Minutes – 18th January, 2018
Minutes of the Ordinary monthly meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Blandy Hall – 18th January, 2018
Present: Councillors Cheryl Green, Dave Harrison, Jon-Paul Blundell, Colin Davies, Roger Davies, Tom Turner, Briony Davies, Ian Spiller, Charles Smith, Dan Woolridge, Ian Griffiths and Pam Davies.
Cllr Anthony Berrow in the Chair
18/1 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
18/2 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Pam Davies.
18/3 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, (15 minutes maximum)
Mr Bob Sayce attended the meeting and stated that he had asked permission to plant snowdrops on the roundabout in January 2019 in which he had received a response that he would need to be accompanied by another person for Health & Safety, Cllr Tony Berrow offered to support Mr Sayce with planting in January 2019. Mr Sayce asked if the Council would consider purchasing another 4 trays of snowdrops to be planted in Bryntirion in which the Council agreed to go ahead with the purchase of 4 trays of snowdrops for this year.
RESOLVED: Council agreed for Mr Sayce to contact Guttridges to order 4 trays of snowdrops in which the Council agreed to fund.
18/4 Declarations of Interest
The Clerk asked if any Councillors had any declarations of interest to declare to the Council.
Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell declared an interest item 12 of the agenda.
18/5 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on November, 2017 be approved as an accurate record Cllr Briony Davies moved that the minutes be approved as an accurate record and Cllr Cheryl Green seconded the movement.
The Chair signed the minutes.
18/6 Matters arising from Minutes
17/100 Defibrillator in Laleston
The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken to the owner of the Post Office who confirmed that he would be willing to have a defibrillator installed outside of the Post Office. He explained that he is currently have building works completed at the moment which will take a couple of months and will contact the Clerk when the works are complete to discuss a suitable location. Cllr Charles Smith asked that consideration be given to installing a defibrillator at the Westward Community Centre and a sign installed by the shops to state where it is located. Cllr Dave Harrison suggested that consideration be given to a defibrillator to be installed at the shops in Bryntirion. Cllr Ian Griffiths confirmed that he will contact the manager of Filco to ask if this would be considered.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Ian Griffiths consult with the manager of Filco to request that a defibrillator be installed outside of the shop.
18/7 Contribution of gifts and food Christmas 2018
Cllr Tony Berrow requested that this item be discussed at this meeting. The Clerk confirmed that she had made enquiries with other Town and Community Councils and those in which she spoke to or received a reply only have food contributions as well as sending Christmas gifts to children from their own Councillors. She confirmed that the Christmas Gifts are also requested by the Salvation Army. Cllr Briony Davies confirmed that the Foodbank is run by The Trussell Trust Group and stated that she would investigate further details for contributions. Cllr Briony Davies also stated that consideration needs to be given to young girls for sanitary contributions. Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell suggested that a financial contribution be given to Wings (Sanitary) and Council agreed for this item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
18/8 Proposed Variation to Speed Limit A473 Bryntirion to Laleston
The Clerk confirmed that this item had been requested as an agenda item due to the absence of some Councillors at the last meeting. She confirmed that she had received the proposal from Traffic & Transportation in BCBC that following a survey proposed that the speed limit be increased from 30 mph to 40 mph on the A473 between Bryntirion Traffic Lights and the junction with Gypsy Lane in Laleston. She stated that any observations on the proposal should have been forwarded to BCBC by the 4th January, 2018.
Cllr Charles Smith stated that he wanted this item to be discussed at this meeting due to lack of attendance at the previous meeting and proposed that an amendment be issued to BCBC to change the location of the speed limited from Elm Crescent to Gypsy Lane, Cllr Dave Harrison seconded the proposal. Cllr Briony Davies asked if the Borough Councillors could have a meeting with the Highways officers to discuss. All Council agreed this action and requested that Cllr Charles Smith arrange a meeting with the Officers and Borough Councillors prior to the next meeting.
RESOLVED: Cllr Charles Smith to organise a meeting to take place with officers from Traffic and Transportation and Borough Councillors.
18/9 Young at Heart (Over 50’s Group) – Request for funding
The Clerk confirmed that this item had been deferred from the meeting of the 21st December, 2018 due to the absence of Cllr Charles Smith.
She confirmed that she had received a funding request of £1,000 from the Young at Heart (over 50’s) group that are based in the Westward Community Centre on a weekly basis. Their request was to support the funding for the rental of the centre and other activities that they provide. Council agreed to defer this agenda item for the next meeting. Cllr Charles Smith explained more details regarding the group and what they achieve. Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that we pay for buses to support the group in activities of up to £1,000, Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That Council agreed to support funding for bus trips of up to £1000, the Clerk will notify them of the Councils decision.
18/10 Christmas Lights 2017
Cllr Dave Harrison stated that 30% of the lights in Bryntirion were not working during the night and some lights were on during the day.
Cllr Briony Davies stated that the lights in Coity were erected on the smaller lampposts and were solar powered. Cllr Briony Davies proposed that the Clerk contact the Clerk of Coity to enquire who they were purchased from. The Clerk stated that there is an offer from Blachere at the moment and consideration be given to extra lights being purchase. Cllr Charles Smith stated that more lights were needed at Bryngolau and Elm Crescent. Council agreed that a further 20 lights be purchased this year.
