Minutes – 10th November 2018
Minutes of Council Meeting held at Laleston and Bryntirion Community Centre
on Thursday 10th November 2018 at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors: Ian Griffiths(Chair), Tony Berrow, Tom Turner, Ian Spiller
Colin Davies, Charles Smith, Dan Woolridge, Briony Davies, John Paul
Blundell, Roger Davies(acting minute secretary).
The Council held a period of silent reflection.
18/138 Apologies: Cllrs Cheryl Green, Pam Davies.
18/139 The meeting was suspended to hear representation from members of the public.
Residents of Laleston requested that the Council make a submission to the
B.C.B.C. Planning Dept.over the Planning Application by the El Prado
restaurant to make alterations to the exit and entrance to their Car Park.
RESOLVED: The Council agreed to write to B.C.B.C. objecting to the
proposed alterations due to the safety issues affecting parent and school
children at the start and end of the school day.
18/140 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Briony Davies(Allotments holder),Cllr J P
Blundell (Planning).
18/141 Acceptance of Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th October 2018.
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held 18th October 2018 were a correct
record of the meeting and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
18/142 Matters arising from the minutes (high level action plan)
(para 18/131(i) This minute was proposed to be rescinded and from discussion it
was resolved to examine further options for a financial package and to consider
the views of the new Clerk/RFO when in place.
(para 1/7) Whitelining: The location was confirmed as Cricklewood Close.
(Chair to Action)
(para 18/132) LCC mobile phone: A multi utility package to be investigated.
(Chair/IS to Action)
(para 18/133) Action Doors: A meeting was held and the work is to be scheduled.
(Chair/RD to Action)
(para 2/15) Allotments: Update to be given at December meeting.
(Chair to Action)
(para 9/68) Bat Boxes: See agenda item 10
(para 3/23) End of Year Accounts: Report obtained and placed in Files.
(para 18/135(ii)) Defibrillators: Equipment to be out in place. (IS to Action)
(para 18/135(iii) Stone wall repairs: Contractor/Council meeting to be scheduled.
(Chair to Action)
Asbestos Survey report not found in Clerk files(RD)
Change of meeting date for December to be made Public(Chair)
18/142 Clerk Appointment Update: It was reported that there were 10/11 applications
already received and due to holiday plans RD was appointed to the Interview
Panel. Interviews are scheduled for Saturday 24th. November. Council also agreed
for meetings to arranged with One Voice Wales and “Phil Jones” (Duty holder)
to assist in Clerk integration plans.
RESOLVED: Action: Chair to arrange meetings.
18/143 Firework Display: Cllr Ian Spiller(IS) presented a comprehensive Event
Management Plan for members and the explained the need for it to be further
developed withinCouncil for the 2019/20 event scheduled for 2nd. November 2019.
RESOLVED: Council agreed that IS is appointed as the Event Manager and the
document is to be “signed off “ at the Sept. 2019 Council meeting. Action IS
18/144 Community Centre Update: Cllr Roger Davies (RD) reported that the Building
Survey Report cost schedule is to be updated and made available to Council
together with draft Business Plan.
RESOLVED: The outcomes are to be reported to Council for the L.C.C. January
meeting. Action RD
18/145 Laleston Allotments Update: Council discussed outcome of recent meetings and
correspondence and agreed the way forward for the future management
RESOLVED: Appoint an Allotment Sub. Committee. Action Chair.
Continue to meet monthly. Action Chair.
Circulate standard letter of Terms and Conditions to plot holders.
Action Chair.
Schedule meetings in January for report back to Council. Action
18/146 Bat Boxes at Bryntirion: Council discussed options for the installations on the basis
of 3 units per tree.
RESOLVED: Plans to be put in place for completion. Action Chair/TB
18/147 Finance update: No update provided.
18/148 Chairs Report: Nothing to report.
18/149 Correspondence: Nothing to report.
18/150 Reports/Observations: A letter of thanks is to be sent to Elite Signs. Action Chair.
18/151 Planning Applications: Council agreed to write to Highways Planning to express
concern on the El Prado application on the basis of “School Safety” issues at that
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm.