Minutes – 19th September 2019

Minutes – 19th September 2019

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 19 September 2019 commencing

at 7.00pm in Bryntirion Community Centre.

Present: Cllr’s A Berrow, B Davies, C Davies, T Green, C Green, C Smith, D Woodridge, and T Turner.

In attendance: Clerk – Gail Jewell

1. The Council undertook a short period of silent reflection.

3. 19.113 The Council moved immediately to Item 3 and suspended the meeting to hear representation from three members of the public:

i. A representative of the public attended to highlight that a section of Llangewydd Road between the Bryntirion Football Club and Bryntirion Community Centre required a streetlight due to the road being a route to school and a regular bus route. In addition, the representative noted that the aforementioned section of road had been allocated for repair by Bridgend County Borough Council and suggested that prior to restoration, thought should be given to widening theroad and insertion of a kerb. The reasons presented were relating to the expected increase in traffic due to the new housing estate and the football club attracting more spectators following promotion to a higher division.

ii. The representative also expressed the thanks and gratitude on behalf of a member of the community for the donated defibrillator situated on Hill View. The defibrillator had to been used but unfortunately was unsuccessful in resuscitation. The Council conveyed their condolences to the family concerned.

iii. To conclude the representative made Members aware of street lighting that required repair on Barnes Avenue and Merlin Crescent.

2. 19.114 Apologies: Cllr’s I Spiller, I Griffiths, P Davies, JP Blundell, M Fouracre

4. 19.115 Declarations of Interest: Cllr C Smith – Item 13 – Personal Interest in one of the Grant Funding applications and took no part in the decision.

5. 19.116 Council received the Minutes from the previous meeting held on 18 July 2019 and Approved them as a true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr C Davies, seconded Cllr C Green).

i. Matters Arising – The Clerk confirmed that a plan of the allotments allocated in Laleston had been received and the Chair along with the facilities manager, would assist in procuring signs for each allotment plot as agreed.

ii. Council confirmed that Gail Jewell had now been appointed as Clerk for Laleston Community Council and will be working 23 hours a week instead of the originally agreed 20 hours, due to the additional duty of being the Responsible Finance Officer.

iii. With reference to the complaints received regarding the main shed situated at the allotments, the Chair confirmed that the Facility Manager will carry out the repairs at the earliest opportunity.
iv. Contract of employment for facilities manager – WIP. Clerk to circulate draft contracts in due course.

v. Appointment of Community Development Officer – Job vacancy has been advertised. Closing date Friday 11 October 2019.

vi. Blandy Hall wall – The Chair confirmed that the Conservation Officer had approved the plans in place to repair the wall. Following a discussion regarding progressing the repair, Council agreed to source a contractor.

6. 19.117 In addition to the presented list of actions carried out since the last meeting, the Chair provided the following updates:

i. Civic Service – Following discussions, Council agreed not to progress this year and that instead a donation would be made available to charity.

ii. Blandy Hall wall heater replacement – Following discussion, Council agreed that a decision would be made following the presentation of the survey report at the Council meeting in October 2019.

7. 19.118 To consider quotations:

Quotations Received Comment
Primary Care – A defibrillator to be sited on the Church Hall wall – £1522.80 Council Approved the quotation and the Chair agreed to progress the electrical work required prior
Cathedral Hygiene – Sanitary Disposal provision for Blandy Hall and Bryntirion Community Centre Council Approved quotation and instructed the Clerk to generate a contract.
BOF – Two extension desks for Clerk and Development Officer – £144 each Council Approved the quotation.
Schedule of repair works for Blandy Hall roof. Council Approved the quotation received by S R Middleton & Son and instructed Chair to progress with works.
Crackerjack Fireworks for 2 November 2019 – £2472.32 Council Approved the quotation.

8.​19.119  ​Bryntirion Community Centre Update and other CAT issues

i. The Chair informed Council that a meeting was to be arranged with Guy Smith, the CAT Officer of Bridgend County Borough Council to discuss progressing the asset transfer of Bryntirion Community Centre – to include Bryntirion Playing Fields.

ii. Council requested that the Clerk investigate costs for the following at the Community Centre:
• Implementation of a mobile loop system;
• Refuse collection;
• A rubbish bin outside centre.
iii. The Chair confirmed that the Community Centre required additional seating – Council agreed to source 8 more chairs to cover maximum capacity.

9.​19.120 Allotments

i. A complaint had been received regarding the conduct of the Chair of the Allotment Committee. Council stressed that any disagreements or disputes should be directed to and dealt with by the Clerk. Clerk to contact both parties confirming this.

ii. A current plot holder had been in contact outlining that they had now moved out of the ward and queried whether they were required to end their tenancy agreement. Council confirmed that allotment holders were required to reside in the ward and therefore notice will be submitted to the plot holder and that the current tenancy agreement template will be updated stipulating this.

10. 19.121 Events Update

i. In Cllr I Spillers absence there was no report about Broadlands Fun Day. Council requested that this project be placed on the October Agenda for a full discussion.

ii. Fireworks – The Chair confirmed 2 November 2019 as the date to hold event. A submission of interest had been received for providing fairground rides by Aled Leisure alongside the Bryntirion Firework Display. Council agreed but Clerk to check public liability insurance in the first instance.

iii. Christmas Lights – A Pro Forma invoice had been received for the Christmas lighting requesting a payment date. Clerk to contact to Blachere Illumination UK Ltd to stipulate Waterton Industrial Estate as the delivery address and to confirm that payment will only be made on delivery.

iv. OAP Christmas Lunch – Members confirmed that it was proposed that the lunch revert back to being provided by Laleston Community Council as members of the OAP felt it was more personable. The Scouts hall had been booked for 1 December 2019.