RESOLVED: Council agreed for the Clerk to order a further 20 lights from Blachere for Christmas 2018.
18/11 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment December, 2017
Description Amount inc VAT
Bookers Cash & Carry – Supplies for OAP’s Xmas lunch 340.12
Nest Pension 29.43
Bridge FM – Advertising for Fireworks Display 360.00
Smith of Derby – Final repairs to Church Clock 1678.32
Tom Green – Reimbursement for OAP’s Xmas lunch 164.56
McColls – 60 x 1st class stamps and stationery 46.78
Ian Lewis – Gardening works at Blandy Hall 540.00
Asda – 2 x black toner cartridges 28.00
Blandy Trust – Building Insurance for Blandy Hall 526.40
St John Ambulance – attendance at Fireworks Display 72.00
Wales Audit Office – Audit of Accounts 2016-2017 263.25
McColls – 12 x 1st class stamps 7.80
Amanda Parsons – Salary for December 2017 1193.40
TOTAL 6676.35
Date for next FSG meeting
The Clerk confirmed that the last FSG took place on 9th November, 2017 and stated that the next meeting is due at the beginning of February, 2018 in which a date will need to be agreed. The Members agreed that a date be set for 1st February, 2018.
RESOLVED: That members agreed that the next FSG meeting takes place on Thursday 1st February, 2018.
18/12 Correspondence December 2017/January 2018
Proposed speed change on the A48
The Clerk confirmed that she had received a proposal from Traffic & Transportation in BCBC that as part of a road traffic collision remedial scheme along the A48 that they are considering a number of measures, which include a number of pedestrian central refuges to assist pedestrians in crossing the A48, a traffic signs and road marking scheme together with a variation of the current National Speed Limit on the road (i.e. 60mph).
The proposed introduction of the 50 mph speed limit will extend between the start / end of the current 40 mph near Ewenny Roundabout and a point approximately 250 metres west of Broadlands Roundabout. The current speed limits either side of these points and in all of the side roads will remain unchanged.
She stated that any observations on the proposal should have been forwarded to BCBC by the 26th January, 2018.
Cllr Cheryl Green stated that she had spoken to a BCBC officer to confirm that the Council proposes that this area be reduced to 40mph. Cllr Ian Spiller expressed concern that there is still nothing to stop people from turning right off Merthyr Mawr Road onto the A48 and proposed that a central reservation be put into the centre of the road to prevent this from happening.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to report to Traffic and Transportation about the Councils proposals.
Town & Community Council’s Charter
The Clerk confirmed that the current Town and Community Councils Charter was approved and signed by all Council’s on 18 July 2016.
The Town and Community Council Forum identified that the Charter should be regularly reviewed. Following the 2017 Local Government Elections a working group was established to undertake this review.
The Clerk stated that Town and Community Councils were requested to add the Review of the Town and Community Council Charter to their agenda in January or February 2018 and that they consider how the Charter could be updated to create an effective framework for maintaining and developing working relationships between Councils across the County Borough with any comments or proposals to be submitted to Gary Jones by 15 March 2018.
Cllr Roger Davies stated that he will respond to the Clerk directly with his comments to forward to Gary Jones at BCBC.
18/13 Reports and Observations Received December 2017/January 2018
Cllr Tony Berrow stated that a considerable about of rubbish had be dumped at the Pound in Laleston as well as repairs needed due to the ivy growing into the walls. Cllr Berrow asked if the Clerk could enquire with BAVO to seek if funding would be available to clear and repair the walls.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk contact BAVO to request if funding would be available to carry out the works.
Cllr Tom Turner stated that he had received a request regarding grit boxes on some of the roads in Broadlands, Council however confirmed that these roads were currently unadopted by BCBC, but requested if the Clerk could ask for a bin to be located at Ffordd yr Groes.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to contact BCBC to request if a grit bin could be supplied at Ffordd yr Groes, Broadlands.
Cllr Cheryl Green stated that General Data Protection Regulations will be implemented in May 2018 and asked if the Clerk could confirm with Andrew Jolley of BCBC if training would be provided to Community Councillors.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk contact Andrew Jolley from BCBC to enquire if General Data Protection Training would be provided for Community Councillors.
Cllr Charles Smith stated that the play area in Barnes Ave is in need of repair and refurbishment in which the Chair and Clerk confirmed that all play areas have been reviewed over the next four years and the play area at Barnes Avenue and Wordsworth Avenue has been agreed as priority within the next financial year.
Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that he may have to resign as the School Governor of Llangewydd Juniors due to new work commitments.
Cllr Charles confirmed that he had recently resigned from Bryntirion Comprehensive and asked if any other Councillors would consider the role.
18/14 Planning Applications – December 2017/January 2018
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-
P/17/1045/FUL New external canopy to rear area Tesco Stores Ltd Location: Unit 4 Ffordd Tirion Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5EJ
Two storey side and single storey rear extension 15 Chelsea Avenue Cefn Glas CF31 4QU
P/17/1088/FUL Two storey rear extension with window to rear Bell Cottage 29 High Street Laleston CF32 0HL
P/18/26/FUL First floor extension over garage & ground floor porch extension 8 Bryn Melys Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5DN
Meeting closed at 8.10pm