Minutes – 19th April, 2018
Minutes of the Ordinary monthly meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Blandy Hall – 19th April, 2018
Present: Councillors Tom Turner, Colin Davies, Jon-Paul Blundell, Roger Davies, Briony Davies, Dan Woolridge, Cheryl Green, and Ian Griffiths.
Cllr Anthony Berrow in the Chair
18/45 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
18/46 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Pam Davies, Cllr Dave Harrison, Ian Spiller and Charles Smith.
18/47 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, (15 minutes maximum)
Mr Bob Sayce attended the meeting to discuss the walk around Bryntirion to look at the rubbish dumped within the area in particular the garage site at Mount Pleasant and Ton Glas in which were reported to be a health hazard due to the amount of rubbish left at these sites. He stated that he would like to see V2C issue a contract to resolve some of these issues. He further asked if Laleston Community Council would write to the Chief Executive of V2C to ask for these issues to be addressed. Cllr Ian Griffiths proposed that a letter be sent to the Chief Executive and Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk write a letter to the Chief Executive of V2C regarding the condition of the sites as well as the health & safety risk to residents.
Mr Sayce also stated that a meeting had taken place with V2C, Cllr Cheryl Green and the Clerk to look at the Biodiversity sites. Cllr Green confirmed that a further meeting had taken place between herself a BCBC officer and the Clerk to discuss these areas in which the Officer stated that he would draft some ideas to present to Council for a future meeting.
18/48 Declarations of Interest
The Clerk asked if any Councillors had any declarations of interest to declare to the Council.
Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell declared an interest on item 14 on the agenda.
Cllr Tony Berrow declared an interest on item 7 of the agenda.
Cllr’s Cheryl Green, Jon-Paul Blundell and Colin Davies declared an interest on item 12 of the agenda.
18/48 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the minutes be amended to include a declaration of interest from Cllr Briony Davies on item number 18/33 of the minutes as an allotment holder.
18/49 Matters arising from Minutes
18/7 Contribution of gifts and food Christmas 2018
Cllr Colin Davies stated that he will issue Cllr Briony Davies with a contact name for the Trussell Trust Group.
18/36 Blandy Hall Quotations for Windows and Heating
The Clerk confirmed that a meeting took place with Nottage Joinery for the accurate measurement of the windows in which it was stated that the windows would take approximately 6 -8 weeks to be installed with a 40% payment of the windows required in advance.
Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that 3 companies had been contacted for quotations for a new heating system to be installed in which the last supplier has not as yet submitted a quotation. Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that we move forward with the quotations already sought and Cllr Jon-Paul seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk arrange to meet with both suppliers to progress with the installation and seek additional quotation for a hot water system to be installed.
18/38 Proposed Traffic Calming by Entrance to Llangewydd Junior School
The Clerk stated that following the Council’s decision at the previous meeting to propose that the traffic calming to be considered in the budget of 2019-2020, that a request has been received from Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell that following an investigation by BCBC in which they stated that the road was not busy enough for them to fund a Lollipop person which would cost an annual amount of £4,000. However BCBC stated that if the Community Council would agree to fund this employment that they would contribute towards funding for training, equipment and management requirements. Cllr Tony Berrow proposed that the Council fund for a Lollipop person to be employed and paid for by the Council, Cllr Roger Davies seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell confirm to BCBC that the Community Council would be willing to fund for a Lollipop person to be employed for the next financial year.
18/42 Correspondence
The Clerk confirmed that a quotation of £1,745 plus VAT has been received for the making and installation of a ‘kissing gate’ on Bryntirion playing fields in which this has been requested to be installed as soon as possible.
RESOLVED: That this be noted by Council.
18/50 Cllr Pam Davies – Request for Extended Leave of Absence.
Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that he had received a request for an extended leave of absence from Cllr Pam Davies due to her role as Mayor of the County Borough which will be ending on the 23rd May, 2018.
Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that due to her previous regular attendance at meeting that this be approved in which Cllr Ian Griffiths seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk to inform Cllr Pam Davies of their decision.
18/51 Bryntirion and Laleston Community Centre Update
The Clerk circulated minutes of the meeting that took place between members of the Sub Committee and gave feedback to the meeting. Cllr Colin Davies asked if figures could be provided over the 3 years. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that an Extraordinary Meeting take place at the Community Centre in which all Councillors agreed a date of the 3rd May at 7.00pm.
Councillors also requested that the Clerk write a formal letter to BCBC buy tadalafil asking for the terms and conditions for the Community Council for the interim period that has been agreed.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk arrange a Special Meeting to take place on the 3rd May, 2018 at the Community Centre and a letter be sent to BCBC asking for a temporary agreement to be drafted.
18/52 The Pound in Laleston
The Clerk confirmed that had received reports from Cllr’s Roger Davies and Cheryl Green concerning fly-tipping of 10-15 commercial tyres being dumped on the road near the pound. It was also reported that the two benches are broken as well as rubbish being dumped within the pound. The pound itself needs to be repaired as ivy has grown into the wall and causing the stones to crumble.