11. 19.122 The Clerk provided a current Financial Update.

i. Council Approved payment vouchers 1 to 114 as presented with agenda.  To view details of payments made, please click here – 1 – 114 payment vouchers.

ii. A brief update was provided regarding the new financial software, Scribe. Council were informed of the systems ease of use and that read only access would be provided to Members in due course.

iii. Cllr Green informed Members that the internal auditor had requested to undertake an interim audit. Council declined.

12. 19.123 Personnel Issues

i. Clerk position filled. Council Agreed confirmed that the new clerk should apply for a HSBC debit card and that the mailing address should be changed to Bryntirion Community Centre.

ii. The Clerk informed Council that enquiries had been made to join Rhondda Cynon Taff (RCT) Pension Scheme but unfortunately Laleston Community Council (LCC) were not on the approved list of employers. Council agreed that the Clerk make arrangements for LCC to become an approved employer with RCT.

iii. Council agreed that the Clerk and Facility Manager should attend any training courses that are appropriate to their posts. Both need to undertake a DBS in the first instance.

13. 19.124 Correspondence received

Correspondence Received Comment
Grant Funding – Young at Heart – £425 Council Approved
Grant Funding – Wildlife Trust – £300 Council Approved
Grant Funding – Pen Y Bont Council Declined funding due to lack of benefit for the Community Council area
Grant Funding – Dance Crazy Council Declined as the dance team were not based within the Community Council area.
Email from Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council – regarding LDP – Preferred Strategy Consultation Members confirmed that members of the Planning Department had already taken part in consultation – Clerk to contact Council regarding possible advertisement for noticeboards.
Notice of Town and Community Council Clerks meeting 25 October 2019 Email circulated before meeting – Council noted date and time
Notice of Town and Community Council Forum, 29 October 2019 Email circulated prior to meetings – Council noted date and time
Email from One Voice Wales – regarding Training Sessions on offer during September / October Email circulated prior to meetings – Council noted training options

14. 19.125 Reports and Observations

i. A request had been received for a Christmas tree to be sited at Bryntirion Community Council. The Chair and Cllr Smith agreed to make enquiries.

ii. A request had been received for a bus shelter on MerlinCrescent by the entrance of Willesden Road – Clerk to contact Kevin Sales.

iii. A request had been received for a bench on top of cycle track from Broadlands down to Newbridge Fields – Chair and Vice Chair to inspect.

iv. Following discussions, the Clerk was allocated the task of investigating LCC’s welsh language obligations.

15. 19.126 To consider Planning Application received:

Planning Application Details Actions
1. Planning Application No.: P/19/612/FUL
Location: 18 Mayfield Avenue Laleston CF32 0LH

Proposal: Demolish existing store; construct single storey rear extension with balcony over, rear dormer (roof space) extension with access to balcony, garage extension to side

Date: 11 September 2019

No objection
2. Planning Application No.: P/19/651/FUL
Location: 12 Heol Trelales Laleston CF32 0HW Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Date: 9 September 2019

No objection
3. Planning Application No.: P/19/610/FUL
Location: Garregwen 65 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL

Proposal: Retention of summerhouse

Date: 6 September 2019

No objection
4. Planning Application No: P/19/587/FUL
Location: 14 Ton Glas Bryntirion CF31 4EH

Proposal: Single storey shower room extension to side

Date: 28 August 2019

No objection
5. Planning Application No: P/19/605/DPN
Location: Garage site adj 8 Hillsboro Bryntirion CF31 4DJ

Proposal: Prior notification to demolish 11 rental garages

Date: 23 August 2019

No objection
6. Planning Application No: P/19/588/FUL
Location: 36 Church View Laleston CF32 0HF

Proposal: Single storey rear extension and first floor side extension

Date: 19 August 2019

No objection
7. Planning Application No: P/19/577/FUL
Location: 6 Pant y Dryw Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BP

Proposal: First floor side extension and single storey rear extension

Date: 13 August 2019

No objection
8. Planning Application No: T/19/42/TPO
Location: Braseria El Prado High Street Laleston CF32 0LD Proposal: Fell a 3 stemmed ash tree due to safety concerns and undertake an 8m crown reduction to a beech tree

Date: 12 August 2019

No objection
9. Planning Application No.: P/19/567/FUL
Location: 11 Rogers Lane Laleston CF32 0LB

Proposal: Double storey side extension

Date: 12 August 2019

No objection
10. Planning Application No.: P/19/568/LIS
Location: 49 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL

Proposal: Listed building consent for the re-instatement of fire damaged residential house

Date: 12 August 2019

No objection
11. Planning Application No.: P/19/549/FUL
Location: 17 Rogers Lane Laleston CF32 0LA

Proposal: Remove one front dormer and replace with feature glass entrance hall with larger front door; replace one rear dormer with a larger dormer; new slate roof, windows, doors and render; internal alterations

Date: 2 August 2019

No objection
12. Planning Application No.: P/19/519/FUL
Location: Brodawel Laleston CF32 0NR

Proposal: Change use of stables (as approved under P/18/349/FUL) to canine boarding kennels

Date: 31 July 2019

No objection
13. Planning Application No.: P/19/456/FUL
Location: 24 Burns Crescent Cefn Glas CF31 4PY

Proposal: Remove existing conservatory; raise existing roof by 600mm and convert to gable; two storey side/rear extension; extend dormers at front and rear; internal layout alterations.

Date: 30 July 2019

No objection

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.05pm.

The next Ordinary Meeting will take place on Thursday, 17 October 2019 at Blandy Hall.

Comments are closed.
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