Minutes – 17th May, 2018

Minutes – 17th May, 2018

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Laleston Community Council held at the Blandy Hall – 17th May, 2018

Present: Councillors Tony Berrow, Roger Davies, Cheryl Green, David Harrison, Tom Turner, Ian Griffiths, Charles Smith, Ian Spiller Jon-Paul Blundell, Dan Woolridge

Apologies were accepted from Cllr’s Colin Davies, Briony Davies and Pam Davies

Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair

Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.

18/A Election of Chairman
Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell proposed Cllr Ian Griffiths as Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr Charles Smith seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: Cllr Ian Griffiths be duly elected as Chair for 2018-19.

Outgoing Chair, Cllr Tony Berrow thanked the Councillors for supporting him throughout the last 2 years with the projects that the Community Council has achieved.

Councillors in turn wished to thank Cllr Berrow also for his dedication, commitment and hard work to the Community Council in achieving the projects given within the community over the past 2 years as Chair.

18/B Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Tony Berrow proposed Cllr Roger Davies as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year, Cllr Cheryl Green seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: Cllr Roger Davies be duly elected as Vice Chair for 2018-19.

18/C Representative to the BCBC Forum for Town and Community Councils
Cllrs Roger Davies and Ian Griffiths volunteered to be representatives for the BCBC Forum for the forthcoming year along with Cllr’s Charles Smith and Jon-Paul Blundell.
RESOLVED: Cllr’s Roger Davies and Ian Griffiths to represent the Community Council at future meetings as well as Cllr’s Charles Smith and Jon-Paul Blundell.

18/D Chairman’s Allowance/Councillors Allowance
The Clerk stated that the Chairman’s Allowance be reviewed for the year 2018-2019. Cllr Roger Davies asked that the Clerk confirm with the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales to seek clarification on the sum allocated for Member’s Expenses. The Clerk requested if Councillor’s wished to receive their allowance for the year 2018-19 to e-mail her before the next meeting.

…………………………………………… Chairperson

Minutes of the Ordinary monthly meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Blandy Hall – 17th May, 2018

Present: Councillors Tony Berrow, Roger Davies, Cheryl Green, David Harrison, Tom Turner, Ian Griffiths, Charles Smith, Ian Spiller, Jon-Paul Blundell and Dan Woolridge

Cllr Ian Griffiths in the Chair

18/61 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Colin Davies, Pam Davies and Briony Davies.

18/62 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, (15 minutes maximum)
None present.

18/63 Declarations of Interest
The Clerk asked if any Councillors had any declarations of interest to declare to the Council.

Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell declared an interest on agenda items number 15 and 6
Cllr Tony Berrow declared an interest on agenda item number 9
Cllr Roger Davies declared an interest on agenda item number 9
Cllr Tom Turner declared an interest on agenda item number 9
Cllr Cheryl Green declared an interest on agenda item number 6.

18/65 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th April, 2018 be approved as an accurate record. Cllr Cheryl Green moved that the minutes be approved as an accurate record and Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the movement.

The Outgoing Chair signed the minutes.

18/66 Matters arising from Minutes
18/38 Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell confirmed that he had contacted the officer in BCBC regarding the funding for a School Patrol Officer at Llangewydd Junior School and had forwarded the clerks contact details to the officer.

18/52 The Pound in Laleston
The Clerk confirmed that she had received an estimate for the repairs to the walls at the Pound in Laleston at a total cost of £8,160.00. The Clerk confirmed that a further 2 quotations will be sought. Cllr Cheryl Green stated that she had received 3 complaints from residents that the benches have been removed and proposed that 1 new bench be replaced and have one new one installed in which all Councillors agreed. Cllr Charles Smith stated that the fencing will also need to be removed and that Council consider erected an information board relating to the heritage of The Pound and stated that he will seek for assistant with the wording for the information board.

18/67 Requests for Grant Funding
The Clerk confirmed that she had received the following requests for Grant funding:-
Bryntirion Comprehensive School
The Clerk confirmed that this item had been deferred from the previous meeting and further circulated the list of financial requirements requested by the school. Councillors confirmed that comprehensive schools were not considered for the funding for books. Councillors also stated that a large sum of money had been donated for their Computer Suite. The Chair proposed a motion that funding would not be available within this financial years in which 4 Councillors agreed and 3 Councillors disagreed with the motion. The Chair confirmed that he will contact the head teacher stating that funding would not be available in this financial year.
RESOLVED: That the Chair contact the head teacher of Bryntirion Comprehensive School to state that funding would not be available for this financial year.

Broadlands and surrounding areas Netball Team
The Clerk confirmed that she had received a request for grant funding from a group of working mums from Broadlands to help set up a new netball team. The request confirmed that the cost of equipment needed will cost £180.00 and the hire of a court at Pencoed College will cost £30 for training on a Wednesday and £25 to play in a league match on a Sunday. Cllr Ian Spiller requested clarification that the group have a bank account set up in the first instance. Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that £90 be granted to pay for half of the equipment needed and Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell seconded the proposal. Councillors agreed that the Chair or Clerk clarify further information regarding a bank account.
RESOLVED: That the Chair or Clerk seek clarification that the group have a bank account and fund £90.00 towards the purchase of equipment.

The Clerk confirmed that she had received a letter from Bobath asking for any financial support that the Council would be willing to give as done in previous years to help and treat children from all over Wales who have cerebral palsy. Cllr Tony Berrow proposed that a further £500 be granted to Bobath and Cllr Cheryl Green seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk send a letter and a cheque for £500 to Bobath.

