Minutes – 16th February 2017
Minutes of a meeting of Laleston Community Council
Held at the Blandy Hall – Thursday 16thFebruary, 2017
Present: Councillors Briony Davies, Ian Spiller, Cheryl Green, Tom Green, Dan Woolridge, Mark Fouracre, David Harrison, Pam Davies, Kathy Lewis, Hazel Kendall, Steve Sloan, Thomas Turner
Cllr Tony Berrow in the Chair.
17/18 Silent Reflection
Councillors held a period of silent reflection.
17/19 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Ian Spiller.
17/20 To consider suspension of meeting to receive representations from local residents, if in attendance at meeting.
The meeting was suspended due to an allotment holder being in attendance at the meeting asking if he could maintain chickens on the site.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to agenda this item for the next meeting.
The Council received a presentation from Mr Gerald Rothwell National Public Access Defibrillator Manager to provide the meeting with details about defibrillators and gave the Council a demonstration of how to use one. He stated that Communities can apply to the British Heart Foundation and ask for a £400 contribution and they pay for the rest, however he stated that they do not pay for a cabinet and these would cost approximately £400. He confirmed that you can purchase a maintenance package but stated that you do not need one as the machine checks itself and the battery has a long life and confirmed the pads are replaced free of charge. He further confirmed that First Responders are all volunteers and have 30 hours training before being sent on calls. Council thanked Mr Rothwell for attending the meeting.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to agenda this item for the next meeting.
17/21 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Cheryl Green Agenda Item: 14 ? BCBC Member
Cllr Pam Davies Agenda Item: 14? BCBC Member
Cllr Kathy Lewis Agenda Item: 7 School Governor
17/22 Minutes of previous meeting
It was resolved that the Minutes of the previous meeting be amended at minute number 17/11 to include details of an e-mail received from Ryan Gibson of Coity and Bridgend First Responders and 17/12 amended from Trail to Trial.
Following a motion from Cllr Cheryl Green, seconded by Cllr Steve Sloan it was:-
RESOLVED: That the remainder of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th January, 2017 be accepted as a true record.
17/23 Matters arising from Minutes
17/16 Distribution of Laleston Stones Trail Leaflets
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted the Seaside News and they stated that they only deliver to Broadlands and Laleston and not Bryntirion and Cefn Glas with a charge £40 per 1000 leaflets in which these 2 areas would cover 3500 copies. Cllr Mark Fouracre proposed that Council pay for the leaflets to be delivered to Broadlands and Laleston areas which was seconded by Cllr Steve Sloan. Cllr Dave Harrison stated that he will contact a supplier that delivers the Yellow Pages to enquire if he could distribute to Bryntirion and Cefn Glas.
RESOLVED: That the proposal be accepted.
17/24 Llangewydd School MUGA Update.
The Clerk stated that the official opening time of the MUGA will now be held at 11.15aminstead of 11.00am on the 11th March, 2017. The Clerk also confirmed that relevant signage for the MUGA has been ordered from South Wales Sports Ground. The Chair confirmed that the MUGA will remain open on weekends following the opening.
RESOLVED: That this information be noted by the Council.
17/25 Inclusive Playground – Bryntirion Community Centre
The Clerk confirmed that Sutcliffe’s have programmed the installation to start on the 22ndMarch, 2017.
RESOLVED: That this information be noted by the Council.
17/26 Allotments – Rules and Regulations
The Clerk confirmed that she had researched The National Allotment Society website and stated that under ‘Allotment Management’ there was a document called ‘Growing in the Community’ which provided 62 pages of information relating to allotments.
RESOLVED: That this information be noted by the Council.
17/27 Christmas Lights
The Clerk confirmed that she had received an e-mail from Blachere advising that they had a sale on their Ex hire lights with a further offer of buy one and get one free. Following consultation with the Chair a further 14 lights were purchased at a cost of £2349.60. Cllr Mark Fouracre proposed to approve the purchase of the additional lights, Cllr Steve Sloan seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the proposal be accepted.
