Minutes – 19th October 2017

Minutes – 19th October 2017

Minutes of the Ordinary monthly meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Blandy Hall – 19th October, 2017

Present: ​Councillors Tony Berrow, Roger Davies,

Tom Turner, Ian Griffiths,

Colin Davies, Charles Smith, Briony Davies, and Dan Woolridge, Jon-Paul Blundell

​Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair

17/138 Silent Reflection

Councillors held a period of silent reflection.

17/139 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr’s Cheryl Green, Ian Spiller, Pam Davies, Dave Harrison.

17/140 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, (15 minutes maximum)

None present.

17/141 Declarations of Interest

The Clerk asked if any Councillors had any declarations of interest to declare to the Council.

No declarations of interest were declared.

17/142 Minutes of previous meeting

It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st September, 2017 be approved as an accurate record.

The Chair signed the minutes.

17/143 Matters arising from Minutes

17/100 Defibrillator at Broadlands

Cllr Briony Davies confirmed that she had spoken to Revd Anthony Beer to request permission for a defibrillator to be installed outside of the Church Hall in Laleston and he stated that he didn’t think permission would be granted as the buildings are listed and it wouldalso take a long period of time to get permission.

Cllr Briony Davies proposed that the carpet shop or hairdressers be approached as an alternative and if need be the Council pay for the electricity supply on an annual basis.

RESOLVED: Cllr Ian Griffiths confirmed that he will speak to the owner of the carpet shop to ask for his permission for a defibrillator to be installed outside of his shop.

17/127 Street Cleansing

Cllr Roger Davies asked if the Clerk had received a response from other Community Council as to how their deal with street cleansing. The Clerk confirmed that she had received some responses from other Community Councils in which they only employ individuals for garden maintenance.

17/130 Vacancy of School Governor post at Bryntirion Infants School

Cllr Ian Griffiths asked if the post of the vacancy of School Governor at Bryntirion Infants School had been filled. The Clerk confirmed that Hazel Kendall has agreed to take the post of School Governor.

17/144 Update from meeting of the proposed 40mph speed restriction on the A473 from Bryntirion to Laleston

The Clerk confirmed that a meeting had taken place with a highway officer and his assistant on Friday 13th October, in which some Councillors attend.

The Officer explained that the infrastructure of the road and location of houses being set back from the road would warrant for this proposal to be approved subject to the decision of the Community Council. He proposed that the restriction starts at the start of the layby just after the traffic lights up until just before the crossing going into Laleston. Cllr Dave Harrison reported that the island crossing near the top of the hill leading into Laleston is difficult to see especially when the sun is low. The officer stated that the lines currently need to be repainted to the outside of the island in which he has agreed to authorise the works to be carried out. He also stated that he has a small budget which he will install pedestrian signs at the two crossing to at Bryntirion and Laleston as soon as possible.

RESOLVED: Cllr Ian Griffiths proposed that Council defer this item subject to more information being sought from BCBC in which Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.

17/145 Fireworks and Laser Display 4thNovember, 2017

The Clerk confirmed that meetings have taken place with Cllr Ian Spiller, Crackerjacks and Oliver Davis to establish the format for the display as well as Health & Safety checks and confirmed that Oliver Davis had also attended the site on a separate occasion to test the laser display.

The Clerk confirmed that the same side show amusements had been booked and will arrive and be set up by 5.30pm and the fireworks display will start at 6.30pm. She confirmed that St John’s Ambulance have confirmed their attendance also.

The Clerk therefore requested if any Councillors would be available to help set up for the event on the Saturday and clear up after on the Sunday morning.

RESOLVED: Cllrs Tony Berrow and Briony Davies confirmed that they will be available to assist with the setting up and clearing after the display. Cllr Briony Davies requested that the Clerk contact Steve Sloan to ask if any of the scouts would be available to assist on the night.

17/146 Nomination of Councillor for the Suncredit Solar Community Benefit Fund

The Clerk stated that she had received a letter from BAVO to request if the Council could nominate a representative to sit at the next grants meeting of Suncredit Community Benefit Fund. The fund only supports the communities immediately affected by the development of the Solar Farm i.e. Wildmill, Laleston and Penyfai.