18/68 Update of the refurbishment of play http://www.cheaptopamaxbuy.com areas at Barnes Ave and Wordsworth Ave.
The Clerk confirmed that some of the work has taken place to refurbish the play parks, however due to an oversight by the company further equipment was not stated in the initial quotation so the Council is awaiting for confirmation of further costs. Cllr Charles Smith proposed that we pay the invoices for what they have done and obtain another quote for the painting of the equipment, Cllr Dave Harrison seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk seek further costs for the play areas to be painted.

18/69 Play area at Dol Nant Dderwen
The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Tony Berrow and herself had visited the 2 play areas at Dol Nant Dderwen. She stated that whilst the equipment was in reasonable condition the carpet areas looked dirty and in need of cleaning.

All Councillors agreed for a cost to be sought by the Clerk to clean the carpet areas at the 2 play areas.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to seek costs for the cleaning of the carpet areas at the playgrounds at Dol Nant Dderwen.

18/70 Bryntirion Community Centre Update
Cllr Charles Smith confirmed that further meetings had taken place with an officer from BCBC and confirmed that due to the building being in a rural area that grant funding could be applied for. Cllr Ian Griffiths confirmed that he had spoken with Guy Smith from BCBC and stated that we might not get the details of the tenancy agreement until mid-June. Cllr Roger Davies stated that all issues that have been discussed take time in which to implement with 1 main user in the building that needs to have the building open and running when the charity ceases responsibility. Cllr Charles Smith requested if Cllr Ian Griffiths could speak with Guy Smith next Thursday to discuss the short terms issues to ensure the smooth running of the centre for the interim period. Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that he would be willing to be a point of contact from 1st June, 2018.
RESOLVED: That this be noted by Council and Cllr Ian Griffiths to discuss the short term running of the centre with Guy Smith.

18/71 Blandy Hall Refurbishments
The Clerk confirmed that the new windows and doors had been installed at Blandy Hall. She stated that the outside of the building also requires painting as well as the gutters being cleaned. Cllr Jon-Paul proposed that 3 quotations be sought and Nottage Joinery be contacted to replace the internal sills.
Recommended: That the Clerk seek 3 quotations for painting and cleaning the gutters.

18/72 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment – April, 2018

Description Amount inc VAT
Blandy Trust – Water rates and rent 93.62
Llangewydd Primary School – Grant for books 1000.00
Maes yr Haul School – Grant for books 1000.00
Village Sign People – Lettering for Chair’s Board 12.48
McColls – 12 x first class stamps 8.04
Nolan Recycling – 2 x skip hire for allotments 240.00
Nottage Joinery – 40% deposit for windows & doors 2355.00
Extreme Adventure – Hire of zip wire for fun day 4140.00
Odin Events Ltd – Trailer Cave for fun day 1080.00
Asda – 2 x black ink cartridges 30.00
Quiff Accountancy – Annual payroll for Clerk 120.00
Cee Jay Landscapes – Installation of kissing gates and railings at Bryntirion playing fields 2556.00
SSE Swalec – Electricity bill for Blandy Hall Jan – April 106.09
Travis Perkins – Scalpings for allotment driveway 240.72
Amanda Parsons – Salary for April 2018 1154.99
TOTAL £14,136.94

Current Budget and Financial Report 2018-2019
The Clerk circulated the current Expenditure Report as of 30th April, 2018.

Annual Audit 2017-2018
The Clerk confirmed that she has received the documents from BDO to complete the Financial Audit for 2017-2018.

Appointment of Internal Auditor
The Clerk confirmed that the Internal Audit appointed for last year’s accounts was Mr Norman Davies and asked if Council were happy for Mr Davies to carry out the internal audit for 2017-2018. Cllr Roger Davies proposed that an alternative auditor and costs be sought to compare costs, Cllr Ian Griffiths seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk seek an alternative auditor and provide costs.

Renewal of Community Council’s Insurance
The Clerk confirmed that she had received the renewal documents from Zurich which expires on the 31st May, 2018 at a cost of £1743.56 and a further cost of £557.00 to cover all risks of the Inclusive Play Area at Bryntirion. IS asked if the fireworks are covered.
RESOLVED: That Council agreed to renew the policy at a cost of £1743.56 with an additional cost of £557.00 for the Inclusive Play Area at Bryntirion.

18/73 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk confirmed that 3 skips had been provided over the past month to allow tenants to clear any rubbish from their allotment plots.

She also confirmed that due to some plots being vacated with new tenants taking them there is now currently no names on the waiting list.

The Clerk confirmed that 2 defrillator boxes have been purchased for installation at the Tesco Express store in Broadlands and The Dance Centre in Bryntirion. Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that the Broadlands Hub would be willing to purchase a further defrillator for the Post Office in Laleston and further confirmed that both defibrillators had now been installed in which no power supply was required from the adjacent buildings.

Correspondence April/May 2018
– An invitation has been received for the incoming Chair to attend the Samaritans AGM on the 29th June, 2018.
– An invitation has been received for any members who may wish to attend an RAF Presentation Event hosted by Madeleine Moon MP on Friday 22nd June, 2018 at Bridgend College.

Reports and Observations Received April/May 2018
– The Clerk stated that she had received a complaint from a resident regarding a gap in the hedgerow by the inclusive play park at Bryntirion Playing Fields, she stated that she had reported this to BCBC. Cllr Tony Berrow confirmed that the gap had been repaired by Cee Jay Landscapes.
RESOLVED: That this be noted by Council.

Planning Applications – April/May 2018
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-

P/18/294/FUL Single storey extension to enlarge kitchen 2 Pen Maen Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5ED
P/18/309/FUL Demolish existing conservatory and construct a new single storey rear extension 12 Rhodfa Mes Broadlands Bridgend CF31 5BF
P/18/349/FUL Stable and tack room in garden of Brodawel Brodawel Laleston CF32 0NR

The Meeting Closed at 8.40pm

………………………………………… Chairperson

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