Minutes – 20th June 2019

Minutes – 20th June 2019


Minutes of ordinary meeting of Laleston Community Council held on 20th of June 2019 commencing at 7 p.m. at Blandy Hall.

Present: Cllr T Berrow Chair, Cllr C Green, Cllr T Green, Cllr JP Blundell Cllr I. Spiller Cllr T Turner, Cllr D Wooldridge.

1. Council held a 1 minute’s silence for Mr Terry Lardeau-Randall following his sad death. Terry had been the Clerk to LCC for many years and was very much respected by all who knew him.

2. 19.97  Apologies: Cllr C Davis, Cllr P Davis. Cllr C Smith, Cllr B Davies, Cllr I Griffiths.

3.  19.98  Meeting was suspended as a member of the public was in attendance. He expressed grave concern regarding the proposals for the new Regional Development Plan which included building of houses around Laleston and asked for the views of the Council. Cllr Cheryl green explained as with previous LDP’s developers were allowed to make expressions of interest on building proposals. Cllr Green explained that LCC had invited the BCBC planners to a meeting to discuss the same concerns. It was suggested that as the current Community Council had been expanded by over 3000 houses over the last 10 years and all it’s schools were at maximum capacity they would considered it more prudent to look for other development areas.
Cllr Green offered to communicate with any member of the public if they had any further concerns.

4. 19.99  Declaration of interests – Cllr J. Blundell previously declared.

5. 19.100  Minutes of meeting held on the 16th of May were approved as a true record and there were no matters arising. Proposed by Cllr C Green, seconded by Cllr I Spiller.

6. 19.101  Minutes of meeting 12 June Cllr C. Green proposed, Cllr JP Blundell seconded.

7. 19.102  List of all actions by the Chair since the last meeting been circulated and there was everything was noted.

8. 19.103  Cllr C Green reported that Mrs J Smith’s findings on the Internal Audit of accounts were documented. To meet the recommendations of the internal and external auditors reports, Council was asked to rescind the following minute from the meeting held on Thursday, 18 April 2019 and return all financial issues/decisions to Full Council : Item 8: To consider the formation of Finance Committee The following Councillors were nominated to stand on the Finance Committee: Councillors T Berrow; J P Blundell; C Davies; T Green; I Spiller; Chair and Vice Chair. The decision to rescind the minute was Approved unanamously and the the Finance Group was suspended indefinitely as only Full Council that can make financial decisions. Proposed by Cllr C Green and seconded by Cllr JP Blundell .

9. 19.104  Quotations received :

a. A quote for Cleaning the asbestos and sealing the ceiling in the community centre shower room and the boiler room was received at a cost of £900 Council agreed and the work was Approved. Cllr T Green to liaise with the current user, Chair to contact contractor.

b. Chair received the quotation for the repair of the wall around Blandy Hall with a 3 weeks turnaround. Cllr C Green said there was a need to contact the Conservation Officer before beginning to ensure that the correct materials be used. She would speak to Claire Hamm, BCBC to seek advice. The council agreed to move forward subject to the agreement of the conservation officer.
c. Cllr Blundell mentioned traffic calming measures and he is already had discussion with the technical department and he would be available to do this in the October time.

d. White lines from BCBC – Cllr Blundell said he would bring a report to the July ​meeting.

e. Broadlands steps quotation and specification was discussed and Approved.

f. Council received quotation for providing allotments with a toilet.

g. Blandy Hall – Surveyors report on a 10- year plan. This will be detailed in writing but the largest item was re-plastering of the main back wall, installation of fire doors, new disabled toilet door, new interior window sills. Cllr C Green suggested ​progression alterations to store room which council had already previously agreed.

h. Following investigation into a software package for finance it was agreed to proceed immediately with the Scribe Council Finance system the cost would be about £600 per annum which included all training implementation and support this cost would be an annual charge it was agreed to proceed immediately.

10. 19.105  Bryntirion Community Centre – the Chair presented an update during his meeting with the council earlier. No action from first supplier to service roller shutters and provide new Fobs, Chair to source another company.

Agreed to get a company in to provide the Risk Assessment for the building – Cllr I Spiller to progress this.

11. 19.106  Allotments

a. A number of allotment holders had requested a toilet last year. Council agreed to have one sited from April to October as a trial. All allotment holders will be surveyed for their views at the end of the season.

b. The allotment holders have requested a private property sign be erected on the allotment gate, the Chair to make enquiries. There are currently 2 signs in the allotment area, one on the notice board and one by the shed in the middle of the allotments.

12. 19.107  Cllr C Green presented the finance report including bills for payment which were Approved. Bank balances current account £21,440.51 / Deposit account £324,595.37. – all paperwork to change signatures submitted to bank. Payments agreed:-

​Paragon internet payment of £118

​Former clerk for PC security £64.99

​One voice Wales £40 for training – Cllr C Green chasing one voice Wales for ​clarification on an invoice she believes £100 been in too much.

​Council agreed to pay national insurance bill – LCC is not a charity and as such ​must pay Employers NI

13. 19.108  Vacancies –

a. Facilities Manager – following a lengthy discussion Council Approved the decision to engage an individual to undertake various duties across Bryntirion community Centre, the Blandy Hall and the Allotments. LCC to provide a contract of employment.

b. Position of Clerk,RFO and Development Officer to be progressed.
14. 19.109  Correspondence: Received a letter from Cllr Ian Griffiths requesting an extension to his leave of absence from LCC. The extension was Approved.

​LCC received a Grant request from Pen Y Bont Gymnastics who requested funds to ​go to an international event costing £40,000, Cllr T Green to respond to clarify the ​numbers of gymnasts from LCC area for audit purposes.
​One voice Wales employer notification.
​Carer award nominations.
​Centergreat – Christmas lighting presentation.
​One Voice Wales training.
​Playgroup made an enquiry to the LCC requesting hire of the whole section of the ​Community Centre from the Toilets to the end room, including both changing rooms.
​The council felt that we need to develop the centre for the community, and provide ​an office for the Clerk and storage for LCC – request denied.

15. 19.110  Reports and observations.
Cllr Cheryl Green had a request for a seat to be installed in the bus stop near the Great House in Laleston, it was agreed to progress this. Chair to action.
Cllr Spiller reported an issue with the laser display and he’s waiting an update.
Cllr Tom Green said the lines in the Muga in Laleston have faded. Council agreed to repaint lines – Chair to discuss with original suppliers.
16. 19.111  A list of planning applications were presented to the council they were no concerns with all except one:-

PE19 332 full in 15 Coleridge Close Cefn glas – demolition of garage and construct two bedroom bungalow granny flat. Ward member to investigate.

17. 19.112  Cllr Cheryl Green requested a move into committee at this point, seconded by Cllr T Green.

Co-option notice for Cefn Glas with July 12th closing date to be put into notice boards.

End of meeting

Signed: ……………………………………………………………

Dated: ………………………………………………………………

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