She confirmed that applications are due to be opened at the end of this year with a deadline set for the second week in February 2018. Once the deadline has closed a panel is then set to meet at the beginning of March.

RESOLVED: Council agreed for Cllr Cheryl Green to continue as a representative for the Community Council.

17/147 Blandy Hall Usage Charges

The Clerk confirmed that the Pop Up Café is only taking place twice a month and therefore is a concern that the building is not being cleaned on a weekly basis. She confirmed however that she has received an interest from another lady to consider using the hall for a similar purpose but on a weekly basis, this she would not be able to start until the new year. The Clerk expressed a concern in what fees to charge as this would be a different arrangement than that agreed with the Pop up Café and she feels that a charge of £5 a morning would definitely not come near to the cost of electricity and heating.

RESOLVED: Cllr Charles Smith proposed a charge of £20 be implemented for the use for such purchase with the use of the kitchen facilities as well as cleaning up after the usage, Cllr Ian Griffiths seconded the proposal.

17/148 Summer Playschemes

Council proposed from the last meeting that took place on 21st September, 2017 that this be forwarded to this meeting. Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that Llangewydd Junior School stated that they would be willing to host the summer playscheme for 2018.

RESOLVED: Cllr Briony Davies proposed thatthe Clerk contact Porthcawl Town Council to enquire what organisation run their playscheme.

17/149 Clerks Contract of Employment

Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that a NEST pension scheme has now been set up for the Clerk.

Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that an additional amount of money would need to be allocated to the accountant for these additional services which the clerk confirmed will be minimal.

Cllr Roger Davies confirmed that the new contract states that the website should be managed by the Clerk and not a Councillor in which training would be required.

RESOLVED: Cllr Briony Davies proposed that the Chair and Clerk meet with Cllr Ian Spiller to propose training for the Clerk.

The Clerk and the Chair signed the Clerks Contract of Employment.

RESOLVED: That this be noted by Council.

17/150 Accounts for Payment September 2017

Description Amount inc VAT
Asda 2 x black ink cartridges 27.00
Oliver Davies – Payment for Laser Show 4.11.17 2,303.20
Sutcliffe Play – Payment of 2nd Phase Playground 51,520.80
South Cymru Sapphires – Donation 500.00
Amanda Parsons – Salary for September 2017 1,128.89
Amanda Parsons – Reimbursement of phone charges June – September, 2017 48.00

Update from FSG meeting of 12th October, 2017

The Clerk gave the following update from the FSG meeting that took place on Thursday 12thOctober, 2017:-

The Clerk confirmed that following the last Council meeting it was requested by Councillors to clarify more details of what the funding request would be used for. The Clerk confirmed that she and the Chair had met with two of the members. They confirmed that they used to organise approximately five day trips a year but due to the rising costs of hiring a coach they can now only afford two trips a year. They confirmed that they meet on a Monday at the Football club between 1.30pm and 3.30pm in which they also have to pay for hire of the room which costs £750.00 per annum. They try to raise funds through the 26 members they currently have by doing activities such as bingo, quiz afternoons, raffles etc.

Councillors proposed that a maximum of £1000 be granted to the association for funding the coaches for trips and that the invoices be sent to the Community Council for payment to allow the Council to claim back the VAT. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that Council pay for the hire of the room per annum, Cllr Jon-Paul Blundellseconded the proposal. Cllr Briony Cllr Briony Davies proposed that Council agree up to a maximum of £1000 be given as a grant per annum, Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.

FSG/17/15 Bryntirion Infant School – Request for Funding

Cllr Ian Griffiths declared an interest as a current School Governor at the school.

The Clerk confirmed that she had received a letter from the head teacher Mrs Kathryn Foster of Bryntirion Infant School. The letter stated that they wish to further improve the playground and garden areas at the school and to incorporate structures and resources that will address the needs of children with a cost identified of £12,000, the work would be carried out by the BCBC Youth Justice and Early Intervention Service.

