Minutes – 12 June 2019

Minutes – 12 June 2019

Laleston Community Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Laleston Community Council

held at the Bryntirion Community Centre on

Wednesday, 12 June 2019 commencing at 7.00pm

Present: Cllrs T Berrow (Chair), C Green (Acting RFO), T Green, Dr C Smith, B Davies (Acting Minute Clerk), I Spiller, P Davies and JP Blundell

Apologies: Cllrs T Turner, D Woolridge, C Davies and I Griffiths

  1. 19.94 Council had previously received the Internal Audit Report, and all Councillors have studied it in detail and accept its recommendation with some reservations. The Acting RFO had sought the opinion of a previous Clerk, Mrs J Smith, a qualified accountant for guidance. Mrs Smith produced a detailed report detailing Councils responses to the Internal Audit Report, with recommendations and this document had been circulated to all Councillor with the Agenda. This report will be sent to the Wales External Auditor along with a covering letter from Cllr C Green as Acting RFO.

1.1 Council Approved the documents in full and accepted all the recommendations made by Mrs Smith.

1.2 Council Approved the 2018/19 Financial Accounts.

1.3 Council Approved the Account Statement, which was signed by the Chair, Cllr A R Berrow and Cllr C Green as Acting RFO.

1.4 Council tasked Cllr T Green to put the necessary notice of our accounts being made available to the public to be displayed in all councils notice board on Friday 4th June 2019.

1.5 Council noted that one of the recommendations was to rescind the following minute from LCC April Meeting Minutes:

Item 8: To consider the formation of Finance Committee and Personnel Committee with 19/65 terms of reference.

The following Councillors were nominated to stand on the Finance Committee:

Councillors T Berrow; J P Blundell; C Davies; T Green; I Spiller; Chair and Vice Chair.

The recommendation stated that Full Council should be responsible for all Financial decisions. Council agreed to the recommendation and asked that the decision to rescind this minute be placed on the next Full Council Meeting Agenda for 20 June 2019

2. 19.95 Cllrs T Green and the Chair had met with Ms L Miller BCBC Compliance Officer regarding asbestos in the Bryntirion Community Center. She has recommended sealing the asbestos and has provided the names of specialist contractors. The caretaker has sealed off the area in question and the Chair will contact the contractors for costings and timescales. Council delegated the decision regarding which contractor to use to the Chair and Approved the expenditure. Cllr T Green had organised the PACT testing, the work had been undertaken and Council Approved that payment to the contractor. The Chair has arranged for some road marking to be completed, as the contractor will be on site, Council Approved the disabled parking bays in the Community Center car park be re-painted. The contractors will need to be paid on the day and Council Approved the acting RFO write the cheque for the Chair to give to the contractor on completion of the work.

3. 19.96 After the Agenda for this meeting was circulated, Cllr C Green had been notified of the sad news that Councils previous Clerk, Mr Terry Lardeaul-Randall had passed away. Terry had been LCC Clerk for nearly 40 years. All Councillors present that knew Terry expressed their sorrow at the news and expressed how much respect he had not only within the Council but the whole Community, he would be sadly missed. Council agreed to send flowers to his widow, Gaynor, with all their best wishes.

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