Minutes – 18th April 2019

Minutes – 18th April 2019

Minutes of Council Meeting held at Blandy Hall, Laleston
on Thursday 18th April 2019 at 7pm.

Present: Vice Chairman: Roger Davies.
Councillors: John Paul Blundell, Briony Davies, Pam Davies, Cheryl Green, Tom Green, Charles Smith, Ian Spiller and Tom Turner.

In Attendance: Jackie Griffin (Clerk).
One member of the public.

The Council held a period of silent reflection.

Item 1: Apologies for Absence.
19/58 Councillors Tony Berrow, Colin Davies, Ian Griffiths and Dan Woolridge.

Item 2: Declarations of Interest.
19/59 Councillor J P Blundell – Item 17 (Prejudicial Interest on Planning Matters (Planning Committee Member at BCBC)).
Councillor P Davies – Item 6 – Personal Interest (Governor at Bryntirion Infants School).

Item 3: To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from residents, if in 19/60 attendance at the meeting.
· Resident asked for assistance with a request to V2C to allow bat boxes to be attached to tenanted properties. · Also asked for an update on his request for an Allotment plot.

Item 4: To receive the minutes of the meeting held 21st March 2019.
19/61 Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting of 21st March 2019. The minutes were signed by the Vice Chair.

Item 5: Matters arising from the minutes, which are not included on this agenda. 19/62
5.1 Members discussed the request to assist with bat boxes (as detailed in item 3 of these minutes) and agreed to approach V2C to discuss the matter. Also agreed to set up an online survey to gauge residents interest in having a bat box fixed to their property.

5.2 (Item 5.2) – Quotations for replacement notice boards – it was reported that quotations are awaited following a visit to the manufacturer.

5.3 (Item 10) – Clarification was given on the work to be carried out by One Voice Wales on behalf of the Council. The sum of £1,100 covers policies provided by One Voice Wales for adoption by the Council and an evaluation of the Clerk’s job to be carried out with a job specification and contract of employment provided. One Voice Wales is due to present its findings to Council soon. Page two
Item 5: Matters arising from the minutes, which are not included on this agenda (Continued).
5.4 (Item 5.5) – Community Development Officer – this is currently under investigation.

Item 6: Finance Report to include payment of accounts.
19/63 The Receipts and Payments Account and Bank Reconciliation for 31st March 2019 was circulated to Members:
Unpresented Cheques as at 31st March 2019:

Total £18,342.04

Current Account as at 31st March 2019 £ 21,566.40
Less unpresented cheques £ 18,342.04 £ 3,224.36 Plus Savings A/C as at 31st March 2019 £164,595.37
Total at Bank as at 31st March 2019 £167,819.73

Opening Balance 1st April 2018 £ 137,820.81
Plus Receipts during 2018/2019 £ 164,149.25
£ 301,970.16
Less Payments during 2018/2019 £ 134,150.33
£ 167,819.73

Council was asked to approved the following payments:

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Item 6: Finance Report to include Payment of Accounts (Continued)

Resolved that the payment of the accounts for the period of 22nd March to 18th April 2019 totalling £13,873.42 be ratified.
In order to meet the approved expenditure, it was recommended that £25,000 be transferred from the Business Money Manager account to the Current Account.
· The Clerk referred to the Minutes of the meeting of 21st December 2017 when Council resolved to provide £12,000 to fund external play equipment at Bryntirion Infants School. The Headteacher had contacted the Clerk advising that the equipment has now been purchased and requested that the funds are forwarded to meet the expenditure. Advice had been sought on this matter and it was reported that the expenditure could be made under the Power of Wellbeing, provided that the majority of the children reside within the Community Council’s area.

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Item 6: Finance Report to include Payment of Accounts (Continued)
· The National Association of Local Councils has agreed new pay scales for 2019/2020 to be implemented from 1st April 2019. The spinal column point for point 27 has increased from £12.815 to £13.15 per hour.
Resolved that the Clerk’s hourly pay rate is increased in line with the NALC recommendation.

Item 7: To adopt Financial Regulations.
19/64 Resolved to adopt Financial Regulations in their entirety with immediate effect.