17/28 Finance Update
Accounts for Payment January 2017
Description | Amount inc VAT |
Smith of Derby Ltd – Service and maintenance of Church clock | £265.20 |
SGD – Installation of CCTV Cameras at Llangewydd School | £1264.17 |
Cee Jay Landscapes – Removal of tree at Blandy Hall and erect interpretation board at Broadlands | £426.00 |
Asda – Purchase of black and colour ink cartridges | £23.00 |
Pentagon Sport Ltd – Outdoor play equipment at Trelales School | £9600.00 |
McColls – 12 x 1st Class Stamps | £7.68 |
Blachere Illuminations Ltd – Purchase of 14 Christmas lights | £2349.60 |
£13,935.65 |
17/29 Budget update as at 31st January, 2017
The Clerk produced a spreadsheet of the budget and expenditure as at 31st January, 2017.
RESOLVED: That the report be accepted.
17/30 Correspondence January/February 2017
• Letter received from Kidney Wales inviting the Council to organise a ‘Walk for Life’ to take place on Sunday 23rd April, 2017. Letter received from Bridgend County Borough Council thanking the Council for supporting the holiday play schemes during 2016 and asking the Council if they wish to continue to support this scheme in 2017.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to decline this year.
• Letter received from Bridge Mentoring Plus Scheme asking for financial support to continue to help the people of Bridgend.
RESOLVED: Council asked that we receive a copy of their accounts.
• E-mail received from the Active Bridgend Officer for Partnerships and Development, BCBC asking if there was anyone involved in the Community Council that would be interested in leading a walk for the annual Love2walk festival using the community’s rights of way which takes place in June.
RESOLVED: Cllr Cheryl Green agreed to take the information to considerleading a walk.
• Letter received from BCBC thanking the Council for supporting last year’s Summer Playscheme and asking if the Council would be prepared to support this year’s Summer Playscheme.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to fund and support this year’s Summer Playscheme at Maes yr Haul School.
17/31 Reports and Observations Received December 2016/January 2017
• Cllr Tony Berrow reported that there are 4 manholes that require repairing on Heol Blandy and also a pot hole at Bryngolau outside the school.
The Clerk confirmed that she has reported to Custcare at BCBC and they stated that most of Heol Blandy has not been adopted.
RESOLVED: Council asked that the Clerk contact Persimmon Homes.
• Cllr Tony Berrow reported that some of the street lights on Heol Blandy are still not working.
The Clerk confirmed that she has reported to Street Lighting at BCBC
RESOLVED: Council asked that the Clerk contact Persimmon Homes.
• Cllr Cheryl Green requested that a site meeting takes place after half term in order for Councillors to assess the safety of children arriving in cars to school, she confirmed that a Highways Officer would also be happy to attend if the Council so wish. CG proposed 3.00pm on a Friday. Cllr Mark Fouracre proposed that Cllr Cheryl Green consults with BCBC and inform the Clerk of a date and time to circulate to all Councillors.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Cheryl Green to confirm a date and time with the Highways Officer and inform the Clerk.
• The Chair confirmed that he had contacted a surveyor to visit Blandy Hall. Cllr Briony Davies stated that following a meeting with Reverend Beer confirmation needs to be clarified concerning legal responsibilities of the Blandy Hall and further trustees need to be sought.
• Cllr Dave Harrison confirmed that the areas have been marked ready for maintaining the Biodiversity areas in Bryntirion.
• The Chair stated that Rockwool had offered the Bryntirion Community Association insulation free of charge thanks to Mrs Bernie McLeer and a quotation has been sought to install the isolation. RESOLVED: Council agreed to agenda for the next meeting.
17/32 Planning Applications – January/February 2017
The following planning applications/appeals have been made during the past 2 months:-
The meeting closed at 8.35pm
……………………………………………………………….. Chairperson