rear extension and reprofile roof; flat roof rear dormer extension Date: 22 October 2019 |
No objection |
2. Planning Application No.: P/19/773/FUL Applicant: Mrs M Pearce
Location: 5 Llys Teg Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BH Proposal: Remove existing conservatory and construct single storey rear extension Date: 25 October 2019 |
No objection |
3. Planning Application No.: P/19/813/FUL Applicant: Mr M Morgan
Location: 22 Ton Tylluan Broadlands CF31 5BE Proposal: Garage attached to side of dwelling Date: 11 November 2019 |
No objection |
4. Planning Application No.: P/19/822/FUL Applicant: Mr K Salvatore
Location: 19 Carn Wen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BW Proposal: Single storey rear extension Date: 15 November 2019 |
No objection |
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.25pm.
The next Ordinary Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 at Blandy Hall.