Item 8: To consider the formation of Finance Committee and Personnel Committee with 19/65 terms of reference. The following Councillors were nominated to stand on the Finance Committee:
Councillors T Berrow; J P Blundell; C Davies; T Green; I Spiller; Chair and Vice Chair.

The following Councillors were nominated to stand on the Personnel Committee: Councillors B Davies, P Davies and C Green.

Make of Committees resolved as proposed.

Terms of reference to be prepared for the Committees and a date of the first Finance Committee to be set.

Item 9: To adopt the Council’s Code of Conduct.
19/66 The Amended Code of Conduct was adopted by the Community Council.

Item 10: Bryntirion Community Centre.
19/67 A report and appendix giving and update and next steps on the Community Centre had been prepared by Councillor R Davies and e-mailed to Members prior to the meeting.
Members discussed the document and comments were made in a ‘round table’ opportunity for Members to voice their opinions:

In favour:
· Only public building in the area.
· Concern that the playing field will be built upon, suggested register as a ‘Village Green’. · Superficially fit for purpose.
· Help can be provided from the annual round of funding for CAT projects.

· The building is a ‘white elephant’, will take too much expenditure to bring up to standard.
· Has only one user, building not fit for purpose and money should be spent elsewhere. · Not viable but retain if possible.

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Item 10: Bryntirion Community Centre (Continued)
· Building is not managed and is not compliant with all statutory obligations.

It was proposed that:
· No additional hirings, with the exception of the nursery, are allowed until final decision made on the future of the Community Council’s involvement in the building.
· Cllr Dr C Smith agreed to facilitate a meeting with Mr G Smith of BCBC to discuss the condition report and possibility of funding repairs.
· That the proprietor of the Nursery is made aware of the Community Council’s position.
· A temporary ‘Manager’ is employed to assist with opening and closing the building and undertake small maintenance jobs and who reports to and seeks instruction from Councillor C Smith until 20th July 2019.

Resolved that a meeting takes place with BCBC to discuss the Community Centre and that the Community Council decides on its future involvement with the building by either giving up the tenancy or renewing the tenancy for a further period or to pursue the CAT transfer application to take ownership of the building after 20th July 2019.

Item 11: Service Level Agreement regarding maintenance/inspections of play areas.
19/68 The Clerk advised that very brief reports on the play areas have been received from BCBC but following the letter sent to Zac Shell, Phil Beaman had sent an e-mail stating he was on holiday but would be in touch once back in the Office. There are numerous issues to be resolved with regard to the playareas and it was agreed that
Councillors T Berrow, R Davies and T Green with the Clerk be tasked with meeting with Mr Beaman in order to discuss the issues and agree a ‘way forward’.
Item 12: Independent Remuneration Panel Wales Report 2019/2020. 19/69 Adjourned for next Full Council meeting.

Item 13: Bryntirion Fireworks Event – Cllr I Spiller.
19/70 Councillor I Spiller outlined plans for approval for November’s Bryntirion Fireworks Event:
· That a meeting is arranged with Event Management Company, to act as Marshalls, and Crackerjack to discuss. · That the budget figure is the same as last year i.e.
· It was noted that good feedback had been received.
Members resolved that the suggested arrangements be approved and preparations put in place.

Standing Orders suspended (Section 3 w) to allow meeting to continue past 9pm.

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Item 14: To Consider Quotations for Work at Blandy Hall Hedge – Cllr R Davies.
19/71 Two quotations had been received for the hedge work required at Blandy Hall:
· Contractor A – (Cutting back the ivy on all boundary walls and shrubs; cutting inner sections of ivy and bushes; grass cutting and removal of all rubbish) – £750.
· Contrator B – Cutting back icy off the walls and remove from site; treatment of stumps where possible using eco plugs) – £1,400 plus VAT.
Resolved to accept the quotation from Contractor B, whilst being a more expensive quotation, the contractor described a more extensive job done in an attempt to prevent the ivy growing back as quickly.

Item 15: To Consider Request from Llangewydd Primary School re installation of 19/72 Defibrillator.
The Clerk explained that a further request has been received for more funding to provide an electrical supply to the defibrillator. It had been suggested that the School seek assistance from Welsh Hearts. It was suggested that advice is sought from Cariad with the request.

