Minutes – 17th November 2016

Minutes – 17th November 2016

Minutes of a meeting of Laleston Community Council

Held at the Blandy Hall – Thursday 17th November 2016

Present: Councillors Briony Davies, Kathy Lewis,

Ian Spiller, Cheryl Green, Tom Green, Dan Woolridge,

Mark Fouracre, David Harrison, Pam Davies, Thomas Turner

Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair.

16/155 Silent Reflection

Councillors held a period of silent reflection.

16/156 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr’s Hazel Kendall, Steve Sloan.

16/157 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting.

None present.

16/158 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Cheryl Green Agenda Item: ?15 BCBC Member

Cllr Pam Davies Agenda Item: 15 BCBC Member

Cllr Kathy Lewis Agenda Item: 6 School Governor

16/159 Minutes of previous meeting

It was resolved that the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as true and that they reflected the discussions and outcomes therein. The Chair signed the minutes.

16/160 Matters arising from Minutes

16/153 (1) Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the hedges have been cut at Clos Castell Coity but a section has been missed outside house number 10 and this has been reported back to BCBC.

16/151 The Clerk confirmed that a quote for the footpaths at the allotments has been received of £5293.00. Council agreed the works will need to be completed.

RESOLVED: Cllr Tony Berrow agreed to contact the contractor to arrange for the works to be carried out in spring 2017.

16/161 Llangewydd School MUGA Update.

The Clerk stated that the project is still on schedule and due to be completed on 28th November, 2016. It was agreed at a meeting that took place on Thursday 10th November that the facility would be open to the public after the Christmas holidays to allow for key holders to be sought, and the possibility of a Rospa play area inspection to take place at a cost of £400 for an initial assessment then an annual inspection at a cost of £90. It was agreed that the installation of the activity lines be carried out towards the spring and the installation of the grass area will also be carried out in spring, therefore it was agreed that the official opening take place after all works have been completed. Cllr Mark Fouracre proposed that a Rospainspection takes place for both MUGA’s and Cllr Ian seconded the proposal. Cllr Ian Spiller stated that consideration also be given to the teenage play areas in the future.

16/162 Future Website Security Costs

Cllr Ian Spiller asked if this item could be moved to the next meeting.

16/163 Proposed Disabled Play Ground at Bryntirion

Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she had spoken to Mark Shepherd of BCBC and he is keen for the Community Council to proceed with the project.

16/164 Proposed removal of double yellow lines at Heal Trelales, Laleston

Cllr Cheryl Green reported that a resident has objected to the removal of the double yellow lines, therefore Cllr Green confirmed that as there is an objection that the works could therefore not be carried out.

16/165 Update from FSG Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd November, 2016

The Clerk reported the following items that were discussed at the FSG meeting:-

Projects for next year

Councillors agreed that the following items be considered for next year’s budget:-

• Pilgrims Trail- Cllr Briony Davies requested that a budget of £5000 be allocated.
• Adopting of Roads- Cllr Briony Davies confirmed that we have not received quotes from BCBC as to the costs involved in adopting the roads in Broadlands.
• Footpath from Westward Place to Barnes Avenue – Cllr Cheryl Green reported that a new footpath has been approved due to the building of new houses in which planning permission has been granted and she will confirm the exact location where the new footpath is proposed.
• Christmas Lights – Cllr Briony Davies requested that additional lights be purchased from Bryntirion to Laleston and that an additional £5000 be put towards the budget.
• Welcome signs be erected on behalf of Laleston Community Council at Broadlands, Laleston, Bryntirion and Cefn Glas.
• Flowers for lamp posts – Cllr Tony Berrow estimated that a cost of £250 would be required to install plant pots and flowers per lamp posts. Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that we set a budget for this and look at increasing the locations each year. Cllr Mark proposed that we look at all the costs to be considered. Cllr Tom Green proposed that we also wait to know how much maintenance work is required that BCBC are unable to carry out in the next financial year.
• Cllr Pam Davies asked if snowdrops were to be planted, Cllr Ian Spiller suggested planting at the 2 roundabouts in Broadlands. It was confirmed that the Clerk contact Bob Sayce to see if he would be willing to plant if the Council paid for the snowdrops.
• Review of Rents for Allotments – Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that Council considering increasing the rents for allotments as this has not been http://forhealthylives.com/product/strattera/ reviewed since before 1999. The Clerk confirmed that she had enquired with other Councils what they charge. Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that the rent is increased to £25 for a half plot and £50 for a full plot. Cllr Mark Fouracre seconded the proposal and all Council voted in favour.

