Minutes – 16th November, 2017
Minutes of the Ordinary monthly meeting of Laleston Community Council held at Blandy Hall – 16th November, 2017
Present: Councillors Cheryl Green, Ian Spiller, Dave Harrison, Roger Davies,Charles Smith and Dan Woolridge
Cllr Ian Griffiths in the Chair
17/153 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
17/154 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Tony Berrow, Briony Davies, Pam Davies, Jon-Paul Blundell, Colin Davies, Ian Griffiths and Tom Turner.
17/155 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting, (15 minutes maximum)
None present.
17/156 Declarations of Interest
The Clerk asked if any Councillors had any declarations of interest to declare to the Council.
No declarations of interest were declared.
17/157 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th October, 2017 be approved as an accurate record.
The Deputy Chair signed the minutes.
17/158 Matters arising from Minutes
17/100 Defibrillator at Laleston
Cllr Dan Woolridge confirmed that he had spoken to the owner of the carpet shop in Laleston and stated that he was happy to have a defibrillator installed but needed to seek permission from the landlady in the first instance in which Cllr Woolridge confirmed that he will write to her to ask permission. Cllr Roger Davies questioned where the electricity supply would come from Cllr Woolridge confirmed would come from the shop with a grant given by the Council to pay for the electricity. Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that permission had been granted for Tesco’s in Broadlands. Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that he will speak to the manager in Tesco’s to get the name and contact to seek clarification for installation.
RESOLVED: Cllr Dan Woolridge agreed to write to the landlady of the Carpet shop to seek permission for the defibrillator to be installed. Cllr Ian Spiller agreed to speak to the manager at Tesco’s in Broadlands to seek the contact details for Tesco’s head office to ask permission for the electricity supply.
17/146 Nomination of Councillor for the Sun Credit Solar Community Benefit Fund
Cllr Cheryl Green confirmed that she is a committee member of the Sun Credit Solar Community Fund and requested that another Councillor volunteer to attend the meeting taking place next year. Cllr Ian Griffiths stated that he would be happy to attend the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Ian Griffiths was nominated as Councillor for the Sun Credit Solar Community Benefit Fund.
17/148 Summer Playschemes
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted Porthcawl Town Council and confirmed that their playschemes are run by Awen Cultural Trust.
17/151 Bryntirion Infant School – Request for funding
The Clerk issued the Council with a list of grants given to schools over the last 4 years.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred to the next meeting.
17/159 Fireworks and Laser Display – 4th November, 2017
The Clerk confirmed that the event went very well with a large number of people attending, she confirmed that there was some very positive feedback following the event also.
Cllr Dave Harrison confirmed that he had also received positive feedback, and proposed that buckets be circulated next year in aid of supporting the Community Centre. Cllr Roger Davies expressed concern regarding the traffic congestion on the night, Cllr Ian Spiller confirmed that there should have been an event plan carried out prior to the event and stated that he would be happy to co-ordinate an event plan for further years. Cllr Roger Davies stated that a risk assessment should also be carried out. The Clerk asked if a date could be confirmed for next year, Cllr Cheryl Green proposed that Saturday 3rd November, 2018 be considered and Cllr Ian Spiller seconded the proposal. Council agreed that the event planners proposed to be Cllr’s Ian Spiller and Roger Davies and that preparation for the event starts in March 2018.
Cllr Dave Harrison suggested that the football club be asked to help support with parking in which Council agreed the Clerk to contact permission before the next event.
RESOLVED: That Cllr’s Ian Spiller and Roger Davies were nominated as event planners for the fireworks in 2018. The Clerk to contact the football club nearer the event next year to ask permission for parking.
17/160 OAP’s Christmas Lunch – Sunday 3rd December, 2017
The Clerk confirmed that she has received several responses for the Christmas lunch to be held at the Scouts Hall starting at 12.30pm on Sunday 3rd December, 2017 with food being served for 1.00pm and the choir from Llangewydd School attending at 2.30pm.
The Clerk asked if any Councillors would be available to assist on the day, Cllr’s Dave Harrison and Ian Griffiths offered their support on the day. Cllr Roger Davies requested that the Clerk send an e-mail to all Councillors to ask for volunteers on the day due to many not being present at this meeting.
17/161 Accounts for Payment October 2017
Description | Amount inc VAT |
Welsh Water – Allotments | 81.36 |
Smith of Derby – Part payment for clock repairs | 273.60 |
Blandy Trust – Part payment for water bill | 46.90 |
Dean Martin – Planting of handing baskets | 367.50 |
BCBC – Local election costs | 4,556.00 |
Bridgend County Civic Charity – Donation | 200.00 |
RNLI – Donation | 200.00 |
Wales Air Ambulance | 200.00 |
Bookers Cash and Carry – Hand Towels | 26.38 |
SLCC – Clerks Training Course | 118.80 |
SLCC – Annual Membership Renewal | 139.00 |
McColls – 12 x 1st class stamps | 7.80 |
Swalec – Electricity July – September 2017 Blandy Hall | 103.90 |
Amanda Parsons – Salary October 2017 | 1,118.71 |
Bryntirion & Laleston OAP’s Association – Donation | 750.00 |
TOTAL | 8,179.95 |
FSG Meeting/Precept
The Clerk informed Council that the next FSG meeting to discuss the precept is taking place on 23rd November, 2017.
17/162 Correspondence October/November, 2017
– Letter of thanks received from Wales Air Ambulance for the £200 donation granted by the Council.
– Note of thanks from the RNLI for the £200 donation granted by the Council.
17/163 Reports and Observations Received October/November, 2017
– Cllr Tony Berrow reported that a panel had been removed from the bus shelter by Tesco’s in Broadlands.
RESOLVED: The Clerk confirmed that she had reported this to Traffic & Transportation at BCBC.
17/164 Planning Applications – October/November 2017
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-
Cllr Ian Spiller proposed that the Council objects to P/17/865/FUL due to the possibility of parking problems outside of the property. The Council unanimously voted for the objection.
Meeting closed at 7.53pm