The head teacher further explained that there is also a need for a Speech and Language Therapist to work at the school on a part time basis the cost which will be £4000 for the next two terms. The school also only has a stage and would like to develop this area further with an appropriate sound and lighting system at a cost of £4000.

She stated that they are asking for help to improve outcomes for all pupils within the school which would incorporate a total cost of £20,000.

Cllr Tony Berrow stated that consideration by given to the funding if the garden could be used by the public and made as a sensory garden.

RECOMMENDED: Councillors agreed to support this application with the approval of the Community Council and consideration be given in next year’s budget.

RESOLVED: Cllr Charles Smith proposed that we contribute towards the cost of the garden subject to a detailed quotationfrom the school, Cllr Roger Davies requested that they sought other quotations, Council agreed that Cllr Tony Berrow and Cllr Roger Davies visit the head teacher for further clarification for the sum of money requested.

Council proposed that the Clerk seek grants given to schools over the last 4 years.

FSG/17/16 Current Budget and Financial Report 2017/18.

The Clerk produced a spreadsheet of current budget expenditure, income and monthly report for the year as at 30th September, 2017.

RECOMMENDED: That these reports be approved by Council.

FSG/17/17 Precept for 2018/2019

Cllr Roger Davies stated that we have now to start preparing the precept for 2018/19 in which he has produced a report stating that the precept will need to be submitted to BCBC by 5th Jan, 2018. He confirmed that the next meetings will need members to submit their requirements before November’s meeting for collation at a future FSG meeting to be arranged. Councillors requested that the Clerk send an e-mail as soon as possible for Councillor’s to bring their requirements for the next Council meeting on 19th October, 2017. Cllr Colin Davies suggested that each Councillor be allocated a set amount of money to spend in a project to be considered by full Council.

FSG/17/18 Clerks Contract of Employment and Pension

Cllr Roger Davies confirmed to Councillors that the Clerks Contract of Employment has been finalised and can be signed by the Clerk and the Chair at the Councils meeting on 19th October. He further confirmed that a NEST Government sponsored pension has been set up for the Clerk.

17/51 Budget update as at 30thSeptember, 2017

The Clerk produced spreadsheets of the budget and expenditure as at 30th September, 2017.

RESOLVED: That these reports be approved by Council.

17/52 Correspondence September/October, 2017

None received.

17/53 Reports and Observations Received September/October 2017

– Cllr Charles Smith reported that the new litter bin installed to lamp post No.23 at Barnes Avenue was overfilling and he had received complaints from neighbours. He confirmed that BCBC stated that they were not responsible for empting but will do it on this occasion as it was becoming a health issue. Cllr Smith confirmed that as soon as the bin was emptied he removed it and the Clerk confirmed that it has currently been stored at the Bryntirion Community Centre container until the issue is resolved.
– Cllr Dave Harrison reported that litter has accumulated in the layby on the A473.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted Clean up the County to request that a litter picker clears the area.

– Cllr Dave Harrison reported that a large dip in the road had appeared on the A473 near the pedestrian crossing.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she had reported this to Highways and received a response that the repairs will be carried out.

– Cllr Dave Harrison reported that the old stone wall in between the houses at the rear of Broadlands and the layby on the A473 is falling into disrepair due to the roots of trees and ivy growing into the wall.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she had reported this to highways in which she received confirmation that this issue had been forwarded to the parks department and is awaiting a response.

– Cllr Dave Harrison reported that several vehicles were being advertised for sale within the layby stating the same mobile telephone number on each of the cars.

RESOLVED: The Clerk reported that this matter had been reported to the Traffic & Transportation department.

Planning Applications – September/October 2017

The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-



P/17/809/FUL Two storey extension to rear, internal alterations and front porch 174 Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas CF31 4QJ
P/17/814/FUL Addition of porch, ramped access to front entrance and associated external and drainage works. 13 Highbury Crescent Cefn Glas CF31 4RD
P/17/830/FUL Single storey side/rear extension Hafod Resources 18 Cae Beddgelert Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FH

Meeting closed at 8.50pm

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