FSG/16/25 Precept for 2017/2018

The Clerk confirmed that she had received notification that BCBC would require Town and Community Councils precepts by no later than 10th January, 2017. She confirmed that the Council Tax base will be received from the Section 151 Officer late November.

Council confirmed that this item be discussed at the next meeting.

16/166 Update from Bryntirion Fireworks Display

Cllr Tom Green thanked all that helped set up and clear for the event. He asked that a letter of thanks be sent to the Scouts for their support on the night. Cllr Green confirmed that the display was again a success with an estimated 1000-2000 in attendance. The Clerk confirmed that the Council has received £200 in donations from the stalls and a small profit was made selling tea and coffee. It was proposed by Cllr Tony Berrow and Cllr Ian Spiller that Council consider adding lasers to next year’s event, Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that he was seeking prices for this.

16/167 Finance Update

Accounts for Payment – October 2016

Description Amount inc VAT
Society of Local Council Clerks – Annual Membership £149.00
Wales Air Ambulance – Donation £200.00
RNLI – Donation £200.00
National Coastwatch Institution – Donation £200.00
Martin Lewis – 6 months footpath clearance £370.00
Clever Chefs Ltd – Buffet for Stones Trail Presentation to the public £435.50
Cllr A Berrow – Reimbursement for new blind and tap at Blandy Hall £39.99
Cllr A Berrow – Reimbursement for fitting of new blind and tap £30.00
Asda – Purchase of black ink cartridge £11.00


Budget update as at 31st October 2016

The Clerk produced spreadsheet of the budget and expenditure as at 31st October 2016.

16/168 Correspondence October/November 2016

• Letter of thanks from the National Coastwatch Institution for the donation of £200.00.
• E-mail of thanks from the Wales Air Ambulance for the donation of £200.00.
• Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that he has received an e.mail from Mr Reekie of The Royal British Legion asking if the Community Council would be willing to give a donation for the poppies that were displayed in Laleston. Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that we give a donation of £200 to cover the costs Cllr Dave Harrison seconded the proposal. All Council voted in favour.

Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that this item be put on the agenda for June 2017.

• E-mail from BCBC regarding nominations for the Mayor’s Citizenship Awards. Cllr Briony Davies proposed a nomination and Cllr Dave Harrison seconded the proposal in which all Council voted in favour. RESOLVED: Clerk to draft nomination form with the help from Cllr Tony Berrow.
• Cllr Kathy Davies wished to thank Council for the organisation of the Stones Trail Presentation.
• Cllr Tom Green reported that the OAP’s Christmas dinner takes place on 11thDecember, 2016 and asked for volunteers to help on the day. He confirmed that any volunteers to meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hall. Cllr Mark Fouracre confirmed that he will check his availability and the Clerkconfirmed that she will assist on the day.

16/169 Reports and Observations Received October/November 2016

1. Cllr Tom Green reported that the hedgerows at Murrays Walk in Laleston require cutting back.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she has reported this to BCBC and received a response confirming that this has been completed.

2. Cllr Tom Green reported that shrubs and overgrowth at the Old Chapel, High Street, Laleston requires cutting back.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she has reported this to BCBC.

3. Cllr Briony Davies reported that she had received a complaint regarding litter and syringes found at ‘The Old Pound’ in Laleston.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she has reported this to BCBC.

4. Cllr Ian Spiller reported at the last meeting that the street lights along the footpath opposite the Nursery in Broadlands are covered with trees and therefore providing poor lighting. Cllr Briony Davies requested that this be reported due to Health and Safety.

RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed she had reported this to Community Safety at BCBC and an order has been raised to have the trees cut back.

5. Cllr Ian Spiller reported that the bus shelter opposite the nursery still has graffiti on it. Cllr Spiller stated that he will look on the Broadlands hub to see if there is anyone available to remove the graffiti.

16/170 Planning Applications – October/November 2016

The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past month:-



P/16/763/FUL Conversion of Garage into living space with window to front. 3, Vale Park, Broadlands. CF31 5EA
T/16/45/CON Remove Hawthorn tree as it is growing into the wall that leads onto the highway. Blandy Hall, Laleston

The meeting closed at 8.40pm

……………………………………………………………….. Chairperson



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