Minutes – 13th December 2018

Minutes – 13th December 2018


Minutes of Council Meeting held at Laleston and Bryntirion Community Centre.

on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7pm.

Present: Councillors: Ian Griffiths (Chairman)

Tony Berrow, Briony Davies, Colin Davies, Pam Davies, Roger Davies (Acting Minute Secretary), Cheryl Green, Ian Spiller, Tom Turner and Dan Woolridge.

The Council held a period of silent reflection.

Item 1:​Apologies for Absence.

18/152 ​Councillors John Paul Blundell and Charles Smith.

There were no representations from the Public.

Item 2:​Declarations of Interest.

18/153 ​There were no declarations of interest.

Item 3:​Acceptance of Minutes of the Meeting held on 10thNovember 2018.

18/154 ​Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held 10thNovember 2018 were a correct record of the meeting and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

Item 4: ​Matters arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held 10th November 2018.


4.1​(para. 18/132) – LCC mobile phone: Action for Clerkfollowing start on 7th January 2019.

4.2. ​(para. 18/133) Action Doors: A second quotation is to be obtained for comparison. (Chair/RD to action).

4.3. ​(para. 2/15) Allotments: Meeting planned for 12th January 2019.

4.4 ​(para. 18/135(ii)) Defibrillators: Additional items passed to IS.

4.5​(para. 18/135(iii)) Stone wall repairs: Matter still outstanding but also to include

painting for gardening club . (Chair to Action).

4.6. ​(para.150) Elite Signs: Chair to send email Friday 14thDecember 2018.

Item 5:​One Voice Wales Meeting Update.

18/156 ​Consultation to continue following Clerk appointment on 7th January 2019 and to include Job Evaluation.

Item 6:​Precept 2019/2020.

18/157 ​An Extraordinary Meeting of the Council is to be held on Wednesday 9th January at 7.00pm. Members were asked to submit projects for consideration in advance of this date.

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Item 7:​Chair’s Report.

18/158​Nothing to report.

Item 8:​Correspondence.


8.1​Council had received an Insurance Claim from a member of the Public and details have been passed to the Council Insurers for action.

Item 9: ​Reports and Observations.

18/160 ​Details actioned by CG.

Item 10:​Planning Applications.

18/161 Nothing to report.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.


​Date : 17th January 2019.

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