Cllr Tony Berrow asked if grant money could be considered from Sun Credit in which Cllr Cheryl Green stated that usually only charities can apply for a grant. She confirmed that grant application forms will need to be submitted before the end of January and asked that the Clerk contact BAVO for more information. Council proposed that the Clerk seek costs to take away the benches and rectify the brick work at the pound and forward this item for the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk seek costs for the removal of the benches and contact a stones mason to obtain a quotation for the works to be carried out on the walls.
18/53 Playground Updates
The Clerk confirmed that the refurbishment and installation of new play equipment at Barnes Avenue will commence on Monday 23rd April, 2018 and Wordsworth Avenue will commence on Wednesday 25th April, 2018.
RESOLVED: That this be noted by Council.
18/54 Meeting with Bob Sayce and V2C – Bryntirion.
This item was discussed in item 3 of this agenda.
18/55 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment March, 2017
Description Amount inc VAT
Awen Cultural Trust – Signage at Blandy Hall 435.00
Synergy Achievements – Clerk’s Training 410.00
BCBC – Christmas Lights 2017 7,422.61
Amberol – Purchase of 21 hanging baskets & brackets 1,311.25
Welsh Water – Laleston Allotments 82.95
Awen Cultural Trust – Noticeboard for Woodgreen 875.00
Cee Jay Landscapes – purchase of 3 bus shelters and installation 16,279.20
Amanda Parsons – Salary for March 2018 1,193.40
TOTAL 28,009.41
Current Budget and Financial Report 2017/18.
The Clerk circulated the current Expenditure Report as of 31st March, 2018.
18/56 Correspondence March/April 2018
– The Clerk stated that she had received an invitation for the incoming Chair to attend the Borough Mayor’s Inauguration on 23rd May, 2018.
– Letter received from St David’s Church, Laleston, Social Committee asking for permission to use the Community Hall and grounds from Friday evening of the 15th June to Saturday evening of the 16th June, 2018 and in addition they were asking if the Community Council would be willing to financially support the event as they have done in previous years. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that £500 be granted towards the event and Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.
– Financial request from Bryntirion Comprehensive School.
The Clerk circulated a list of financial requirements from the school, Council agreed that this item be deferred until the next meeting and be considered under the new financial years grant requests.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk agenda this item for the next meeting.
18/57 Reports and Observations Received March/April 2018
– The Clerk confirmed that this item had been differed due to the absence of Cllr Cheryl Green at the previous meeting. Cllr Dave Harrison reported that he had received a request from a resident asking if the double white lines leading from the Broadlands roundabout on the A48 could be extended further towards Newbridge fields so ensure that traffic cannot overtake so soon after exiting the roundabout. The resident confirmed that he had also sent this request to Cllr Cheryl Green.
RESOLVED: Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that this issue had been forwarded to Highway Officers at BCBC.
– The Clerk stated that she had received a complaint from a resident which had been forwarded to BCBC, with a copy to the Clerk, stating her concern of litter, dog waste bags as well as plastic bags of rubbish being dumped around Broadlands. The resident stated that following a request for an update from the Clerk that she had received a reply from BCBC stating that her complaint has been forwarded to the Enforcement Officer.
– Cllr Roger Davies reported that 2 street lights were currently not working on Fairplace Close, Broadlands.
RESOLVED: The Clerk stated that this has been reported to BCBC.
– Cllr Colin Davies reported that rubbish had been dumped on the main road near the entrance to Elm Crescent.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk report this to BCBC.
18/58 Planning Applications – March/April 2018
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-
P/18/163/FUL Provision of a second 250 seater stand plus TV gantry Penybont Football Club Bryntirion Park Llangewydd Road Bridgend CF31 4JU
P/18/160/FUL Single storey rear extension and single storey side extension 29 Parc Bronhaul Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5EP
Garage conversion and new vehicle crossover to create additional parking 4 Dan Y Deri Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BG
P/18/182/FUL Single storey extension to rear 49 Heol y Fronfraith Fawr Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5FR
P/18/145/RES Reserved matters to P/17/1043/RLX for 194 residential units. Land west of Heol Ty Maen Cefn Glas CF31 4QF
P/18/233/OUT Outline application for a two storey dwelling attached to no. 15 Elm Crescent 15 Elm Crescent Bryntirion CF31 4EA
P/18/163/FUL Council requested that the Clerk write to the Council to ask if consideration could be given to maximise the car park to elevate the parking on side roads.
18/59 Any Other Business
– Cllr Roger Davies stated that vandalism had recently taken place in North Cornelly and asked if the Clerk could check on the Community Councils Insurance to check if the Council is covered for any such incidents.
– The Clerk asked that Council approve a further item of ‘Clerks Report’ be added to future Council agenda’s, in which all Councillors agreed.
Meeting closed at 8.50pm