Item 16: Chair of the Council’s Report.
19/73 No report.

Item 17: Clerk’s Report.
19/74 The Clerk gave the following report:
· Internal Audit.
A six-hour meeting had taken place on 9th April with the Internal Auditor.
A considerable amount of work had been undertaken in preparation for the meeting and the report is expected shortly. · Meeting with Paul Egan, One Voice Wales.
A meeting had taken place with in order to begin the process of evaluating the Clerk’s job, basically by doing a ‘time and motion’ study of the tasks that the Clerk undertakes. A further meeting between Mr Egan, the Vice Chair and the Clerk will take place soon. · Town and Community Council Forum – 7th May 2019.
Request received for agenda items for the next meeting.

Item 18: Correspondence and Publications.
18.1 E-mail from BCBC giving details of an emergency closure of Cefn Glas Road Lane to Pen-y-Fai for 5 days starting on 3rd April 2019 to allow urgent drainage repairs and carriageway patching.

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Item 18: Correspondence and Publications (Continued)
18.2 E-mail from the National Assembly for Wales advising of a Consultation on proposals
to amend the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013. The Finance Committee of the National Assembly for Wales is conducting post-legislative scrutiny of the Act, which will focus on two areas:
1. To explore issues raised by the Auditor General for Wales and Wales Audit Office in regard of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013; including: · Fee charging
· Quorum arrangements of the Wales Audit Office board
· Wales Audit Office reporting accounts
· Issues with laying and reporting accounts
2. To consider to what extent other aspects of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013 may benefit from revision. Further details about the inquiry can be found on the Assembly’s website:
18.3 E-mail from NHS Wales advising that responsibility for providing healthcare services for people in the BCBC area will transfer from Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board to Cwm Taf University Health Board.

18.4 E-mail from One Voice Wales detailing Bridgend and Vale Committee meeting on 15th April 2019 with accompanying papers.

18.5 E-mail from Macmillan in Bridgend and District – adjourned.

18.6 Letters acknowledging financial assistance from Teenage Cancer Trust; Marie Curie and Bryntirion and Laleston OAP’s Association.
All correspondence items noted.

Item 19: Reports and Observations.
19.1 It was reported that the hedge at Llwyn Glas requires cutting. This has been reported to BCBC.

19.2 It was reported that the wooden steps at Broadland Shops have been vandalised.
The steps were erected by ‘Tidy Towns’ but the wood has rotted in a relatively short space of time. Council debated what should be done.
Resolved that the Council should investigate replacing the steps and hand rail with more substantial materials as soon as practical.

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Item 20: Planning Matters including Planning Applications to be considered. 19/77

1. Planning Application No. T/19/20/TPO
Location: 7 Laleston Court, Laleston
Proposal: Reduce/coppice hornbeam tree to approximately 8ft. No objection.
1. Planning Application No. T/19/16/TPO
Location: 29 Maes Gwair, Bridgend
Proposal: Works to trees to rear of property: Fell hazel tree and coppice willow tree 2ft above ground level. No objection.
1. Planning Application No. P/19/250/FUL
Location: 78 Llangewydd Road Cefn Glas
Proposal: Erect a conservatory to the rear elevation.
No objection.
1. Planning Application No. P/19/252/FUL
Location: 4 Clos y Golomen, Broadlands
Proposal: Porch to front elevation; first floor extension to extend bedroom/bathroom and install Juliet balcony; form two bedrooms in roofspace to include dormer windows and pine end window.

No objection.

1. E-mailed letter from BCBC in response to an enquiry made with regard to the ‘Mixed Use Development’ at the Former OCLP Club, Bryntirion advising that the site has been inspected by the Planning Officer and confirming that there are 3 units on site (the planning condition allowed for 2), so the Officer has written to the Planning Agent to request an explanation. The issue has been registered as an Enforcement complaint under reference ENF/84/19/ANC and the Community Council will be advised of the outcome of the investigation. Noted.

Item 21: Date, Place and Time of Next Meeting.
19/78 Thursday, 16th May 2019, 7.00pm at Blandy Hall, Laleston.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm


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